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Keygen is working perfectly, just follow all the steps mentioned in the first post, don't block link-assistant in hosts file, until you finish registration.. using keygen is easy than most people think..
(05-09-2014 10:34 PM)iTake Wrote: [ -> ]Keygen is working perfectly, just follow all the steps mentioned in the first post, don't block link-assistant in hosts file, until you finish registration.. using keygen is easy than most people think..
I second that! Use firewall to block the IP. For xp users - comodo fw or softperfect fw - bot free.
Thanks a lot, Rep+
Please Help - what do I do to sort the following issue.

I am getting the following problem.

Software installs.
I have changed the windows firewall as above
Key gen works

But when you switch on internet, the software gives error message that the user is not registered and does not allow me to go forward.
@rafiki ...I also changed my anti-virus firewall to block the Ip address
How can I find password ? :(
Trojan in crack.
worked fine for me. just follow instructions
VT Scan shows 5 viruses, why is that ?
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