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Full Version: [GET] [UPDATED] SEO PowerSuite 2014 (Enterprise Edition) $599 - Keygen by BlackNinjx
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please tell me the password for rar file SPS13_Blcknjx.
I have download seo powersuite installed 4 program. key generated by the key keygen is not accepted by the 4 program link assistant. it shows following message i pop up.
sorry this registration is not valid. I have generated more than 100 keys but same result invalid registration key. I am trying to register it from last night. Please help me.
(05-06-2013 02:33 PM)sajug Wrote: [ -> ]I have download seo powersuite installed 4 program. key generated by the key keygen is not accepted by the 4 program link assistant. it shows following message i pop up.
sorry this registration is not valid. I have generated more than 100 keys but same result invalid registration key. I am trying to register it from last night. Please help me.

Thanks DopeMan, BlackNinjx, Stas-P.
(03-28-2013 08:14 PM)DopeMan Wrote: [ -> ]There is a soloution to bypass the host check. I found it in the comments under the anti piracy post on their facebook page.

nevermind, here is the instruction. its working for me. no stupid hosts file fixes.

1. downgrad your SEO PowerSuite to free and remove the hosts-file redirection
2. Load all updates
3. setup privoxy
4. go to the privoxy install dir and search for the file user.action (for me it is located in C:\Program Files\Privoxy)
5. Add this code to the bottom of the file:
{+block{link assistant.} +handle-as-empty-document}
6. in your tool (eg. ranktracker) go to proxy settings and set as IP: and port is 8118 (standard port which privoxy runs)

And it works.
all request to the link assistant server will now bring up an empty page for every tool which is specified to use this proxy (u can test in firefox, set there the proxy to

help error : i installed privoxy but when add proxy for ranktracker
[Image: proxy.jpg]
For guys who are having problems, follow exactly DopeMan method...
1. Install it, enter free license. Update as usual
2. Install privoxy, add this to the bottom of user.action file in the privoxy installation folder (Like C:\Program Files\Privoxy or C:\Program Files (x64)\Privoxy)
{+block{link assistant.} +handle-as-empty-document}
3. In Proxy Settings of the SEO Suite programs, enter, port 8118 (not 8181 @harryinfo)
4. Skip to step 5 if you already have this. INSTALL .net framework 4.0
5. Open BlackNinjx app, generate corresponding serial, enter it in the SEO Suite program.
[hide]6. Voila![/spoiler]
Like the rar password for the rar file. can not find.
(01-11-2013 03:25 AM)hackvn9x Wrote: [ -> ]Pass for file SPS13_Blckjx.rar? thanks
I also don`t have a password and don`t see anywhere here...
Thank BlackNinjx and DopeMan. You guys are briliant. It works like a charm.
Hi can some one send me the rar password please?
thanks and advance
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