After 30 days it has stopped working. The serial is valid, and as long as you block the servers in hosts file there is no problem there. But it seems that they have updated the software recently, so it tries to connect itself to the servers during the requests (eg.: rank tracking) and the tasks report a "broken" error. I've tried changing the license and reinstalling it all, but nothing...
More info about the error I'm taking:
Thanks Man, nice share ;)
(02-18-2013 03:33 AM)yabier Wrote: [ -> ]After 30 days it has stopped working. The serial is valid, and as long as you block the servers in hosts file there is no problem there. But it seems that they have updated the software recently, so it tries to connect itself to the servers during the requests (eg.: rank tracking) and the tasks report a "broken" error. I've tried changing the license and reinstalling it all, but nothing...
More info about the error I'm taking:
Yes, same here...
All my query requests are BROKEN, so no results at all.
Can we fix this somehow?
I just tested it out and I'm not having a problem.
Today i run rantracker and....can't check rank any keyword. I don't know how to fix it!
I can't save proxys I add in rank tracker. Do you know a fix for this, please ?
Quote: Today i run rantracker and....can't check rank any keyword. I don't know how to fix it!
You need to remove the host patch, run the program and install the free license. It will then fully update the search engine algorithms. Than just re-enable the host patch and re-install the license.
Quote: I can't save proxys I add in rank tracker. Do you know a fix for this, please ?
Running Proxy's in Rank Tracker bypasses the host file and causes the Program to see that it's not activated. So you can't use proxies with the cracked version.
thank you so much , you are the man. :)
Can someone please give me serial number. My internet security guard not allow me to open it.
(02-27-2013 07:08 PM)Slim Shaddy Wrote: [ -> ]Can someone please give me serial number. My internet security guard not allow me to open it.
Pause your Anti Virus and then re-download and run.