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Full Version: [GET] TH3M3FOREST - N3WSPAP3R THEME - v.8.7 – UPDATED TODAY 06TH of MAY -2018
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is this false positive , dont know much about viruses.

Bkav VEX3E58.Webshell 20160226
(02-28-2016 12:26 PM)PandaBB Wrote: [ -> ]is this false positive , dont know much about viruses.

Bkav VEX3E58.Webshell 20160226

As I've ever known before, this warning comes from the folder call "patch_6.6.2_6.6.5". If you don't use a patch then no need to worries about.

New fresh installing theme would be the best way. Please do backup your old one before update your theme. Hope this help.

Thanaponth B.
Thanks! 5 reps added
nice share Thanks
IF you search the internet for VEX3E58.Webshell only page that comes up is this thread.
Enjoy! :)
seems need to activate

any nulled version?
I don't think it needs activation. The activation code is for automatic updates.

First time install doesn't need activation.
Can someone reupload to other than zippyshare? for some reason zippyshare site not loading for me.. tried many ways :(
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