Wondering if you will get a chance to share 6.1 they just updated it :) Big thanks if you can share it.
(06-18-2015 06:56 AM)ocguy Wrote: [ -> ]ilikeseggs, I purchased this theme for myself.
Thank you for your reps...
Will do...trouble uploading right now, will try again later.
Here you go, v6.1 to download. If you end up liking it please purchase from developer.
Thanks ocguy for latest update.
Thanks a lot for your share. Version6 is really greeeeat.
Tried it but I get the activation message. I tried using the version 4 instruction to null it but doesn't seem to work. Anyone having luck finding a safe nulled version?
Rep +1 added :D
Thank you very much :)
Thank you all...
I read that you can still use it without activation. Activation is for is for automatic updates of the theme.
I personally don't see it as a big deal because you can get updates in the forum.