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Full Version: [GET] TH3M3FOREST - N3WSPAP3R THEME - v.8.7 – UPDATED TODAY 06TH of MAY -2018
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PM me when update is out and I will post here for you to download.
I tried to install it, but I receive the following message:
Unpacking the package…

Installing the theme…

The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.

Theme install failed.
1. Right click on file
2. Select extract all...
the above action will open file....
3. Find Newspaper-tf folder (double click it)
4. The 9th file down is a zipped folder named "Newspaper"
The NEWSPAPER theme is in that folder. Any question feel free to ask...

Don't forget to upload the included plugins inside the folder names plugins...
Thank You..!! Thank You.!! :)
You welcome!
v3.8.3.1 Out there? Please share!
Thank you :) reps added

This is the latest was purchased yesterday.
I renamed it with wrong version though. It is as current as you can get from the seller.
hope you liked it
@ocguy, seller updated to v3.8.3.1 on 22 MAY.
New are -
1. Visual Composer Updated to latest
2. Social Counter Updated to latest

By the way I also purchased it from tagDiv themeforest :)
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