Thnx Man,
Its Very Very Awesome
(06-17-2015 04:13 PM)bobtosh Wrote: [ -> ]Will google tell me off for using this theme for free?
No, but the author of the theme would if he were able to find this post doing a Google search.
(06-16-2015 06:08 AM)ocguy Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you insiemes and utahman1971 for explaining this to ilikeseggs.
ilikeseggs, with all do respect you sound like my ex-wife...unappreciative.
I always get a chuckle when someone starts a sentence with "with all due respect" and ends with an insult. Well, at least you were half right...I am unappreciative of your motives which are quite clear when three other people had to answer a simple question that many people were asking up until now. As for your motive? Well, what else could it be...reps. I think people lose sight what a forum is all about: Sharing, Q&A, research before you buy, etc. To each his own. For the record...I did thank/rep you...just had a simple/valid question.
ilikeseggs, I purchased this theme for myself.
Thank you for your reps...
hope you have a chance to see if its good to purchase or not...
Cool ocguy...will try it. I am currently researching "which is the best news/magazine" theme for a big blog project I am doing, so this theme will go in the testing que. Regards...
You welcome ilikeeggs.
Anyone that likes eggs is a friend of mine...
In case anyone else is having a problem with Newspaper theme v6 and Composer, here's what happened to me.
Short version:
I had BackupBuddy installed and it caused Visual Composer to break. After I uninstalled BackupBuddy, then Visual Composer worked again without issues.
Long Version:
On one site I have installed Wordpress 4.2.2 / Newspaper v4.6.3 / Composer v4.3.3 / tagDiv Speed Booster 3.2 / tagDiv Social Counter 2.10 and everything worked no issues.
On another website, I have Wordpress 4.2.2 / Newspaper 4.6.3, Visual Composer v4.5.2 / tagDiv Speed Booster 3.2 / tagDiv Social Counter 2.10
and that combo works without issues.
I upgrade on the site with Composer 4.3.3 to Newspaper v6.0 / Composer v4.5.2. / tagDiv Speed Booster 4.0 / tagDiv Social Counter 3.0
After installing Newspaper 6.0 / Composer v4.5.2 some things stopped working / broke:
- old Composer block code broke and just showed code.
- if I click on Posts section ( wp-admin/edit.php), I got a white screen with nothing to do edit or view.
- if I add new Post, I can edit page, but both Composer button / option and WYSIWYG editor not visible. The buttons to switch between "Visual / Text' don't work.
- if I add new Page, same issue as Post, but also I can see a Visual Composer box below Page template settings. It is just in text format, no GUI.
- if I view existing Page, the original content isn't appearing and both Composer button / option and WYSIWYG editor not visible.
I uninstalled Visual Composer and I was able to view the Posts section without any white blank screen.
I thought it might be the Composer version, so i uninstalled Composer v4.5.2 and tried the old version Composer v4.3.3 and it worked BUT one key function didn't work.
Although I see the Composer "Modes" but if I try to drag'n'drop the Composer blocks the block doesn't move and just freezes. I was able to use drag'n'drop with Composer when I had Newspaper v4.6.2 and Composer v4.3.3 installed together. Now with Newspaper v6.0 and Composer v4.3.3 drag'n'drop is broken.
That's really helpful because I have one site that is slower and I've been wondering how to find out why!
(06-19-2015 06:29 PM)Bukan Siapa2 Wrote: [ -> ]I use this plugin to find out which ones make slow plugins. May be a combination of specific plugin can create a website crash.