(09-16-2014 07:55 PM)insiemes Wrote: [ -> ]Latest version needs code for activation
Its just you. Works just fine
Key is requested after short time working
Please activate the theme! - Click here to enter your code - if this is an error please contact us at activate@tagdiv.com
Has a callback? How to prevent beeing detected ? Anyone seen the code ?
having the same, its just came up
(09-17-2014 12:41 AM)dumdi Wrote: [ -> ]Please activate the theme! - Click here to enter your code - if this is an error please contact us at activate@tagdiv.com
Has a callback? How to prevent beeing detected ? Anyone seen the code ?
The easiest option
As far as I understood, it is responsible for the activation of "
td block.php" file.
File Location: ....
/ wp-content / themes / Newspaper / includes / wp_booster / td_block.php
Next, you can explore on the file and delete what you need!
I have helped in any case!
.....Opens the file with Notepad or any other editor!
Looking at about 254 lines ...
(09-17-2014 12:41 AM)dumdi Wrote: [ -> ]Please activate the theme! - Click here to enter your code - if this is an error please contact us at activate@tagdiv.com
Has a callback? How to prevent beeing detected ? Anyone seen the code ?
From the TagDiv support forum:
You can use the theme on multiple setups and you can enter the same code for each setup. It’s not bound to a domain so you don’t need to worry.
Thank you, Emil G.
The purchase code. Imagine, that won't be shared. Licence in fact allowes only one install, if dev. allowes more installations that's a plus and thanks for that.
Still, paskaties, can you make a more clear tutorial ? Thanks.
(09-18-2014 12:34 AM)dumdi Wrote: [ -> ]Still, paskaties, can you make a more clear tutorial ? Thanks.
Tutorial for what?
To remove the activation window?