09-26-2014, 04:27 AM
V 4.4 – 25 September
added new custom made infinite scrolling script with support for a ‘load more’ button after x number of pages
fixed the load more and infinite scroll animation
added option in panel to show the author under the title of the post
added rel=”nofollow” to all the social profile links
fixed mega menu selected style when one of the subcategories from the menu is selected
added help text to all the page templates
we renamed the bbpress template (please select it again if you are using the bbpress forum)
the loding animation now gets the theme color insted of black as default
The list of modified files
added new custom made infinite scrolling script with support for a ‘load more’ button after x number of pages
fixed the load more and infinite scroll animation
added option in panel to show the author under the title of the post
added rel=”nofollow” to all the social profile links
fixed mega menu selected style when one of the subcategories from the menu is selected
added help text to all the page templates
we renamed the bbpress template (please select it again if you are using the bbpress forum)
the loding animation now gets the theme color insted of black as default
The list of modified files