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Full Version: [GET] TH3M3FOREST - N3WSPAP3R THEME - v.8.7 – UPDATED TODAY 06TH of MAY -2018
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Yes, and to not be detected. Not just the message. The code that triggers to dev. to see sites without licence entered.
Ok! I do not give any guarantee that it is 100% working, but getting started will fit!

*Disable Activation window (top and left side)

1.[Image: sghuaTt.png]

2. [Image: ?di=114109703946]

3. Open Notepad or another editor......
and delete it, which mark the red frame

[Image: ?di=1141097043211]

4. Save and upload back to the server!

[Image: ?di=16141097059916]
That's it!
Be sure to have another chance, but this is the only option on my part!

There is a need to look more files and see who is responsible for what!!
Hope it works for you guys...
It does hide the message to activate, but does it effectively null the theme? I highly doubt it. We need to disable all callbacks to tagdiv for it to work safely.
hope you guys are able to null it...
"td_block.php" file UPDATE

Removed all associated with the activation request!

*Copy the file "td_block.php" on your server!


xD done =)
Checking the authenticity of the theme!!!
TAC checks themes for malicious or potentially unwanted code. TAC (Theme Authenticity Checker)

[Image: ?di=0141156462215]
Work , Thanks Bro :)
(09-25-2014 03:29 AM)ifaala Wrote: [ -> ]Work , Thanks Bro :)

You're welcome.
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