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Full Version: [GET] TH3M3FOREST - N3WSPAP3R THEME - v.8.7 – UPDATED TODAY 06TH of MAY -2018
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thank .. you .. i love this theme
new version plz
Hello if we will not activate what errors we might face
You will probably get a warning from your hosting company that you are using a theme that you didn't purchase.
(10-14-2014 12:55 AM)mmuuss93 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello if we will not activate what errors we might face


if you need to activate... you can buy it (and thanks to @ocguy, because the information :D))
if you need want to use it for free... you can download it (here... and thanks to @ocguy, because he shared :D))

and... good luck to you :D !
any news on v4.5? are you going to upload it?
Thank you very much ;)
To disable the activation and the callback,

1. Go to wp-content/themes/Newspaper/includes/wp_booster
2. Delete old td_block.php, download the new nulled one from link below and replace the old
(10-21-2014 12:06 PM)gjds12 Wrote: [ -> ]To disable the activation and the callback,

1. Go to wp-content/themes/Newspaper/includes/wp_booster
2. Delete old td_block.php, download the new nulled one from link below and replace the old
That was very nice help on disabling activation and callback. Thanks for that!
any news on v4.5?
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