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Full Version: [GET] TH3M3FOREST - N3WSPAP3R THEME - v.8.7 – UPDATED TODAY 06TH of MAY -2018
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I purchased this from the developer and the files have never been opened. It's clean and you don't have to worry about it being tampered with. I never installed the theme and I never looked inside the files. I just provided you with wordpress press theme.

I believe the other thread is providing a duplicate theme accept you don't know what your getting with them.
Hi ocguy ...but this is not the answer to the question "needs activation ?" !! :)

is there a problem to answer this question ? If somebody knows how to remove the activation then please be so kind and tell it ! But this question seems to be overread by everyone here
Score does not know how to do it ...!
You don't need to activate this,
activation only needed when you want support or updates from the makers of this template.
Thanks to the OP for the updates and max reps to hem.
Appi13 thanx for the answer :)
but what is this here ? as mentioned before by luixx

so the theme needs to be activated otherwise it runs in demo mode or like Appi13 that there is no activation needed ?
(09-27-2015 09:28 AM)MisterXX2 Wrote: [ -> ]hi
but what is this here ? as mentioned before by luixx

so the theme needs to be activated otherwise it runs in demo mode or like Appi13 that there is no activation needed ?
tested on my local server,everything working 100%,but i don't know if this will stay working after some days( trial period) or not , i am not a coder :/
WP Booster is a plugin. I personally don't use it, but I can see why some would.

ocguy, I just want to say that I was not implying that you did something to the theme. I was just giving a theory as to why other people are making new posts and providing links to the same theme.
Great share Max reps added
Keep the good work Thanks
thank you for the continuous updates!! =) this theme rocks!!
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