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Full Version: [GET] [Update - Ver. 2 ] Instant Money Maker - How I Make Over $100 Per Day Easily!
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"Go get a life (if you have one), you are in the wrong place at the wrong have earned my ignorance!"

Yeah Newbie Trailer Trash!

Please do ignore me! I have better things to do than screw around with a nobody with nothing!

You can only wish to have the life I have! Keep it up -

I have all the time I need to deal with a mental midget like you!

This is no more strenuous to me than a walk on the beach. I can climb into your tiny head and scull-f*ck you all day and all night!

Keep going newbie b.tch - I can handle a nitwit like you in my sleep!

Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin
Thanks a lot. Rep added
Ducane... sorry to hear about this after all that work you put in! On a more positive note its inspiring to hear someone just absolutely going for it, personally with that mentality i don't doubt eventually you'll make it :)

To quasar don't suppose you know how to combat this problem (amazon prime getting suspicious of arbitrage activity going on). Would be gutted if i found a product that a could make a clean £10 profit. Personally i'd want to keep selling it. Would your advice quasar be as someone suggested to only buy 3-4 units of each product?

Thanks in advance
(03-29-2014 12:24 PM)retiredlass 26 Wrote: [ -> ]To quasar don't suppose you know how to combat this problem (amazon prime getting suspicious of arbitrage activity going on). Would be gutted if i found a product that a could make a clean £10 profit. Personally i'd want to keep selling it. Would your advice quasar be as someone suggested to only buy 3-4 units of each product?
I don't have prime on my Amazon account so this doesn't apply to me. Is there a way for you to not to choose prime for shipping?
I do not use Prime.

I concentrate on products that exceed the minimum requirements for free shipping, so Prime is unnecessary. I have never used Prime - it is a pain in the and restrictive for all the reasons you guys comment about here.

Review my videos and posts - I have never mentioned Prime or using it - not even once.

I would have thought someone would have picked-up on that not-so-minor point by now.

I also try to concentrate on products that have a higher than $20 minimum gross profit margin. (These are everywhere!)

You either find products meeting that criteria as single product sales or you create bundles that exceed the minimum.

You guys are also missing huge opportunities - especially you folks in the UK.

Do you have any idea how many of your countrymen work in the U.S.? More importantly, do you have any idea how many of them miss the "tins" of things they used to buy in the UK?

It may only be a brand of jam or pickled fish - your countrymen will pay obscene amounts of money to get what they want.

And vice versa!

Do you guys in the U.S. ever give consideration to how many Americans would KILL for a Milky Way chocolate bar or Warheads sour ball in some obscure small UK, French and German towns?

How about particular cosmetics, deodorants, soap bars - the list is endless!

Hell, I've even made money with arbitrage on particular brands of underwear! I'm not shy - I will sell women's panties all day as long as I am making decent profits.

I have made a small fortune selling these small, but next-to-impossible-to-find "ordinary" consumables and sold them both here and in the UK!

And France, Italy, Germany, etc!

For a small fortune!

I made a post a week or so ago in a different thread. (I think it was on this forum.)

Many of you think you are too busy or too good to go to flea markets, yard sales, garage sales (or boot sales in the UK).

Just two weeks ago, I went to a small town yard sale about 35-miles outside the city limits where I live. I broke my own record for a single item arbitrage conversion.

My investment: $135

My Ebay NET profit: $12, 212

The item: A 1930s clock I bought at this small town yard sale that fewer than 200 were made and many less than that exist now. And I later found out from the clock experts roaming Ebay that I sold it for at least $5,000 too little!

I screwed-up and made $12k! How would you like to screw-up like that?!

I sold it within 90-minutes of listing it. It was the only item I have had the chance to list out of 27-pieces of treasure I found.

You guys think this is all about luck or skill. I don't know c.rap about clocks, but I sure as hell know how to use a smartphone!

When I say this stuff is everywhere, you guys think I am nuts. I can do this in my sleep! This stuff truly is EVERYWHERE!

Thousands and thousands of dollars just waiting for people to come along and claim it!

And a lot of you having a rough go think I am surely lying, joking or exaggerating! Why? What would I gain? I don't have for sale, and don't care if you love me or hate me - I just do my own thing!

But if I did have anything for sale, you can bet it really would cost a fortune!

I am an eccentric as.shole jerk - I know that. But I am not a broke eccentric as.shole jerk!

This is all about taking smart, low risk chances that are super-high yield actions!

Guys, your lights are on but nobody is at home with most of you!

Hi quazar, repped you :)

Thanks for everything
(01-18-2014 04:56 AM)Quasar Wrote: [ -> ]Okay guys,

I have the new file too - only I won't post a public link. (I almost posted this in VIP only.)

I bought it - don't need it but bought it anyway. This is just paying it forward and a cool thing to do. I had tough times many years ago too so I know what it's like.

Here's the deal:

Give me a rep to say thanks and I will PM you the download info. (Make sure your box is clear!) I don't particularly care about the reps but I do like to get thanks - especially when I go out of my way and even buy stuff I really don't need.

Please don't PM me - and, for those of you that asked, I don't give my Skype info to anyone but paying clients. I just don't have the time to respond or talk with everyone.

You can wait on someone else to post the download info, BUT

I also included a small document I use that defuses the box issue PLUS gives away two of my other sources for arbitrage goods.

This small piece of correspondence has been responsible for facilitating lot and lots of sales. If you came to me as a client, you would have to pay an obscene amount of money to get both the piece and the tactic.

The tactic needs no explanation - the content tells you all you need to know.

This is conditional on a couple of things:

1.) You DO NOT share the info or mirror the link ANYWHERE or with ANYONE. I will send it to your private email!
2.) Cretins that have posted in this thread need not post or ask - you won't get it.

How can I - will I - protect this? I opened the ebook and seeded a few words of the content. Then I changed them a few times, and made a few versions. (No I won't tell you how many.)

If you share it, I will know when I go download your share. (I know all the sites you know!)

ONLY I won't do a thing about it EXCEPT -

1.) The author is setting up a continuity component - a monthly digest. I will spend a couple of bucks and subscribe - then write a review about them. (I will tell you if they work or not AND maybe give you additional tactics.)

2.) This is just the tip of the iceberg - There are lots more ways of doing Ebay arbitrage than using Amazon. I will be putting together a few short reports on the other forms and some of the methods like:

Intra-Ebay Arbitrage
Multi-region Arbitrage
Reverse Ebay Arbitrage
Global Ebay Arbitrage

Then outsourcing all of it! (like I do)

These are just a few of the things I will write brief reports about.

ONLY if you share my links or info between each other or on other sites -

You WILL BE permanently screwed!

This will be a BBHF and Quasar exclusive - the people sharing the product or link won't get squat!

The price - at least for now - NOT A D*MN CENT!

You see - unlike lots of folks here - and the cretins and newbies - I really don't need your money!

I have not been able to come up with a way to thank the mods and admin for my VIP status - so this is my way of doing it. I am highly appreciative and thankful - and I did not miss or overlook it.

This will be my stuff - my tactics and my work - so at least it will be original - and proven. I don't write about sh*t that doesn't work.

I make lots of money just f*cking around with stuff like this - my big bucks come from writing copy and product creation.

Think in terms of a big boxcar PLUS a year - just from copywriting!

So even though I am broke and have never made any money online - I will try to provide you guys some solid Ebay info (that actually works) as a way for a poor guy like me to pay it forward.

DON'T get your panties in a twist if it takes me time to reply - I am a busy guy but will respond to every post!
Hey Quasar

+3 Rep added

I like your style. Smile

May I please have the info?
Thanks Quasar, rep given.
Looking forward to your reports :)
(01-12-2014 07:49 AM)buckmaster Wrote: [ -> ]so stupid WSO. Buy from Amazon and Sell on eBay.
You are the same newbie m.oron that has been posting this exact same comment about everything related to Ebay and arbitrage.

I've seen your posts, and can tell you're about as intelligent as a brick - and broke as a brick too.

I make six-figures a year just using this one revenue stream newbie!

How much did you say you were making being a that doesn't know s.hit about anything?!

Take a hike bozo!
Guys, those of you asking - the download links for everything are posted several places in the thread!
Reference URL's