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Thank you so much for your time and all your help!
I really, really appreciated it!!!!
Awesome thread would love to get the ebook.
Hi Quasar

+Rep added, thank you so much for your time and all your help!
I really, really appreciated it!!!
Hi Quasar

+Rep added, thank you so much for your time and all your help!
I really, really appreciated it!!!
Hi Quasar,

+Rep added, thank you so much for your time and all your help!
I really, really, really appreciated it!!!
(02-02-2014 04:30 AM)Quasar Wrote: [ -> ]So, like I posted earlier - it totally pisses me off to see someone - ANYONE - trying to turn every golden nut on a deal! It is a freakin' waste of time and costs too d*amn much money to sit on your thumb while you are counting pennies with the other hand!

Find the stuff, get the d*amn things up and sell them!
Ouch again!!!
What is starting to bother me now is that the BBHF system cannot keep up with my reps-giving.
But it's good in a way since it keeps me coming back to the thread everyday.
Anyhow, here's a tool that I've just found that I was going to use as above.
However, it seems quite versatile as it lets you look at a kw/prod history (unsure about time period) and tells you the percentage of the list that actually sold, at what price in what category
You might be able to put it to better or other uses than I can Smile
The online tool only lists the .com site but the android app can dig into the other sites
Thanks again, Quasar, for letting us have a peek into the mind of a really good entrepreneur
Rep given I def. want to crack that ebook open. Thx to Quasar for sharing this forum is friggin great.
Hi Quasar...please send me the download info...many thanks!
Not sure if anyone else has noticed the same thing, but when I have been searching for products using watchcount, I am struggling to find any margin on the items that are being displayed. I have tried looking for a range of different products, such as dietary supplements, musical instruments, clothing, accessories etc. Nonetheless, virtually everything so far has been priced very competitively on Ebay and, after taking all the fees and mark up into account, I would be selling the product for significantly more than the popular Ebay listing. I am looking at Ebay UK, so not sure if this is more of an issue over here. Perhaps, with the more popular products, the pricing inevitably becomes more competitive.

I don't mean this to sound like the "Exception Mindset" that Quasar refers to, because I am still plugging on and trying to find a workaround. Just interested to hear if anyone else has encountered similar issues.
While Quasar seems to have found high-margin products in the low-priced arena, I've had better luck finding such margins in products that sell for more than $50. Products in that range tend to have a higher price spread among sellers that are actually selling, while lower priced products, particularly dietary supplements, seem to have pretty tight and competitive pricing.

As Quasar (and the author of the product) has mentioned before, you do not have to have the lowest price to make sales. Just find a way to make your product and listing stand out in a crowded field. If you can do that, you'll make sales even if you are charging more for the product.

And yes, you might have better luck finding products that are in moderate demand while avoiding those that are in extreme demand.

Just my 2ยข. I'm sure Quasar will jump in with his thoughts in time.

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