Trick question guys - sorta.
(And yes, Russia is a top 5 market too, but this one eclipses all of them.) But selling in Russia comes with as much baggage as doing business in China or India - maybe even more. And it is just barely in the top five - you almost have to add the Ukraine to consider it a top choice.
If you read my posts, I never mentioned Ebay, Amazon or any other site.
I said most under-served and most upside. It also isn't a country, but that was what you all thought, right?
Or is it?
Name 5 countries in
No one talks about the "countries" making up Africa - Africa is simply "Africa." (Many Africans are offended by this too.)
This is the forgotten hole in the earth. NO ONE talks about or wants to sell stuff in Africa!
Only it the second largest continent and has well over one billion people.
Yet all the images we see are all like this one or worse:
All the media does is talk about famine, disease, war, genocide, etc.
Let's face it - the media thrives on delivering blood and guts, and death to all of us. This implants images and thinking that has most believing there could not be people with money here.
That is a really dumb supposition.
I have studied this market and the opportunities are incredible. The people here want the good things we all enjoy.
They all NEED the things that are taken for granted. Items like:
Shoes, cosmetics, hygiene items, small technology items, etc. (The list includes virtually anything you can think of.)
How about marketing information? (They desperately want to know how to market and sell their stuff!)
This is the textbook definition of a starving market! (No pun intended) There are desperate pockets of average and well-to-do people that will pay small fortunes just to get the most basic things we use.
And nearly NO providers to speak of - there is a nearly non-existent fulfillment mechanism.
I've done the demographic studies and market analyses already. Only, I am just not willing to take on such a massive undertaking. I already work harder than any two people I know - and I am semi-retired!
The barriers are just as prevalent here as they are in any of the top 5 markets.
It is a logistical and delivery nightmare - until you apply a variation of arbitrage.
You apply an arbitrage model to the problem to solve perceived or real problems. The biggest trick is to sell there without actually being there. (I am convinced it can be done.)
This is why I mention arbitrage and brokering to this market. You don't need to be smart or have superior marketing skills. These customers will buy any good Western products you can put in front of them.
AND THEY PAY CASH - HARD CURRENCY! Few have credit or credit cards.
There is no other market you can sell so many badly needed ORDINARY items to people that have money to spend. You only need to know or find where the pockets of rabid buyers are.
Who knows? I may sell the marketing plans I have researched so far for a million bucks. (They are worth lots more than that!)
And again, it is an arbitrage solution that will work best here. Controlling the goods and bringing them to a market that will consistently buy merchandise with cost multiples - not big margins, but several times cost of goods!
And forming a delivery process where a native is responsible for distribution. Instead of shipping source-to-consumer, you ship from source-to-delivery and fulfillment point.
Anyway, it was interesting to see what you thought. I predicted most of you would choose all the markets except Brazil - most don't see that one.
One of the most interesting things I found was a very good thing. IF you treat these people right, they will buy from you forever! They won't even consider other brands, sources, etc.
There is nothing as sweet as having passionately loyal, rabid buyers for consumable products that will buy from you over and over and over!