Quasar thanks a bunch for all the info.
I have looked in to a couple courses on this ebay amazon switcheroo and am very interested in what your teachings are.
I have much experience selling on ebay, but never thought about selling items I didn't own.
This is great.
I will look for your PM with the info.
Thanks again!
Cool, I figured after reading through a bit more here on the thread.
(01-20-2014 07:11 AM)majamivice Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry mate.It is not my system,you should ask Quasar. He is sharing the info and knowledge. (01-20-2014 06:46 AM)dogonit2 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey majamivice!
I would really be interested in your system as well. Please send me the details.
Much appreciated!
(01-20-2014 01:59 AM)Quasar Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks guys!
Everyone is up-to-date as far as PMs. If you have not received a PM from me, check again - then let me know. Provide an email I can send to in a PM to me.
Remember, all you have to do is give your thanks with reps! (Some of you have not extended me that courtesy!)
To those of you sending volumes of questions, I don't have the time to tell you how to setup in other countries - from INSIDE your country. Every one of them is different - and YES - you will pay fees to Ebay and PayPal!
Inside the ebook written by the seller, he gives you the same calculator I use.
For those looking for other sources, USE THE ONES I HAVE GIVEN YOU FIRST!
Or better yet, find some sources on your own - it's fun and they are e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e.
You have to walk before you can run, and many sellers that do this ONLY USE AMAZON. Amazon can give you all the deals you can find, BUT I have given you two other GIANT online retailers to use.
Also DON"T ask me how much money you can make OR what it takes to get to $1,000 or $10,000 per month.
I don't know you, your work ethic, your skill or commitment level. I can tell you when I do this personally, I have always gotten way into HIGH five-figures per month. (NO I won't tell you how much, so don't ask!)
Please restrain yourselves from asking these kinds of questions, and ask them in this thread. My INBOX is getting stuffed with questions like that.
Ask EVERYTHING here please!
I am putting everyone that I have sent this to - and will send it to - on their word of honor they will pay the seller for this IF you make money with it - which every one of you should easily do. If you aren't making money with this, you are not trying.
I am a big believer in karma - both good and bad. Pay the seller of this product the $10 and do the right and honorable thing!
Hey Quasar, I Repped you, and Thank you so much for your insights man...its people like you who make such platforms a great place to interact and share wisdom and ideas. Can you please send me a PM too? I'll be looking out for it man. Thank you again.
Thank you my brother really you're the best
My respect
(01-19-2014 01:21 PM)delsworld Wrote: [ -> ]I have bought items from Ebay that have came in a Amazon box or had paperwork from overstock.com. Will I return the product because of that? Hell no, and neither will most people. For one, if I feel I got a good deal, who cares. Last, who the hell wants to stand in line at the post office or package a return because they got upset because it came from somewhere else. Drop-shipping has been around for years and regular folks don't care.
These points are very well stated.

Reps to you delsworld.
thanks quasar and rep added to you and OP...i would love your link/tips. i am new here..i recently became injured and need a way to work from home and this looks promising. thanks for the advice on this thread so far.
Hi Quasar,
Rep added. Could you send me the file?. Thank you.
Hey guys - Thanks again for the comments!
But look, I don't have anything for sale here. What I can't do is answer barrages of questions about sourcing or anything else. I don't have the time and some of you are abusing the access!
I don't want to put anyone in "ignore" status but may have to do it.
If you've got a question, post it here and see if someone can lend a hand. There are other Ebay sellers here.
If you want to pay me my going consulting rate, I will give you all the individual attention you want. Only, I am expensive.
So there are limits.
I will answer the question this last person asked about Buy.com which was bought by Rakuten.com not long ago. I have not done business with them under their new ownership. I DO NOT know if or how they are dealing with gift receipts or if they even still offer them.
This site is a compendium of different vendors under one umbrella. So you may need to adjust how you do business with them, and incorporate the changes into your Ebay sales plan. You all need to walk before you can run, so stick with Amazon for the purpose of learning how to do arbitrage - at least for now.
All of us know that vendors and products are both moving targets. What existed yesterday can disappear tomorrow. This is one of the things that makes doing business online a challenge and fun at the same time.
But let's say you cannot get answers to your questions from the site. This is why we are entrepreneurs - we change our focus or re-frame offers when we find products that do and don't meet our criteria.
When something changes, and the situation becomes unprofitable, we move on to other resources.
It's that simple. Goods and ways to sell them on Ebay are everywhere. Don't sweat the stuff that becomes a hassle.
You don't need to do it - just move on to the next thing.
Hi Quasar,
Excuse me for writing you again, but I have realized that I have written my post one minute before yours, and perhaps you didn`t see it.
Could you send me the file?. Rep. added. Thank you.
Hi Quasar,
Many, many thanks. I have just received it. Thanks again.
Thanks Quasar for giving back to the community!
+5 for you