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my father once asked me what's the point of learning all this stuff for 25 years like an university professor or an archivist

he said :

" why don't you enjoy life like everyone else ? find a girlfriend, have fun, who cares about the world or the truth. the truht is just a point of view anyway. "

this is the perfect 3 D people reply .

-- > most people are animals that think life is there to be used or " enjoyed" while the truth is a boring thing for archivist or nerds at the local library.

the communication with the 2 world ( first humanity and second humanity )à is then impossible because the 2 levels of awareness are too different.

initiates are not on earth to enjoy things but to do their mission wich is bringing order

1) enjoying things is for apes at the zoo or in human cities

this is the bottom of the pyramid on this picture

2) bringing order in the eternal evolution of awareness is the mission of the real humans

this is the top of the pyramid on this picture

[img][Image: evola.png][/img]

your ego and blind barriers keep you in the confines of the planet of the apes

you need to escape..

follow the white rabbit
We're back to the Salem witch trials "logic"....
Thanks, Dr. Death Fauci and all the other co-conspirators!

[Image: Witch.jpg]
Kudos MThomas - that pic speaks so clearly of this world gone insane !!

Sadly it is accepted without question by so many that 'ignorance is bliss' - since most went through the hypnotic torture of some 'public fool system'.

All those poor dears were beaten down into NOT thinking for themselves and into accepting that memorization IS learning, such a terrible lie.

And now those same folks consider those who question to be 'dangerous'.

Refusing to be suicidal is being called 'mental illness' now.

Voluntary Speciescide. Wow.
I just thought of a new business......

I wonder if those that are Clot shotted and now at risk for health issues can cleanse their blood with bleedings/infusions of pure blood?

I wonder how much people would be willing to pay for this pure blood if it in fact would dilute the effects from the infected blood? (if that is true based on scientific analysis....once they confirm that this crap is actually killing people because of what's in the blood).

OR...would the crap in the blood just infect/continue to grow in the new infused pure blood?

Yes, I know this isn't a new idea as supposedly, the older rich and famous, do this now since they believe blood taken from young people and infused into them can make them feel younger/healthier as well....

But can it cure the clot blood?

Why haven't the blood banks made a statement on the state of the blood being donated from both pure bloods and clot shotted? Is it the same?
How about under a microscope?
Is testing/research being done?
Again, why isn't this front page news?
(12-04-2022 10:58 PM)emerald Wrote: [ -> ]Died suddenly documentary:

EVERYONE vaxxed and anti-vax should at least watch this video to make up their own minds and try to keep an open mind as to what MIGHT be going on in the world with the 40% increase in overall deaths (not Covid related).

The video doesn't claim they have definitive scientific proof on all the theories proposed in the video, as much more research and testing are needed but at least they are getting valuable information out to the public that has in the past been purposely concealed.

Watch It!
You can always disagree with it all but at least you got both sides of the issue.

i made a picture for people who can think for themselves

[img][Image: triangle-nwo.png][/img]

if you guys don't wake up with this picture then do this :

--- > take the vaccine shot and be a good citizen that watches tv in a useless life

like most people anyway


First off Communism isn't about owning things (haven't you heard the BS statement, "you will own nothing, and like it?")

I really don't get your whole "awareness" concept?
So what?
You are "aware" that there are people in the world that want to subjugate, control and have power over other people for whatever reason (money, greed, evil, power, lust, etc.)....and that took you 25 years to master? Really? You should have listened better in Sunday school as all of this is in the Bible and I'm sure many of the other great religious books as well. Or you could just read a history book about ancient Greece, Egypt, Rome, the Middle Ages, etc., as this is nothing new.

Great, so now you know....what now?
Are you going to stop it? Fight the powers that be? Make huge amounts of money to out finance them or join them?
Are you going to opt out and live in a cave or on top of a mountain with this great, enlightened, "knowledge"?
And if so, what then?

Meditate like the enlightened Yogi Master that has reached nirvana with the Universe?
Great, more power to you, hope you are happy now.

So, you know people are evil and can do very bad things to one another based on religion, politics, philosophy, money, power, etc., again, SO WHAT?
How does coming on here and posting all this stuff solve the problem you took 25 years to figure out?
Why is it a big "secret" that only "enlightened" people can understand?
Or am I missing something here and YOU have already solved it?
If so, I'm all ears to hear your clear, coherent, well versed and simple answer to how being aware/enlightened, will solve a person's problems in life (I assume that is what this is all about on your part?)

PS - If you are simply just trying to get people to open their eyes to see that some things aren't really what they've been led to believe by our so called leaders, than yeah, I would agree with you on that.
No shots
No mind numbing and propagandizing TV
Don't believe those in power unless they can prove what they say with facts and statistics
etc., etc.,
But remember one thing, you can only sit on your mountain by yourself only for as long as "they" decide to let you. Once "they" decide you are a threat, you can believe anything you want but ultimately you will be removed and being aloof, knowledgeable or enlightened won't do anything in order to protect you....without fighting back.
Time to remember post #66
Author: Lumos
All vaccinated people will die within 2 years.
Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier has confirmed that there is no chance of survival for people who have received any form of the vaccine.
In the shocking interview, the world’s leading virologist stated bluntly:
“There is no hope and no possible treatment for those who have already been vaccinated.
We must be prepared to cremate the bodies.”
The scientific genius backed up the claims of other eminent virologists after studying the ingredients of the vaccine.
“They will all die from antibody-dependent enhancement.
That is all that can be said.”

Enough said about what antivaxxes are doing
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