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Direct link to the video kindly shared above by LeggyAnita:

Senators/Doctors/Scientists Say DO NOT GET THE SHOT! Discuss MANDATORY VX


And this is a really great expose IMO:

Dr. David Martin Interview: "The Script was First Written by Merck on January 6, 2004" :


Nurse that has seen more that enough walks away from her job in healthcare:


Dr. Jane Ruby Exposes Toxic Metals Found in Covid Injections that are meant to murder people:


And this quotes directly from Newsweek=>
13-Year-Old Dies in Sleep 2 Days After Receiving Pfizer COVID Vaccine


Of course any deniers will respond with emotionally based personal attacks as well as proclaiming that all the above is somehow fake, even though they 100% lack any genuine proofs to back up their chosen reality models.
You can believe in anything. With a little help of our friend called Google, just search for:
"graphene vaccines fake news"
"MRNA ingredients are dangerous and unproven gene therapy fake news"
"spike protein in vaccine causes damage FAKE NEWS"
You can read about vaxxed people (use google translator if you don't understand Portuguese), in the first large scale vax test in Brazil: Serrana (SP) has 95% drop in deaths after mass vaccination with Coronavac - Serrana (SP) tem queda de 95% nas mortes após vacinação em massa com Coronavac -
As I said, you are free to believe in anything.
I do not use the big G;
Nor do I seek BS as you suggest in the above thinly veiled personal attack;
I also do not seek yours - or anyone else's approvals or permissions.

Anyone who considers the big G or its YT as unbiased info sources is sadly mistaken.

The sources I find and share have real credentials and qualifications in medicine and/or science and/or legal fields.

Many, many veteran medical professionals are coming forward and openly warning as many people as will listen NOT to get vaxxed because of the clear and present dangers from it as well as the ever-mounting vax-caused deaths and injuries.

It is not trivial that medical professionals openly state that there is ZERO PROOF that any/all things called 'viruses' even exist in any manner which causes illnesses.

Anyone who buys into that nonsense story is simply another hypnotized person as Dr. Wolfe clearly explains here=>



Lastly - as I've said over and over and over=>
Do as you wish for yourself - vax or not - but also live and let live because ONLY your own life is your business - NOT mine, nor anyone else's.

I investigate for my own edification - and I share for those who also desire to take such info into consideration for their own benefits of greater health because EVERYONE who harms no others deserves to thrive and it is my sincere desire to give any assistance possible to such good folks.

Sincerest Wishes for Perfect Health to ALL !!
(07-12-2021 04:13 PM)smithnowt Wrote: [ -> ]It is not trivial that medical professionals openly state that there is ZERO PROOF that any/all things called 'viruses' even exist in any manner which causes illnesses.

No such thing as a virus?

I guess that's the shark jumped, in this thread.

I suppose the one purpose this thread really serves, is to display the names of forum users whose opinions are absolutely worthless. And whose ignorance is on display for everyone to judge.
Now comes a problem here :(
I will no Vaccine. Why? I don't need it and will not, and I have Autoimmune little Problems. And not much contact. So, I dont need vaccine.

So now, our government want: that we can not make Vacation / Travel to other countries
That is bad. What can we do now? This summer, I want to travel!
A shocker and an eye opener

not such a big surprise for all who do not blindly follow the mainstream media


Below the article to the above Video




Anyone should decide for themselves and form their own opinion.
(07-05-2021 10:28 PM)Magma Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-05-2021 06:42 AM)jackpinion Wrote: [ -> ]LOL. What ever happened to LIVE and LET LIVE? I for one? Have NEVER had even ONE SHOT in my entire life. Not for anything. I can't sit here and explain how I managed to do that but all I can tell you is that I'm extremely healthy and prefer NOT to take a vaccine that -- if it does end up killing someone in your family -- you have NO legal recourse.

They're just dead and you can't do anything about it legally.

That tiny piece of information says it all for me... I prefer to sit in the sun at least 10 minutes a day... For the vitamin D and I do take vitamin C.

I wear a mask when I'm in public and will continue to do so UNTIL I DECIDE NOT TO. Not when society tells me it's okay.

I'm all for anyone willing to test the vaccine out on themselves... But don't get angry at others because we decide NOT to take that risk.

It's our right. At least for now... LOL.


That's ok, man, sure, go for it.

Let everyone else get vaccinated, so the virus dies off and you don't have to do anything. No problem, man.

And while you're at it, don't pay any taxes. After all, if everyone else pays taxes, everything will get paid for and you won't have to. Great.

And if there's a war, let all the others go off to Europe or the Pacific and fight for your freedom, you won't have to.

Live and let live man -- just do what makes you happy.
It's your right.

The rest of us are just fortunate that relatively few think like you.
And you boast about it, publicly, so we know who you are!
LOL. Just read your reply.

I pay taxes EVERY YEAR. A LOT OF TAXES. I was in the Navy for 21 years as a COMBAT SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATOR. I saw PLENTY of ACTION.

I didn't boast about anything. I simply said, LIVE and LET LIVE. Why is it any of your business if I decide NOT to get vaccinated?

As it turns out? My wife received her SECOND SHOT almost 10 days ago. She decided -- out of nowhere -- to go ahead and get vaccinated after telling me she wasn't going to. I should also point out that she told me this WAY before I ever told her I wasn't getting it either.

She's been SICK as a DOG since the second shot. Had to take her to Emergency twice for having a super high fever. She's been in bed almost every day since the second shot. Today was the first day she could actually eat.

I still don't understand WHY it's anyone's business but my own if I choose to NOT take the vaccine.

But thanks for pointing out your ridiculous points about ME personally.


STILL believing the BS Hitface Mad Slap from the mainstream media?!

Check this out:
(07-13-2021 07:29 AM)jackpinion Wrote: [ -> ]...I was in the Navy for 21 years as a COMBAT SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATOR. I saw PLENTY of ACTION.

I only know you by what you've posted here, and that's what I responded to.

Although, I do know the armed forces are heavily vaccinated against just about everything. So I'm not sure how you managed to avoid that.

(07-13-2021 07:29 AM)jackpinion Wrote: [ -> ]I still don't understand WHY it's anyone's business but my own if I choose to NOT take the vaccine.

Because you decided to post in this ridiculous thread. Look at the company you're keeping!

= Dr. Nick Riviera and the 'virus's don't exist' guy!

If you want to be taken seriously, don't jump into a thread with a ridiculous title, and take the side of all the clowns and trolls.

But like I said, this thread has already jumped the shark and I'm done with it.
I only dropped in to troll the clowns.

Anyway, I hope your wife feels better soon.
Thanks for making this open and wonderful confession:

(07-14-2021 03:36 AM)Magma Wrote: [ -> ]If you want to be taken seriously, don't jump into a thread with a ridiculous title, and take the side of all the clowns and trolls.


But like I said, this thread has already jumped the shark and I'm done with it.
I only dropped in to troll the clowns.

Openly, visibly making personal attacks upon other members while also openly confessing to ONLY making replies TO TROLL.

Truly such a confession deserves some admiration - 100% openly admitting the deliberate intentions of trolling and aiming abuse at other

As to this member's efforts at trolling and personal attacks, he visibly has zero interests and has NOT made any efforts to investigate the subject matters which he has chosen for his baseless attacks aimed towards others.

That being said, and since this member is so very vehement, requests for actual, credible, verifiable info from published scientific and GENUINE medical studies, please:

1 - Where and when these 'medical viruses' have been successfully sampled and isolated for actual measurements;

2 - Definite proofs indicating that 'medical viruses' are DIRECTLY causing any illnesses;

3 - Definite proofs clearly showing that 'vaccines' absolutely prevent and/or cure those same illnesses;

4 - Definite proofs that said 'vaccines' ARE NOT causing injuries and deaths very widely.

And those 4 requested directions are a mere beginning as compared with the truly vast amounts of real, credible info from credentialed HONEST science and medical professionals indicating that such claims are EMPTY;
ONLY being accepted by hypnotized folks whose lives have been so filled with proof-less and nonsensical emotional hogwash that they are PROUD of their chosen blindnesses AND they also wish to force others into such blindness via their ridiculous and absurd notions of attacking others.

It is wonderful that such trolling attackers can so easily amuse themselves whilst aiming harm at others - but such attacks are NOT fitting here at BBHF in threads ONLY aimed at education and are more suited to places like FB and YT that applaud such nastiness.

Trolling and attacking DO NOT educate helpfully with their unkindness and visible lacks of all compassion - but instead merely demonstrate what NOT to emulate when it comes to helping others in any manner.

Sincerest Wishes for Perfect Health to ALL !!
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