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(07-14-2021 10:54 AM)smithnowt Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for making this open and wonderful confession:

(07-14-2021 03:36 AM)Magma Wrote: [ -> ]If you want to be taken seriously, don't jump into a thread with a ridiculous title, and take the side of all the clowns and trolls.


But like I said, this thread has already jumped the shark and I'm done with it.
I only dropped in to troll the clowns.

Openly, visibly making personal attacks upon other members while also openly confessing to ONLY making replies TO TROLL.

Truly such a confession deserves some admiration - 100% openly admitting the deliberate intentions of trolling and aiming abuse at other

As to this member's efforts at trolling and personal attacks, he visibly has zero interests and has NOT made any efforts to investigate the subject matters which he has chosen for his baseless attacks aimed towards others.

That being said, and since this member is so very vehement, requests for actual, credible, verifiable info from published scientific and GENUINE medical studies, please:

1 - Where and when these 'medical viruses' have been successfully sampled and isolated for actual measurements;

2 - Definite proofs indicating that 'medical viruses' are DIRECTLY causing any illnesses;

3 - Definite proofs clearly showing that 'vaccines' absolutely prevent and/or cure those same illnesses;

4 - Definite proofs that said 'vaccines' [b]ARE NOT causing injuries and deaths very widely.

And those 4 requested directions are a mere beginning as compared with the truly vast amounts of real, credible info from credentialed HONEST science and medical professionals indicating that such claims are EMPTY;
ONLY being accepted by hypnotized folks whose lives have been so filled with proof-less and nonsensical emotional hogwash that they are PROUD of their chosen blindnesses AND they also wish to force others into such blindness via their ridiculous and absurd notions of attacking others.

It is wonderful that such trolling attackers can so easily amuse themselves whilst aiming harm at others - but such attacks are NOT fitting here at BBHF in threads ONLY aimed at education and are more suited to places like FB and YT that applaud such nastiness.

Trolling and attacking DO NOT educate helpfully with their unkindness and visible lacks of all compassion - but instead merely demonstrate what NOT to emulate when it comes to helping others in any manner.

Sincerest Wishes for Perfect Health to ALL !!

how odd that @Magma did NOT respond to my post which has PROOF!

[Image: openvaers-july-9-2021-s.png]
(07-12-2021 04:13 PM)smithnowt Wrote: [ -> ]I do not use the big G;
Nor do I seek BS as you suggest in the above thinly veiled personal attack;
I also do not seek yours - or anyone else's approvals or permissions.

Anyone who considers the big G or its YT as unbiased info sources is sadly mistaken.

The sources I find and share have real credentials and qualifications in medicine and/or science and/or legal fields.

Many, many veteran medical professionals are coming forward and openly warning as many people as will listen NOT to get vaxxed because of the clear and present dangers from it as well as the ever-mounting vax-caused deaths and injuries.

It is not trivial that medical professionals openly state that there is ZERO PROOF that any/all things called 'viruses' even exist in any manner which causes illnesses.

Anyone who buys into that nonsense story is simply another hypnotized person as Dr. Wolfe clearly explains here=>



Lastly - as I've said over and over and over=>
Do as you wish for yourself - vax or not - but also live and let live because ONLY your own life is your business - NOT mine, nor anyone else's.

I investigate for my own edification - and I share for those who also desire to take such info into consideration for their own benefits of greater health because EVERYONE who harms no others deserves to thrive and it is my sincere desire to give any assistance possible to such good folks.

Sincerest Wishes for Perfect Health to ALL !!
"I do not use the big G;"
You can use any search engine
"Nor do I seek BS as you suggest in the above thinly veiled personal attack;"
Ok, you are free to call it anything. It's your oppinion. If it's real or imaginary, it doesn't matter.
The fun part is that you recognize that you have been writing a lot of BS: "graphene vaccines", ""MRNA ingredients are dangerous and unproven gene therapy", "spike protein in vaccine causes damage"
"I also do not seek yours - or anyone else's approvals or permissions."
I'm not requesting it.
"The sources I find and share have real credentials and qualifications in medicine and/or science and/or legal fields."
You can say the same about the about Coronavc studies - developed by Instituto Butantan - and by lots of people with real credentials and qualifications that provides excellent information about vaccines.
"I investigate for my own edification - and I share for those who also desire to take such info into consideration for their own benefits" (etc.)
Really? With your prejudice (about using the big G and/or lots of renomed authorities and what is happening in the real world), can you really say that your investigation is serious?
Thanks for your trolling here Dr. Vivekananda !!

So you are NOT any sort of a medical doctor or scientist at all...
(Surprise, surprise...)

Yet you post authoritatively in condemnation of earnest efforts aimed at educating myself and then sharing with others in hopes that it may help them see clearly in some manner ?!?

You also emit baseless condemnation towards ALL the REAL medical doctors and scientists who have come forward because they actually CARE about people...and OH;
What's that you say ??

OK, thanks, now I get it - you ONLY care to manipulate and condemn other people while PRETENDING that it is somehow 'for their own good'.

OK, enough of that as folks who misbehave so badly do not even merit that much attention and it is ALWAYS bad to feed the trolls because most of them are just nasty and compulsive so they keep...coming...back.

Here is a real scientist - the guy who actually invented MRNA, who has now been sort of erased from the revisionist history of late:

mRNA Vaccine Technology Inventor: "Spike Protein is VERY DANGEROUS"

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich:


Parents Report Thousands of CHILDREN DYING from COVID Vaccine, Millions of Adverse Events Pile UP

Ex NHS Nurse Louise Hampton Speaks The Truth and FACTS

Of course by the troll measure of things - all the very genuine doctors presenting in the above are totally full of sh*t and the real, official statistics are ALL phony...

Lucky for those of us who remain rational, Dr. Wolfe explains their blindness fully and clearly here:


Just in case any other trolls wish to pitch in my thanks for bumping this wonderful thread whose OP is truly wonderful for all that he gives so freely at BBHF.

Also, since dr. Vivekananda so kindly pointed this out - I do tend to post in larger type because my bad typing makes for many errors and the normal type size here is too small for me old eyes to proofread well - and;
I tend to use the colours just because I likes 'em !!
Thanks for your trolling here Dr. smithnowt !!

>> So you are NOT any sort of a medical doctor or scientist at all... (Surprise, surprise...)

Are you? Are you a medical doctor with specialization in clinical research?
If you are, you should seek your colleagues and proof that real world studies are wrong. It would be very useful to the all of us. Much more than write you oppinions here. See if someone that you know has some concrete proofs against real studies all over the world.

>> Yet you post authoritatively in condemnation of earnest efforts aimed at educating myself and then sharing with others in hopes that it may help them see clearly in some manner ?!?

Not at all. It is only my point of view. "Earnest" efforts by people withouth specialization sometimes work well, but lots of time do not.
My contry is infested by covid and our president was stupid enough to say lots of BS against vaccines, and to recomend the use of useless medicines - it was only two days ago that our Health Ministery declared that these medicines are totally useless against covid.
Only the vaccination is making the number of deaths fall here. This is happening in the real world.

>> You also emit baseless condemnation towards ALL the REAL medical doctors and scientists who have come forward because they actually CARE about people...and OH; What's that you say ??

No. I'm just seeing if there is any real, concrete evidence about the false claims of using graphene, etc.

>>OK, thanks, now I get it - you ONLY care to manipulate and condemn other people while PRETENDING that it is somehow 'for their own good'.

You can say exactly the same about what you've been writing here

>>OK, enough of that as folks who misbehave so badly do not even merit that much attention and it is ALWAYS bad to feed the trolls because most of them are just nasty and compulsive so they keep...coming...back.

Idem. You keep coming back

>> Ex NHS Nurse Louise Hampton Speaks The Truth and FACTS
Is she a nurse or a medical doctor with some specialization? Use your favorite search engine to see the TRUTH and FACTS about her

>> since dr. Vivekananda so kindly pointed this out - I do tend to post in larger type because my bad typing makes for many errors and (...)
>>I tend to use the colours just because

I didn't write anything about larger type and/or colours. But it seems that you really have difficulties in understant what I type here.
Remember, you can always use a browser that allows you to magnify what you see (usually with ctrl+ or ctrl- in a windows PC). I have not yet tried to 'pinch' text in mobile.
(06-04-2021 12:16 AM)bearflambe Wrote: [ -> ]I feel sorry for you.
Insulting others who think differently than you.
But I understand this is the only way you can gain significance in your life.
May you find peace in your life, because, with all your ranting on here, something mentally is going on. Please seek medical help.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

You know, most "sensible" people who have a point of view make a post, sharing their views and leaves it to others to read it and make up their own minds.

But when you've created numerous threads and made many posts on other's threads about the same subject, you have to wonder if they have some issue within themselves that needs resolving.

Ramming your opinions down other people's throats is not a productive way to go about things and often within these posts there are disrespectful comments aimed at others who do not share the same belief.

Also doing so in large print to get their attention is also not productive (although they'll probably say they do that for another reason).

It seems that this member (who admits he has no professional medical expertise) just cannot let it go.

I wonder how many more posts he is going to make to try to force his views on us.

Just let it go because it is obviously eating you up inside.

BTW, I had my two vaccines some months ago and I had no side effects when I had them and I've been in perfect health ever since, so that's proof enough for me.
I choose to believe in this: 'TERRIBLE' Healthy man, 60, says not getting Covid vaccine is ‘biggest mistake of my life’
(07-20-2021 11:06 AM)Vivekananda Wrote: [ -> ]I choose to believe in this: 'TERRIBLE' Healthy man, 60, says not getting Covid vaccine is ‘biggest mistake of my life’

I remember when the Delta variant first hit the north of England and some people who had refused the vaccine ended up in Intensive Care as a result.

Such a shame.

I'm glad he has now been released from hospital.
Quote:I remember when the Delta variant first hit the north of England and some people who had refused the vaccine ended up in Intensive Care as a result.

I choose to get more information and make my own mind up.


Quote:Here is a real scientist - the guy who actually invented MRNA, who has now been sort of erased from the revisionist history of late:

mRNA Vaccine Technology Inventor: "Spike Protein is VERY DANGEROUS"

Right and there is more from Dr. R. Malone:

21 Reasons Not To Get Vaccinated - Another good read to that topic below

Everybody should read that
Hello, get vaccinated.

I can't believe the reception on my mobile phone . . .

That mini-chip works wonders . . !

Get a grip!

FFS <- I love this, added it to my daily use.
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