(11-23-2022 02:12 PM)tsunami7 Wrote: [ -> ] (11-22-2022 03:50 PM)Hagar Wrote: [ -> ]Watch This
Thank you for posting the documentary.
Saw a ridiculous "review" on it at forbes, bashing anti-vaxxers and trying to discredit the documentary. Hell hath no fury like a pro-vaxxer scorned.
Hopefully that will compel more people to actually search for and watch the documentary so they can decide for themselves.
When you see the crying and whining going on against anything, you know there must be more to it and in this case it's because THEY know that movie is getting the truth out to the masses.
The depopulation claims are coming from prominent leftists that are speaking about this on video...WATCH IT FOR YOURSELF and make up your own mind.
You would think, the same people that are/were soooooooooo concerned about their health that they willingly wore useless masks, voluntarily sequestered in their homes and of course agreed to get jabbed and re-jabbed by experimental and untested "vaccines"....SHOULD NOW be screaming to get big pharma and scientists to look into why death rates are up 40%!!!! (as per Life Insurance company statistics).
After all, aren't they concerned with their health?
Cancer rates are up, coronary disease rates are up, miscarriages are up, young athletes are dropping like flies, and people are dying suddenly all over the globe....why aren't they marching in the streets to get ANSWERS?????
Why aren't autopsies being done on ALL sudden death victims?
Why isn't the FDA and CDC researching what these blood clots are and listening to the undertakers?
Why isn't this front page news?
Why hasn't anyone gone to Africa and/or India to see if these same blood clots are showing up? (as these areas have had much LESS of their populations given Covid "vaccinations")
Where are the medical colleges and medical associations?
Where is the urgency?
Where is the humanity and the "do NO harm" of the medical professionals?
Why is this being covered up?
Why aren't investigations being setup, committees formed and scientific research being funded to find a common cause (as if we already didn't know) and cure?
Why hasn't a scientific database been setup to track all these deaths and tabulate, research and store the blood clots and other possible blood, virus, and other genetic material etc, that might be needed/used to find a cause/cure?
And finally, why haven't the Fu@#ing CDC/FDA put out an urgent directive to ask for money to fund researching and finding a possible CAUSE/CURE for these unexplained health issues, blood clots, and sudden deaths happening across our country and the world?
Seriously, WTF?