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Three Dan Kennedy Programs: Personality In Copy Seminar, Creative Thinking For Entrepreneurs Workshop, 8 Big Ideas Program [3 Products, Audios, Manuals (MP3s and PDFs)]

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Personality In Copy

2 CD
2 Manual - 1. Transcription
           2. Manual

We’ve all been taught hundreds of proven strategies to go out and get ourselves a “herd.” But, the bottom line is that once you do, you can only keep customers coming back with your ‘content’ for so long. What keeps them around giving you money for decades is a never-ending interest in you as a ‘character’ that they feel compelled to continuously know what’s going on (like a lead character in a series fiction novel).

This seminar was more about keeping customers for life. And if you want to make real coin - you MUST learn how to do this. Repeat business is the key. The backend IS where the money is. You can make sales...but WEALTH is in developing CUSTOMERS FOR LIFE.

Even if you have a ‘Dan Kennedy Room’ (as some do) and own everything I have ever written, recorded or produced….even if you have been with me for so many years you’ve lost count….and even if you think of yourself as a super knowledgeable marketer… will hear plenty in this presentation that you have never heard or thought of and considered before.

Some of what's inside:

* Why you will NOT keep customers for life based on your products, services, quality or core competencies. There is only ONE THING you CAN do to keep customers involved, active and responsive for life.

* Longevity Secrets – it’s easy to make plenty of money and look smart for a few years. But different strategies are required to sustain success for decades.

* How to ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE that your customers will eagerly open and read whatever mail or e-mail you send them, every time. (What’s that worth?)

* A new set of insights about the business you are REALLY in. (Hint: you are NOT really in a product or service business or the business of marketing products or services. There’s a space above that, more sophisticated, much more profitable.)

* The SEVEN ELEMENTS to an extraordinarily successful Personality-Driven Business.

* The ONE THING your customers (readers) secretly want from you – how you can give it to them, and have them eating out of your hand.

* Does your business pass my Soap Opera Test? Make this ONE CHANGE and watch results to marketing to present and past customers skyrocket.

* The WORST MISTAKE you can possibly make, with positioning.

* FOUR STEPS to writing brilliantly, even if you think you can’t competently write a grocery list.

* How can your marketing be improved by James Bond, Oprah, Spiderman, Daredevil and Batman, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Luke And Laura, Smallville, Rush Limbaugh, and Regis Philbin?

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Dan Kennedy - Inner Circle Gold Newsletter 2006-Jan2007 [(PDF)]

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I saw that the Gold Member Area newsletter was posted to 2005.  Here is 2006 - 2007.

Its a great newsletter, lots of ideas and proven swipe file stuff - sales letters, ways to market etc.

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Dan Kennedy and Ron LeGrand - Promoters Bootcamp Missing Files [9 CDs MP3]

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Dan Kennedy and Ron LeGrand - Promoters Bootcamp Missing Files [9 CDs MP3]

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Dan Kennedy - Marketing To The Mass-Affluent - Feb - March 2007 [TXT + 2 (PDFs)]

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Why wouldn’t you subscribe?  A legitimate reason would be complete, utter and total incongruency with your business. If you own $1.00 stores, for example. Otherwise, the reasons to say ‘no’ are, frankly, probably mistakes. Some fear trying to sell to the affluent. Some insist there are none in their area. Some are too lazy to do anything with the information. Some are too disorganized to capitalize on information. Some too cheap. Only you can decide into which group you fit.  I can, of course, tell you in advance, by name, who the first 100 or so subscribers will be – racing to their FAX machines. I know them by name because they are our “superstars”….Gold and mostly Gold+ Members who really “get It”, who are vociferous acquirers and users of information, who make more money with greater ease each and every time they pay attention to me….many, the Members you read about again and again in The No B.S. Marketing Letter, who never miss a Gold+ call, never miss an event….and keep getting smarter, faster, more adept, and richer month after month, year after year. They will grab this, they will make the time to use it, they will act on the ideas, and you’ll wind up reading about them in this Letter too. Their behaviors neither coincidental or accidental, but causative of their success. Again, you get to decide which group you prefer being part of.

           A quick personal aside: you might think the launch of this additional Letter in conflict with my talk of retirement. It is not. You will learn a lot just by carefully observing me. But to clarify, I am retiring to something, to do certain things, not just to retire, period. The first huge shift in my business life was to replace frequent and constant travel with other activities permitting me to travel little, stay home a lot, and race my horses. I’ve made that change successfully. The next major shifts are to focus on researching and writing, and make writing my main occupation, and to be of greater value to fewer people, to be of greatest value to the people at the top of our pyramid, those who want, value and use information.

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Dan Kennedy - Private Copywriting Workshop, Best of Best Dan Kennedy, Copywriting Mastery and Marketing Boot Camp [MP3 PDF]

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Dan Kennedy 2005 Private Copywriting Workshop:
The Best of the Best of Dan Kennedy
Dan Kennedy Copywriting Mastery
Dan Kennedy Marketing Boot Camp 2001

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Dan Kennedy's Own Website Split-Tests [1 PDF]

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This is a rare and confidential report that was only given to platinum clients of Dan's.
Included are 12 pages of Actual Page Rotation Tests.

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Dan Kennedy Consulting Manuals (old)

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Dan Kennedy Consulting Manuals (old)

These aren't OCR'd, though I'll probably get around to doing that soon.

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Dan Kennedy and Elsom Eldridge - Ultimate Consulting Business [6 CDs (MP3)]

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Advise and Profit! - How To Create Exceptional Income As A Consultant.
By Dan Kennedy

I've never made less than $100,000.00 a year, part-time, from my consulting activities. I think most people have the same opportunity and ability, if they choose to utilize it.

For a whole collection of reasons, the marketplace's need, desire, demand and willingness to pay for "advice" and "specialized, expert assistance" is bigger than ever and growing explosively. There may never have been a better time to pick one or several consulting specialties and 'hang out your shingle' as a consultant.

In many respects, consulting is a near-perfect business. You have enormous freedom.... you can operate with virtually no overhead, even from home if you choose....and it is relatively easy to "bill" at least $1,000.00 a day. There are well over 1,000 consulting categories and specialties, so the odds overwhelmingly favor you having some combination of education, practical knowledge, experience, credibility and interests that can be "packaged" as consulting services desired by some market or markets. (Among my friends and clients who've become successful consultants, there is a reformed bread truck delivery man-thief, a physical therapist, a former college football coach, several salespeople, and a tailor.)

Why Do Some People Find Consulting The Easiest Way To Make Big Money While Others Have To Fight Tooth-And-Nail Just To Scrape Together A Living?
One of the most interesting aspects of the consulting profession is the vast disparity between similar consultants' incomes - why does one earn $200,000.00 a year, another struggle to make $20,000.00? If that interests you, I do have the answer. Actually, there are a handful of them - a handful of absolutely critical, essential skills and techniques that a person must master, in order to hit high income levels in consulting.

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Dan Kennedy - Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs Seminar [3 DVDs (XVid) 6 CDs (MP3)]

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WARNING: This could be the most important information you will ever read about wealth attraction and creating gigantic financial breakthroughs nearly overnight
Discover The Little-Known (and never talked about) Success Philosophies, Beliefs, Thinking And Personal Behaviors That Allow Millionaire and Multi-Millionaire Entrepreneurs To Attract Maximum Money and Create Maximum Wealth in Record Time
If You Could Change Just A Few Things You Think, Change A Few Things About The Way You Do Business - - - Just A Few - - -
And Suddenly Experience A Lifting Of Stress, Struggle, Anxiety, Frustration And Uncertainty Accompanied By A Much-Multiplied Influx of Cash, A Much-Multiplied Influence With Others, An Accelerated Accomplishment of Your Goals Would You Want To At Least Experiment With Those Changes?

Dear Friend:

This letter is your Invitation to get the At-Home Version of the one-time-only WEALTH SEMINAR that I recently conducted, on Audio CD's or on Audio CD's and DVD. And there are reasons you should do that, and do it now, and then invest a serious amount of time with these materials, that transcend the work I’m typically know for.

Yes, this IS a ‘sales letter’, and in this letter, I want to do my level best to convince you to take this action.

Here are the things that you must agree are true:

ONE: You are exposed to truly NEW and different ideas and information

TWO: You are made uncomfortable and forced to confront issues you typically never think about

THREE: You wind up with a different understanding of what being “entrepreneurial” is all about

FOUR: You are affected on an emotional, not just an intellectual level

FIVE: You select very specific actions to take, changes to make, strategies to try

SIX: I reveal to you a profound, important Truth about a severe flaw that exits in the vast majority of business, undoubtedly including yours, that you will choose to make fixing a top priority

SEVEN: You want to keep these CD's to return to periodically

EIGHT: You want to share them with a son or daughter or close associate

NINE: You think they were under-priced

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Dan Kennedy and Ron LeGrand - Promoters Bootcamp and Speaking Driven Business [5 Manuals - 600+ Pages (PDF), 19 CD's]

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Dan Kennedy's Ultimate Speaking Driven Business Wealth Creation System.  It's 3 manuals, total of almost 500 pages of material.  

The info I have is: "How to Leverage Professional Speaking Into Total Financial And Personal Independence".  

So for those of you in Consulting/Coaching/Speaking:

Speaking Driven Business and a Seminar put on by Ron LeGrand and Dan Kennedy entitled: The Seminar Promoters Bootcamp.   It's a complete program consisting of 19 CD's and 2 manuals of over 300+ pages of info (Best part is over 200 pages are Seminar Sales Letters Resource Manual).

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Dan Kennedy - Big Money Big Mouth Audio [MPEG4] INCOMPLETE

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This is 2 Hours of Dan Kennedy speaking for his Big Mouth Big Money Audio Program. I have no clue if it is complete or not. (Guessing Not).  I got it  from another gentleman and am putting it up as a bonus for those who joined the Wealth Attraction GB.

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