08-12-2013, 12:56 PM
Dan Kennedy - The Phenomenon Complete DVD [1 DVD (divx)]
Dan Kennedy - The Ultimate No BS Business Success Book [AudioBook ( 4 MP3s)]
What goals would you set, what accomplishments would you seek, what income and status would you want --- if you KNEW it could be yours in just 12 months ?
Now, discover how THE PHENOMENON™ helps entrepreneurs, business owners, people starting new businesses, sales professionals and people from every walk of life and background attract more opportunity and co-operation... erase more obstacles... create more income and wealth... and achieve more important (even 'secret') goals in just 12 months than in the previous 12 years combined. And this is NOT about "thoughts." It is about what to DO... and exactly HOW to do it!
A message from legendary advisor to ultra-successful entrepreneurs, the creator of The Phenomenon™, Dan Kennedy on behalf of 23 people you MUST meet.... And a BONUS GIFT PACKAGE worth over $600.00 of actual, documented value...
Dear Friend,
We are all eager for speed and frustrated by slow.
"In real life, it is the hare who wins. Every time. Look around you. And in any case, it is my contention that Aesop was writing for the tortoise market (giving people the fable they wanted to believe in) - after all, hares have no time to read such things. They are busy winning the race."
Anita Brookner
British historian
and novelist
You have undoubtedly had the experience of having your good, promising ideas and best intentions for following through on them picked to death by skeptics, doubters and critics around you........stifled by lack of resources.....buried under the pressure of day to day responsibilities, consumed by business routine....finally put aside, "back burner-ed" until you can somehow find the time to be more serious about them.
Some of your greatest opportunities and plans never get up to speed. EVERYBODY has these struggles - and the more you are trying to accomplish, the more it seems there's a conspiracy to slow you down!
The fact is, in adult life, in business, in the business of becoming rich, crawling before you walk and walking before you run really does NOT work. Patience and persistence are over-valued virtues!
Somehow you need to "trigger" really fast forward movement.
Well, contrary to everything you've been taught (by the un-rich), I am here to tell you and, more importantly prove to you with the help of 23 fascinating and inspiring men and women, that it is easier to "get rich QUICK" than to get there slow. That it is NECESSARY to create velocity. That the "in just 12 months Phenomenon™" is very REAL and can occur for you. That there are real breakthrough strategies to dramatically SPEED UP YOUR SUCCESS - at anything you want to do.
Facts, NOT Fiction. Real, Practical Strategies, NOT Fairy Tales.
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Dan Kennedy - The Ultimate No BS Business Success Book [AudioBook ( 4 MP3s)]
Dan Kennedy, a.k.a. the Professor of Harsh Reality, is on the air with a new audio/book package that's guaranteed to get your entrepreneurial engine firing on all cylinders. Compared to this, every other business tape is just elevator music! This vigorous audio program dishes out entrepreneurial advice that will challenge and provoke entrepreneurs to master top business methods. Warning: these two tapes are definitely not for the meek. Dan Kennedy pulls no punches with his hard-nosed business advice, which is guaranteed to propel you toward success. Listen as Kennedy and a whole cast of characters inject energy, drama, and humor into real-life business situations, while giving you the information you need to succeed.
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