08-15-2015, 04:40 AM
Sale page http://themeforest.net/item/betheme-resp...me/7758048
Demo page http://themes.muffingroup.com/be/splash/
Version 12.7 – April 17, 2016
* Added: One Page - First Menu Item - Active
(if you are linking to the very top section of the page)
* Added: Muffin Builder - Data Storage - Serialized (safe mode), for non-UTF-8 server, etc.
* Added: Scroll Plugin - Smooth Scroll
* Added: Link Target - Lightbox - Muffin Builder Items:
Photo Box, Pricing Item, Promo Box, Sliding Box, Story Box, Trailer Box
* Fixed: Blog Item and Shortcode - Sticky Posts
* Fixed: Portfolio - Masonry Hover Details - Hover
* Fixed: Shop - Product Page Shortcode ([product_page id=""]) - prettyPhoto
* Updated plugins:
Revolution Slider
Visual Composer
* Demos: Print, Perfume
Version 12.6 – April 9, 2016
* Added: Link Target - Lightbox - Muffin Builder Items:
Article Box, Blockquote, Button, Call to Action, Flat Box, Hover Color,
How it Works, Icon Box, Our Team, Our Team List
* Added: Theme Support - Title Tag - Let WordPress manage the document title
* Added: Muffin Builder 3 - Data Storage select (serialized or encoded)
* Added: Image Item and Shortcode - Margin Bottom attribute
* Added: Section - Style: Full width except Mobile
* Added: Responsive - Section - Parallax background - Option to enable on mobile
* Fixed: Single Project - Template: Builder - Navigation Arrows - Option to Hide
* Updated plugins:
Revolution Slider 5.2.4
* Demos: Movie, Eco
Version 12.5 – April 2, 2016
* Added: Portfolio - Single - Navigation Arrows - Sort as selected in the theme options
(works with: Date, Title, Menu Order - all items must have different 'order' values )
* Added: Form Submit and Button - Full Width (.button_full_width)
* Added: Column Shortcodes - 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6
* Fixed: Button Item - Size attribute
* Fixed: Google Chrome - Style Simple - Timeline Item and Shortcode
* Improved: Search Results - Display matching titles first
* Improved: Zoom Box - Center if small image was used
* Demos: NGO, Bistro
Version 12.4 – March 26, 2016
* Added: Muffin Builder 3 - The data is stored in readable format now
* Added: Button Item and Shortcode - Size ( 1-4, 2-default ), Full Width
* Fixed: Single Post and Project - Navigation Arrows - Option to Hide
* Fixed: Photo Box - without Description - Image margin bottom
* Fixed: Image Item - Style: Slide Bottom - disable Hover Effect - Margin bottom
* Fixed: One Page - Header Fixed with Action Bar
* Fixed: Shop - Show Shop Page Slider on: Main Shop Page - Category Header
* Fixed: Responsive - Portfolio Masonry Flat - Tall Image (768px x 1200px)
(please use Force Regenerate Thumbnails plugin for all portfolio images)
* Improved: Search Results - Empty search string - Display no search results
* Improved: WPML Compatibility
* Demos: Pharmacy, Casino
Version 12.3 – March 19, 2016
* Added: Visual Composer - Muffin Builder Items:
Before After, Blockquote, Blog News, Blog Slider, Clients Slider, Code, Helper,
Hover Color, Portfolio Grid, Portfolio Photo, Portfolio Slider, Slider, Story Box,
Testimonials List, Zoom Box
* Added: Header Fixed: Logo - Height and Vertical Padding
* Added: Footer - Background Image - Position, repeat, attachment
* Added: Layouts - Sticky Header - Option to enable/disable
* Added: Shop - "Added to Cart" message - "View Cart" link
* Fixed: Theme Options - Retina + Chrome - Switch
* Fixed: Shop - Product Image - Minor CSS Fixes
* Fixed: Shop - Single Product - Price - Font Family
* Fixed: WPML - Language switcher in the WP Menu
* Updated plugins:
Revolution Slider
Visual Composer 4.11.1
* Demos: HR, Music
Demo page http://themes.muffingroup.com/be/splash/
Version 12.7 – April 17, 2016
* Added: One Page - First Menu Item - Active
(if you are linking to the very top section of the page)
* Added: Muffin Builder - Data Storage - Serialized (safe mode), for non-UTF-8 server, etc.
* Added: Scroll Plugin - Smooth Scroll
* Added: Link Target - Lightbox - Muffin Builder Items:
Photo Box, Pricing Item, Promo Box, Sliding Box, Story Box, Trailer Box
* Fixed: Blog Item and Shortcode - Sticky Posts
* Fixed: Portfolio - Masonry Hover Details - Hover
* Fixed: Shop - Product Page Shortcode ([product_page id=""]) - prettyPhoto
* Updated plugins:
Revolution Slider
Visual Composer
* Demos: Print, Perfume
Version 12.6 – April 9, 2016
* Added: Link Target - Lightbox - Muffin Builder Items:
Article Box, Blockquote, Button, Call to Action, Flat Box, Hover Color,
How it Works, Icon Box, Our Team, Our Team List
* Added: Theme Support - Title Tag - Let WordPress manage the document title
* Added: Muffin Builder 3 - Data Storage select (serialized or encoded)
* Added: Image Item and Shortcode - Margin Bottom attribute
* Added: Section - Style: Full width except Mobile
* Added: Responsive - Section - Parallax background - Option to enable on mobile
* Fixed: Single Project - Template: Builder - Navigation Arrows - Option to Hide
* Updated plugins:
Revolution Slider 5.2.4
* Demos: Movie, Eco
Version 12.5 – April 2, 2016
* Added: Portfolio - Single - Navigation Arrows - Sort as selected in the theme options
(works with: Date, Title, Menu Order - all items must have different 'order' values )
* Added: Form Submit and Button - Full Width (.button_full_width)
* Added: Column Shortcodes - 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6
* Fixed: Button Item - Size attribute
* Fixed: Google Chrome - Style Simple - Timeline Item and Shortcode
* Improved: Search Results - Display matching titles first
* Improved: Zoom Box - Center if small image was used
* Demos: NGO, Bistro
Version 12.4 – March 26, 2016
* Added: Muffin Builder 3 - The data is stored in readable format now
* Added: Button Item and Shortcode - Size ( 1-4, 2-default ), Full Width
* Fixed: Single Post and Project - Navigation Arrows - Option to Hide
* Fixed: Photo Box - without Description - Image margin bottom
* Fixed: Image Item - Style: Slide Bottom - disable Hover Effect - Margin bottom
* Fixed: One Page - Header Fixed with Action Bar
* Fixed: Shop - Show Shop Page Slider on: Main Shop Page - Category Header
* Fixed: Responsive - Portfolio Masonry Flat - Tall Image (768px x 1200px)
(please use Force Regenerate Thumbnails plugin for all portfolio images)
* Improved: Search Results - Empty search string - Display no search results
* Improved: WPML Compatibility
* Demos: Pharmacy, Casino
Version 12.3 – March 19, 2016
* Added: Visual Composer - Muffin Builder Items:
Before After, Blockquote, Blog News, Blog Slider, Clients Slider, Code, Helper,
Hover Color, Portfolio Grid, Portfolio Photo, Portfolio Slider, Slider, Story Box,
Testimonials List, Zoom Box
* Added: Header Fixed: Logo - Height and Vertical Padding
* Added: Footer - Background Image - Position, repeat, attachment
* Added: Layouts - Sticky Header - Option to enable/disable
* Added: Shop - "Added to Cart" message - "View Cart" link
* Fixed: Theme Options - Retina + Chrome - Switch
* Fixed: Shop - Product Image - Minor CSS Fixes
* Fixed: Shop - Single Product - Price - Font Family
* Fixed: WPML - Language switcher in the WP Menu
* Updated plugins:
Revolution Slider
Visual Composer 4.11.1
* Demos: HR, Music