Version 12.4 – March 26, 2016
* Added: Muffin Builder 3 - The data is stored in readable format now
* Added: Button Item and Shortcode - Size ( 1-4, 2-default ), Full Width
* Fixed: Single Post and Project - Navigation Arrows - Option to Hide
* Fixed: Photo Box - without Description - Image margin bottom
* Fixed: Image Item - Style: Slide Bottom - disable Hover Effect - Margin bottom
* Fixed: One Page - Header Fixed with Action Bar
* Fixed: Shop - Show Shop Page Slider on: Main Shop Page - Category Header
* Fixed: Responsive - Portfolio Masonry Flat - Tall Image (768px x 1200px)
(please use Force Regenerate Thumbnails plugin for all portfolio images)
* Improved: Search Results - Empty search string - Display no search results
* Improved: WPML Compatibility
* Demos: Pharmacy, Casino
Thanks Man..................
Version 12.5 – April 2, 2016
* Added: Portfolio - Single - Navigation Arrows - Sort as selected in the theme options
(works with: Date, Title, Menu Order - all items must have different 'order' values )
* Added: Form Submit and Button - Full Width (.button_full_width)
* Added: Column Shortcodes - 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6
* Fixed: Button Item - Size attribute
* Fixed: Google Chrome - Style Simple - Timeline Item and Shortcode
* Improved: Search Results - Display matching titles first
* Improved: Zoom Box - Center if small image was used
* Demos: NGO, Bistro
Anyone know if this is a setting or how to resolve this issue?
I installed it, and loaded music demo content. The demo uses Muffin page builder and not Visual Composer to build page. The Muffin page builder isn't using a WYSWYG editor, so something simple like adding an image to a 'column' item means knowing where the image is located first and then C&P the image location because it's essentially a text box with only shortcode buttons at the top.
So if I were to let a client use the theme, they would have to look at ugly code view with H1, B, img src, etc. unlike the WP Editor which shows everything in WYSWYG view so youtube shows as a youtube video, images display in editor, bolded text just shows as bold, etc.
The music demo has images which go to edge of browser ( no space ) but if I use Visual Composer to display images they don't go full width. For some reason the Muffin page builder elements go full width with space but Visual Composer doesn't - anyone know why??
thank you for keeping it updated!
Version 12.6 – April 9, 2016
* Added: Link Target - Lightbox - Muffin Builder Items:
Article Box, Blockquote, Button, Call to Action, Flat Box, Hover Color,
How it Works, Icon Box, Our Team, Our Team List
* Added: Theme Support - Title Tag - Let WordPress manage the document title
* Added: Muffin Builder 3 - Data Storage select (serialized or encoded)
* Added: Image Item and Shortcode - Margin Bottom attribute
* Added: Section - Style: Full width except Mobile
* Added: Responsive - Section - Parallax background - Option to enable on mobile
* Fixed: Single Project - Template: Builder - Navigation Arrows - Option to Hide
* Updated plugins:
Revolution Slider 5.2.4
* Demos: Movie, Eco
Version 12.7 – April 17, 2016
* Added: One Page - First Menu Item - Active
(if you are linking to the very top section of the page)
* Added: Muffin Builder - Data Storage - Serialized (safe mode), for non-UTF-8 server, etc.
* Added: Scroll Plugin - Smooth Scroll
* Added: Link Target - Lightbox - Muffin Builder Items:
Photo Box, Pricing Item, Promo Box, Sliding Box, Story Box, Trailer Box
* Fixed: Blog Item and Shortcode - Sticky Posts
* Fixed: Portfolio - Masonry Hover Details - Hover
* Fixed: Shop - Product Page Shortcode ([product_page id=""]) - prettyPhoto
* Updated plugins:
Revolution Slider
Visual Composer
* Demos: Print, Perfume