update uploading ... eta 5 minutes
Version 9.4 – August 29, 2015
* Added: Responsive - Popup Item - Max Width
* Added: Option to disable some theme features - Entrance Animations
* Fixed: Boxed Layout - Boxed Sticky Header width
* Fixed: Sticky Header - Plain, Full Width, Right Menu - spacing between menus and icons
* Fixed: Portfolio - Disable Details - Duplicated prettyPhoto images
* Fixed: Search Results - Author page link
* Fixed: Accordion Shortcode - openAll option
* Fixed: FAQ Shortcode - openAll option
* Fixed: Shop - Hover Product Image - Double links
* Updated: Slider Item - increased size of images
(please use Force Regenerate Thumbnails plugin for all slider images)
* Updated plugins:
Revolution Slider 5.0.5
* Demos: Tuning, Typo
Brilliant Damador - Many Many thanks
Thanks for Sharing! +5 Reps added
I appreciate the share and the updates, but am wondering about one thing...
If someone purchases a regular license (good for one install only) and then shares it here, so that it will get used many times, does ThemeForest not have a way of tracking that? Is their license purely on trust?
(08-29-2015 11:56 AM)biggee Wrote: [ -> ]I appreciate the share and the updates, but am wondering about one thing...
If someone purchases a regular license (good for one install only) and then shares it here, so that it will get used many times, does ThemeForest not have a way of tracking that? Is their license purely on trust?
They are tracking it, so you will be banned. 1 license - 1 website
this paticular theme need licence only for updates - dont need it to fully working ( like X theme)
Thanks OP for this SWEET share Max rep added