nice share damador, thanx bro... reps added
Version 11.6 – January 30, 2016
* Added: Button - Muffin Builder Item (with align parameter)
* Added: Responsive - Sticky Header on Tablet
* Added: Responsive - Menu Button color
* Added: Layouts - Header - Minimalist without Header space
* Added: New Google Font - Kanit - now 733 fonts available
* Fixed: Header - Style Fixed with Admin bar
* Fixed: Back To Top button - Sticky with Sliding Footer
* Fixed: WebKit-based mobile browsers - Form submit button
* Fixed: Muffin Icons - Chrome hack - SVG link
* Fixed: Muffin Menu Widget - Single Post - Active link
* Fixed: Responsive - Layout Boxed with Header Creative
* Fixed: Responsive - HTML lists - Font size
* Fixed: Visual Composer - Pricing Item - Featured - List color
* Improved: Russian Translation
* Demos: Mining, Retouch
the best of all time thank you again and again
Version 11.7 – February 6, 2016
* Added: Helper - Muffin Builder Item
* Added: Section - Equal Height of Wraps
* Added: Wrap - Vertical Position of Items
* Added: Blog - Grid style (2-6 columns)
* Added: Blog Item - Grid style (2-6 columns)
* Added: Muffin Menu Widget - Show on hover, always show active
* Added: Before After Item - Translation Tags
* Added: Auto Get Schema Type By Post Type - Option to show/hide
* Improved: Brazilian Translation
* Demos: Charity 2, Carpenter