Thanks Damador for the share max rep to you.
Question you say betheme only tracks when trying to update. Does it have a bunch of plugins that need registered in order to work (which we can't).
I'm all for supporting a theme and the dev team of a product that I use. I'd like to try out betheme, but not if I will not be able to use the required plugins.
Been burn too many times on junk themes. Thanks for the reply
(08-29-2015 04:34 PM)damador Wrote: [ -> ]this paticular theme need licence only for updates - dont need it to fully working ( like X theme)
no - betheme work out oofbox -all plugins works without registration that is neede for auto updates only. all required plugins are downloaded and updated from internal theme installer. If you have put updated files via ftp they ar also installed/ updated from installer without api/key
Version 9.7.1 – September 26, 2015
* Fixed: Header Creative - Footer Fixed and Sliding
* Fixed: Sidebar Widget Item - Border
* Improved: Responsive - Gallery
* Improved: RTL Support
* Updated plugins:
Revolution Slider 5.0.9
Visual Composer 4.7.2
* Plugins: Compatibility tested
Bowe Codes 2.1 - BuddyPress shortcodes
* Demos: Buddy, Lab
Thanks for the response damador. I tried d/l 9.7.1 (5 times) and even though I stopped all the file checking option in AVAST I still can't download. There must be something real finicky in that code. May have to wait till 9.7.x. --brick
for some reason my chrome also threat many files from themefores as threat :) i have to manualy confirm each download to save it in zip/rar format
Version 9.7.2 – October 3, 2015
* Added: [BETA] Muffin Builder 3.0
* Added: Gallery - Masonry and Masonry Flat Style [style="masonry" || style="masonry flat"]
* Fixed: Hover Box - Line Height
* Fixed: Shop - Increased Quantity field width
* Updated plugins:
Visual Composer 4.7.3
* Plugins: Compatibility tested
Ads Pro 2.7 - Ad Manager
* Demos: Club, Space
Version 9.7.3 – October 5, 2015
* Updated plugins:
Visual Composer 4.7.4
update VC ASAP - 4.7.4 have some security fixes too behind offcial changelog :)
thank you great work keep up
thanks bro, reps added ++