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Full Version: [GET] Vector Magic - w/KeyGen ($295) [MAC Version Added] LINKS UPDATED 11/12/21
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Hey guys and gals I saw this in another thread here, but the main complaints were that its was full of viruses and it was being offered via some shady adfly monetization.
Also, I was reading in the Sparkol Vector Pack thread where several of you were having problems converting small bitmap images that could be scaled without
losing any quality. So! I decided to share the copy of Vector Magic I have and use which is V1.15 (the latest version) and it has ZERO ads.

For those who haven't heard of it before Vector Magic saves you time and frustration, while giving you better results.

No more tedious hand-tracing. Better accuracy. If you compare results from other tools side-by-side with those from Vector Magic, you will notice that
Vector Magic produces vectors that more closely resemble the input image. Finer details in the shapes are recovered, and the curves are more faithful
to the bitmap original.

Less cleanup required. Vector Magic's results are cleaner, while still extracting more detail from the bitmap original. Normally you'd have to spend a lot of time
cleaning up the output from an auto-tracer - with Vector Magic you can oftentimes use the result right away, and if it requires cleanup then it's usually much less
than what's required for the results from the competing tools.

Easier user interface with less trial-and-error. If you've used other tracing tools, you have probably noticed that they have tons of confusing options and settings,
and require you to more or less randomly try different combinations of these tracing tools in the frustrating search for a passable result.

With Vector Magic on the other hand, the conversion options are all automatically selected for you. There's even an "Improve Result" feature to help you tweak
the result if you'd like.

Simply upload or drag-n-drop your image and let Vector Magic do the rest.

Some of you have been having problems with scalable bitmap images. Well, Vector Magic handles JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, and TIFF and when its done, save it as
an svg image and it can be scaled without losing any of the vector quality!

Here are a couple of samples of what you can create with this amazing application ...

[Image: vector%20magic_zpsoa2igcvz.png]


UPDATED: 11/12/21
Windows Download
Magic Button :

VT Scan:


SHA256: 07c8d2bdf765c0756f35c7952ed0c68222174eb5a7b172ffd74d75f78406aa7a
File name: VectorMagicSetup_pc_1_15.exe
Detection ratio: 0 / 57
Analysis date: 2021-11-12 16:12:05 UTC ( a moment ago )

UPDATED: 11/12/21
macOS Version 1.18
Download Mirrors:
Magic Button :
For whatever reason(s) MAC is difficult to find but here's what I have...

VT Scan:

SHA256: ca1869cc2be68709db92cc756ec0a30324b4f98ddc655f64b984007e0e81fd56
File name: Vector Magic
Detection ratio: 0 / 56
Analysis date: 2021-11-12 16:07:53 UTC ( a moment ago )

Important Note for MAC Users:
I do not use MAC so I can't offer any tips on installation or useage of the MAC application. If you need any assistance with this MAC version
I can only suggest searching for tutorials on YouTube, otherwise I presume you use it on a MAC much the same as you would windows.

FYI - keygens, patches, and some cracks give off a false positive depending on your AV program.
So let me assure you - there is nothing wrong with this pack. It's the very same application I have installed on my computer and I have not
encountered ANY problems what so ever ... In all honesty I wouldn't post it if I did!

Demo Tutorial

Install is quick and easy and instructions are included with the download.
Hope this helps someone! 42rock
This looks awesome! Thanks!
(06-18-2014 07:09 AM)maggot Wrote: [ -> ]This looks awesome! Thanks!
You're welcome. It's a breeze to use. Hope you enjoy it 42rock

SHA256: 6f977c07016fbe0422e58c96e8f1f07805274fd91faa8db7049be583fa654d71
File name:
Detection ratio: 31 / 54
Analysis date: 2014-06-17 22:18:34 UTC ( 0 minutes ago )
edit: sent as pm instead to OP
(06-18-2014 08:58 AM)shuntensatsu Wrote: [ -> ]edit: sent as pm instead to OP
Check your inbox...

I'm running ESET nod 32, and Microsoft Security Essentials (Just cautious ;-0 ). None of them have alerted me to anything suspicious or dangerous to my computer and I use this program regularly, so I can't explain the vt scan, but, I'm NOT infected guys!?

Anyone having problems? If so I will delete this thread immediately!
Microsoft Security Essentials deleted the keygen, and another security program blocked it... i did a google search and it seems many occurrences of pointing back to the keygen by FFF supporting that it could be legit... then again, anti virus programs tend to be a bit paranoid. From what I understand it's not just a keygen, it's a patcher as well... which could be why it's not working for me... as I am running it in sandboxie to be safe...

I may try to install it on a virtual machine and see if it works as I can delete it after.
(06-18-2014 11:53 AM)shuntensatsu Wrote: [ -> ]Microsoft Security Essentials deleted the keygen, and another security program blocked it... i did a google search and it seems many occurrences of pointing back to the keygen by FFF supporting that it could be legit... then again, anti virus programs tend to be a bit paranoid. From what I understand it's not just a keygen, it's a patcher as well... which could be why it's not working for me... as I am running it in sandboxie to be safe...

I may try to install it on a virtual machine and see if it works as I can delete it after.
Let me know either here or by pm how it turns out I'd be interested to know. Like I said, I have it installed as a full version, and I'm having absolutely no problems at all.
i did some googling and used keygen for 1.14 worked out ok, registered and works...

i think 1.15 will work fine as well... i just went for 1.14 due to comments and feedback

gave you +5 rep for bringing this program to my attention, it's really good.
(06-18-2014 10:39 PM)shuntensatsu Wrote: [ -> ]i did some googling and used keygen for 1.14 worked out ok, registered and works...

i think 1.15 will work fine as well... i just went for 1.14 due to comments and feedback

gave you +5 rep for bringing this program to my attention, it's really good.
Fantastic and thanks for your input and thanks for the rep. I used the keygen register 1.15 and have experienced no problems, so I think I'll do some research on the differences between 1.14 and 1.15. Glad you were able to get something from the post. Cheers mate! Cool
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