Works like a charm. +5 reps.
If your AV program do not detect the keygen as a threat you don't have to deactivate your internet to use the keygen.exe
(06-23-2014 01:39 PM)senoob Wrote: [ -> ]Works like a charm. +5 reps.
If your AV program do not detect the keygen as a threat you don't have to deactivate your internet to use the keygen.exe
Thanks for the heads up and the rep mate.

Wow, I didn't know there was a tool for this. Did this manually with Adobe Illustrator all the time. Thanks for the share, will save me SO much time. Amazing!
I will give it a try... Thank you for this share - +++++REP added!
thanx so much bro' I'm a Graphic Designer u Saved my Life Bro' U Da Rocket
(10-21-2014 02:13 AM)Romeoshine Wrote: [ -> ]thanx so much bro' I'm a Graphic Designer u Saved my Life Bro' U Da Rocket
Your comments made my day. It is a thrill to really be able to help someone. Thank you for the love bro!

(10-20-2014 03:13 PM)lookingoutofthewindow Wrote: [ -> ]I will give it a try... Thank you for this share - +++++REP added!
I think you will be pleasantly surprised by the ease of use and the super quality results mate ... BTW loving your avatar, she is captivating, stunning!!!

(10-20-2014 10:26 AM)Red515 Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, I didn't know there was a tool for this. Did this manually with Adobe Illustrator all the time. Thanks for the share, will save me SO much time. Amazing!
Fantastic! This is what our BBFH Family is all about, sharing so that others may advance. I am so glad I could help.

Brilliant, thank you so much! Max rep+++
Nice share. Great for Tee Spring design. Thanks.