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Full Version: [GET] Vector Magic - w/KeyGen ($295) [MAC Version Added] LINKS UPDATED 11/12/21
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Thanks for the share! Reps given.
BTW - when I downloaded direct from it includes a "downlaoder" program, which scans
16/55 for viruses ( However, when I downloaded with the "Direct download link" from it scanned 0/57 (
(04-01-2015 12:02 AM)abe25 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the share! Reps given.
BTW - when I downloaded direct from it includes a "downlaoder" program, which scans
16/55 for viruses ( However, when I downloaded with the "Direct download link" from it scanned 0/57 (

I just checked and I believe it to be a marketing tactic in an attempt to entice people to buy some sort of AV or malware program. Thanks for the input mate.


Regards, ebizmoney
i have this one ... Cool

Magic Button :
sorry Zagra but when i downloaded it and did a virus scan it said 28 viruses or trojans

SHA256: 31c5d8d4fc2a28d98dac7be81ac2b2b2dad58a5f45cbf24e831242ed403df1aa
File name: VectorMagic 115 KEYGEN.rar
Detection ratio: 28 / 51
Analysis date: 2014-04-18 23:31:23 UTC ( 11 months, 3 weeks ago )

all you did was to scan the mirror link
usual password every one should know that..
Magic Button :
many virus guys
i hope anyone have cleane from virus
Thanks. Looks useful.
Every version of the keygen that I can find in the interwebs has a virus alert. Wonder if someone could figure out the key instead of using the keygen at all. I have looked through the registry and exported the key, but it doesn't work when I try it in another VM with vector magic installed...
Looks great and IS great Thanks for this great share. Rep added.
i found this portable version for people that cant run the keygen
it also have some false positive alert but its working fine in my computer

http://>>>[[[Reported by Members as URL Shortener! Post the actual link!]]]<<</doc2615496_163044311?hash=ba7ccb3a97fe8a4085&dl=28aabb49a7217e1962

SHA256: 1630c2e6814bb6ebbf0727a7a309175e7e987512b0fba0a088dec3c88298910f
File name: Vector_Magic_Desktop_Edition_1_15_portable.rar
Detection ratio: 11 / 55
Analysis date: 2015-07-01 01:59:41 UTC

here is another download link

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