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Full Version: [GET] Vector Magic - w/KeyGen ($295) [MAC Version Added] LINKS UPDATED 11/12/21
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Hey @ebizmoney, many thanks. Works with zero hassle. Really useful time saver. +++++x2
So here's the direct working link for all the members who were unable to download :))

]]<<</doc2615496_163044311?hash=ba7ccb3a97fe8a4085&dl=28aabb49a7217e1962]Direct download of the portable version

Rep+ would be appriciated

Further another link for the portable version [ Working ]
New link guys ? I'd really appreciate it :)
Anyone got a working copy of this?

...or Does anyone know if this usually goes on sale Boxing Week?

Bump for a working copy :)
And another bump! :)
Try logos with Vector Magic. Logo design is now the easiest of all. There are many logo selling services listing great logos for sale. And with vector magic, I am getting files just like the source file they are selling.

For those who haven't got this working, here is a link to the torrent I downloaded.

Vector Magic 1.15

Magnetic Link to the torrent.

i have a problem with it in windows 10 it doesn't want to open and it worked before
Here is the mac torrent dl:
http://corneey.   com/q9NYy4
Without spaces
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