Over 250 downloads (and counting) - and NO problems posted... I'll take that as every1 is satisfied so rep when you download!

Nice share, thanks +rep added
(06-21-2014 03:01 AM)tradermac Wrote: [ -> ]Nice share, thanks +rep added
It's a neat program. A real time-saver. Hope it serves you well for a long time. Thanks for taking the time to rep and the show of love mate.

Thanks for the great share. Rep added.
nice share and thank you. reps earned
Thanks for the share. Rep given. :)
Thanks for the show of support and thanks for reps mates.

Thanks a ton!
was searching this from a while :)
Rep +
(06-22-2014 04:45 AM)imthiachulu Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks a ton!
was searching this from a while :)
Rep +
Awesome! BBHF is THE place to find and get the tools you need... Ty for the rep and enjoy the program!

Works perfectly.
Thanks and +5 for the share!