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Copywriting Section

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  1. [Must Read] - Notes(PDF+MP3) The Magic of Thinking Big (2 Replies)
  2. [GET] A Dating Marketing Lesson - How To Get Women or Men Fighting Over You (8 Replies)
  3. [GET] Easy Job Pricing for Copywriters (3 Replies)
  4. [GET] Webs of Influence: The Psychology of Online Persuasion - Nathalie Nahai [.mobi, pdf] (3 Replies)
  5. [GET] Legendary Brands: Unleashing the Power of Storytelling to Create a Winning Market Strategy - Laurence Vincent [pdf] (7 Replies)
  6. [GET] But Wait... There's More! - Remy Stern [pdf, mobi] (3 Replies)
  7. [GET] Stop Acting Like a Seller and Start Thinking Like A Buyer - Jerry Acuff [pdf, mobi] (5 Replies)
  8. [GET] The Buy Impulse - Danny Wall [pdf] (6 Replies)
  9. [GET] Advertising Secrets - Alexi Neocleus [pdf] (7 Replies)
  10. [GET] How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World - Harry Browne [.mobi, epub, pdf] (6 Replies)
  11. [GET] Advanced Photoshop Premium Collection Vol 10 - 2015 UK (Magazine) (6 Replies)
  12. [GET] 2015 Writer's Market: The Most Trusted Guide to Getting Published (5 Replies)
  13. [GET] The Hidden Wealth of Customers: Realizing the Untapped Value of Your Most Important Asset - Bill Lee [pdf,mobi] (7 Replies)
  14. [GET] Blue Ocean Strategy [Pdf] (6 Replies)
  15. [GET] SuperSimpl_33-Writing-Resources (2 Replies)
  16. [GET] Dan Kennedy - Copywriting Mastery and Sales Thinking Bootcamp (6 Replies)
  17. [GET] Great Headlines-Instantly! - Robert D. Boduch [pdf] (3 Replies)
  18. [GET] Pricing Basics for Copywriters and Consultants (4 Replies)
  19. [GET] Instant Genius- Michael Masterman [pdf] (10 Replies)
  20. The Unpublished David Ogilvy (9 Replies)
  21. [GET] The Complete Newbie's Guide to Effective Copywriting (0 Replies)
  22. [GET] So You Want to Write An E-Book? (0 Replies)
  23. How to get around copywrites? (Update) (4 Replies)
  24. [GET] 6 Ways to Turn Your Good Writing into Great Writing (3 Replies)
  25. [GET] Copywriting: Proven Secrets to Influencing Someone to Buy Anything, and Dominate Marketing ◄◄◄ (1 Reply)
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