12-22-2012, 09:33 AM
Autoresponder Madness (Official Site)
Monster Profits from Tiny Lists
![[Image: matt-gallant-intro.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/avatars/matt-gallant-intro.png)
![[Image: play.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/wp-content/plugins/haiku-minimalist-audio-player/resources/play.png)
… But, like I said, Matt's an underground marketer. So you've prob'ly
never heard of him before. So here's two marketers that you prob'ly do
know — Ryan Deiss and Perry Belcher.
Earlier this year (January 2012) at their annual Traffic and Conversion Summit in Austin, Ryan and Perry had this to say (from stage) about yours truly and Autoresponder Madness:
![[Image: ryan-perry-video-intro.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/ryan-perry-video-intro.png)
For the record, I wasn't at their Traffic and Conversion Summit. So it was a complete surprise when they endorsed ARM (ARM being short for 'AutoResponder Madness') from stage.
I knew something was up when some friends emailed me:
![[Image: costas-deiss.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/emails/costas-deiss.png)
![[Image: scott-deiss.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/emails/scott-deiss.png)
Then a few days later, my buddy Seth hit me up:
![[Image: seth-deiss.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/emails/seth-deiss.png)
Point is, I knew Ryan loved Autoresponder Madness. Because a year
earlier — after he had just purchased ARM — he sent me this email:
"Seriously, it's the best course I've gone through all year and I'm only on Day-9!"
![[Image: ryan-deiss.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/emails/ryan-deiss.png)
… which is exactly what he did. Because by January 2012 they had
almost fully integrated "ARM methodologies" into all of their email
This video snippet is funny. Because (apparently) I've "trained" Ryan Deiss to act like a dog :)
(BTW: Feel free to "swipe" that email of mine that Ryan reads in
the video. It's a gift from me to you for taking the time to read this
So what the hell is Autoresponder Madness anyway?
Well … Ryan kinda let the "cat-out-the-bag" in the video above.
It's an (advanced) email marketing course that teaches a framework of
methodologies that'll have your subscribers begging you to email them.
It's all delivered via email (one email "lesson" each day) for 7 odd
weeks. It teaches EVERYTHING you need to know POST-squeeze (once someone
adds themself to your list).
… as in everything in the red circled area below:
NOTE: You can get my Lucrative List Building Bootcamp here » (I sell for $0.00 — no seriously, it's yours "on-the-house"!)
![[Image: arm-system-big-picture-s-2.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/arm-system-big-picture-s-2.png)
![[Image: to-arm-diag-up.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/arrows/to-arm-diag-up.png)
By focusing your marketing efforts on establishing,
building and nurturing the relationship (and trust) between you and your
prospects and customers, you can realistically TRIPLE the amount of
money you make.
I was at a little private marketing meet-up in London not long ago. A
customer of mine was telling me that thanks to ARM, he has DOUBLED the
size of his forex business. That was cool, but I told him he was prob'ly
doing a few things wrong because he should be earning even more.
Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy, Joe Polish, Dean Jackson (the list goes on)
all say the same thing. That you can earn upwards of 3 times the amount
of money you make on the frontend, by nurturing and deepening the
relationship with your current customers.
![[Image: perry-belcher-triple-biz-q.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/perry-belcher-triple-biz-q.png)
Below is a real life example (narrated by Perry Belcher) of the type of email (sequences) that I teach you how to write in ARM (I called this a soap opera sequence — or SOS for short):
![[Image: perry-rip-off-invite.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/perry-rip-off-invite.png)
Hmmm … well, Perry is right — I guess I am OK with that. So feel free to swipe that email copy too. It works REALLY well btw!
But ripping off aside … ARM is about how to write killer "email
sequences" that'll have your readers begging for the next email from you
… and next, and the next.
It's about telling authentic stories that connect with your audience,
one-on-one. It's about nurturing (long-term) relationships, and
creating raving engaged fans.
… which is why most of the top-gun marketers own have been exposed to Autoresponder Madness:
![[Image: gurus-white.jpg]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/gurus-white.jpg)
![[Image: steven-resell-head.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/steven-resell-head.png)
A few months later Steven had more results to share with me. It's
funny though, because he actually "screwed up". His results would have
been even better:
![[Image: steve-resell.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/emails/steve-resell.png)
… imagine if you "screwed up" as much as Steven did? :)
And another cool thing about the strategies in ARM is that they're
"evergreen". Meaning they will always work so long as your prospects and
customers are humans (and not robots).
I've already said enough about Autoresponder Madness.
Either you ALREADY know it's for you — in which case use the order button below to get access.
There are three buying options.
The information you get is identical. The $900
option gets you a full email sequence critique (not available until
January 14th). For $25K I fly out to your offices for two days (not
available until January 14th).
Between now and December 31st 2012 you can pick up ARM for $197 (xmas special). On January 1st the price will go up to $300.
- André Chaperon
![[Image: three-options-special.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/cart/three-options-special.png)
![[Image: mike-copywriter-04.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/emails/mike-copywriter-04.png)
… or you're still on the fence. If so, everything below is from other
Autoresponder Madness customers. Read it all if you need to. Then when
you're ready, come back here and order if you feel ARM is a fit for you
and your business.
"I consider this a must have product for people who are truly serious about creating a lasting 6 figure business online!"
![[Image: rusty-moore.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/avatars/rusty-moore.png)
Andre knew I was in a rut and gave me a test prelaunch copy of
Autoresponder Madness (v1) before he launched it to prove how well it
worked. I followed his instructions exactly using a technique he calls
the Soap Opera Method.
The great thing about this method is that you only have to build it once to generate a large monthly passive income.
This was a big paradigm shift for me and it was a big "a-ha" moment.
Even more exciting is his Email Triad technique, which he uses to
dominate product launches. I just finished implementing this technique
and was the #1 affiliate for a product launch … clearing over $4,000 in
three days.
This probably doesn't sound big in comparison to a guru
screen shot, but it was big for me. Real undeniable results. Within 30
days of reading and implementing Andre's course I earned $5,000 more
this month compared to last month.
– Rusty Moore, FitnessBlackBook.com
"When I first tried Andre's strategies on a tiny "test" list of 70 people, I got 37 sales!"
![[Image: ran-aroussi.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/avatars/ran-aroussi.png)
There are different ways to do make money from email lists, but
Andre's is the only one that doesn't require you to have a huge "guru"
I'm constantly being able to get to top spots on the leaderboards of
major product launches … and my list size is nowhere near the size of
other names' on those lists.
There's no one else I would take advice from when it comes to autoresponders, other than Andre — his stuff is hypnotic.
– Ran Aroussi, Aroussi.com
"I've made over a quarter million dollars with Andre's advice over the last 2 years!"
![[Image: justin-brooke.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/avatars/justin-brooke.png)
Last but not least … follow everything Andre Chaperon has to say
about email marketing. I've made over a quarter million dollars with his
advice over the last 2 years.
– Justin Brooke, PixelTrakk.com
"It easily ranks among the top 3 email courses in the world. Possibly in the #1 spot!"
![[Image: steve-goldberg.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/avatars/steve-goldberg.png)
It's that d*** good.
ARM 2.0 = 5 stars!
In short, I now have a powerful system for creating killer
autoresponders that create a list of customers for life and sell
products like crazy.
– Steve Goldberg (Direct Respone Copywriter), @stevegoldberg
"Don't make the mistake of thinking ARM is just another email marketing course — it's much more than that!"
![[Image: gary-booth.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/avatars/gary-booth.png)
It teaches you how to really understand your customer, and how to
use that knowledge to weave stories that will prove to be irresistible
to your customers.
If you want to learn a way to really engage with your
audience, so that they literally beg to buy stuff from you, ARM is the
right course for you.
Despite what you probably see in your email inbox every day, internet
marketing is rapidly moving away from the old-school, in-your-face,
pressure-selling direct marketing techniques.
If you don't want to get left behind, I suggest you invest in ARM — you won't regret it!
– Gary Booth, ProcessImprovementProfits.com
Below is a thread I found on the Warrior Forum. Someone asking for customer feedback on Autoresponder Madness ("click" on the images to zoom in).
![[Image: 293081-question.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/warriorforum/293081-question.png)
![[Image: 293081-1x600.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/warriorforum/293081-1x600.png)
![[Image: 293081-answers.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/warriorforum/293081-answers.png)
![[Image: 293081-2x600.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/warriorforum/293081-2x600.png)
![[Image: 293081-6x600.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/warriorforum/293081-6x600.png)
![[Image: 293081-8x600.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/warriorforum/293081-8x600.png)
![[Image: 293081-9x600.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/warriorforum/293081-9x600.png)
![[Image: 293081-10x600.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/warriorforum/293081-10x600.png)
![[Image: 293081-11x600.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/warriorforum/293081-11x600.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-feedback.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/emails/unsolicited-feedback.png)
![[Image: lee-collins.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/emails/lee-collins.png)
![[Image: ross-email.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/ross-email.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-andy.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-andy.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-charles-kirkland.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-charles-kirkland.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-anonymous.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-anonymous.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-dave-wooding.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-dave-wooding.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-greg-weber.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-greg-weber.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-rich-porter.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-rich-porter.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-scott-swenson.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-scott-swenson.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-abhik.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-abhik.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-widmaer.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-widmaer.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-chris.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-chris.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-rich-porter_2.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-rich-porter_2.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-lucas-adamski.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-lucas-adamski.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-adam.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-adam.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-loz-james.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-loz-james.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-davin-ogden.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-davin-ogden.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-lucas-adamski_2.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-lucas-adamski_2.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-widmaer_2.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-widmaer_2.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-greg-weber.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-greg-weber.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-martin-messier.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-martin-messier.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-marc-eglon.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-marc-eglon.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-romuald.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-romuald.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-seth-ellsworth.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-seth-ellsworth.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-saeed.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-saeed.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-scott.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-scott.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-ricardo.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-ricardo.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-elisabeth-heneage.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-elisabeth-heneage.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-ben-cummings.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-ben-cummings.png)
Copyright 2003-2012 | Autoresponder Madness | Contact | Disclaimer, Privacy Policy and Terms of Service
My Personal Disclaimer:
Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and its
potential. Please remember that each individual's success depends on his
or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any
business endeavor, there is no certain guarantee that you will earn any
money. Please refer to our terms of service for more details.
ClickBank Disclaimer:
ClickBank is a registered trademark of Keynetics Inc., a Delaware
corporation. AutoresponderMadness.com is not affiliated with Keynetics
Inc. in any way, nor does Keynetics Inc. sponsor or approve any
AutoresponderMadness.com product. Keynetics Inc. expresses no opinion as
to the correctness of any of the statements made by
AutoresponderMadness.com in the materials on this webpage.
Direct Download (Fixed Link):
Monster Profits from Tiny Lists
![[Image: matt-gallant-intro.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/avatars/matt-gallant-intro.png)
![[Image: play.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/wp-content/plugins/haiku-minimalist-audio-player/resources/play.png)
… But, like I said, Matt's an underground marketer. So you've prob'ly
never heard of him before. So here's two marketers that you prob'ly do
know — Ryan Deiss and Perry Belcher.
Earlier this year (January 2012) at their annual Traffic and Conversion Summit in Austin, Ryan and Perry had this to say (from stage) about yours truly and Autoresponder Madness:
![[Image: ryan-perry-video-intro.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/ryan-perry-video-intro.png)
For the record, I wasn't at their Traffic and Conversion Summit. So it was a complete surprise when they endorsed ARM (ARM being short for 'AutoResponder Madness') from stage.
I knew something was up when some friends emailed me:
![[Image: costas-deiss.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/emails/costas-deiss.png)
![[Image: scott-deiss.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/emails/scott-deiss.png)
Then a few days later, my buddy Seth hit me up:
![[Image: seth-deiss.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/emails/seth-deiss.png)
Point is, I knew Ryan loved Autoresponder Madness. Because a year
earlier — after he had just purchased ARM — he sent me this email:
"Seriously, it's the best course I've gone through all year and I'm only on Day-9!"
![[Image: ryan-deiss.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/emails/ryan-deiss.png)
… which is exactly what he did. Because by January 2012 they had
almost fully integrated "ARM methodologies" into all of their email
This video snippet is funny. Because (apparently) I've "trained" Ryan Deiss to act like a dog :)
(BTW: Feel free to "swipe" that email of mine that Ryan reads in
the video. It's a gift from me to you for taking the time to read this
So what the hell is Autoresponder Madness anyway?
Well … Ryan kinda let the "cat-out-the-bag" in the video above.
It's an (advanced) email marketing course that teaches a framework of
methodologies that'll have your subscribers begging you to email them.
It's all delivered via email (one email "lesson" each day) for 7 odd
weeks. It teaches EVERYTHING you need to know POST-squeeze (once someone
adds themself to your list).
… as in everything in the red circled area below:
NOTE: You can get my Lucrative List Building Bootcamp here » (I sell for $0.00 — no seriously, it's yours "on-the-house"!)
![[Image: arm-system-big-picture-s-2.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/arm-system-big-picture-s-2.png)
![[Image: to-arm-diag-up.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/arrows/to-arm-diag-up.png)
By focusing your marketing efforts on establishing,
building and nurturing the relationship (and trust) between you and your
prospects and customers, you can realistically TRIPLE the amount of
money you make.
I was at a little private marketing meet-up in London not long ago. A
customer of mine was telling me that thanks to ARM, he has DOUBLED the
size of his forex business. That was cool, but I told him he was prob'ly
doing a few things wrong because he should be earning even more.
Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy, Joe Polish, Dean Jackson (the list goes on)
all say the same thing. That you can earn upwards of 3 times the amount
of money you make on the frontend, by nurturing and deepening the
relationship with your current customers.
![[Image: perry-belcher-triple-biz-q.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/perry-belcher-triple-biz-q.png)
Below is a real life example (narrated by Perry Belcher) of the type of email (sequences) that I teach you how to write in ARM (I called this a soap opera sequence — or SOS for short):
![[Image: perry-rip-off-invite.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/perry-rip-off-invite.png)
Hmmm … well, Perry is right — I guess I am OK with that. So feel free to swipe that email copy too. It works REALLY well btw!
But ripping off aside … ARM is about how to write killer "email
sequences" that'll have your readers begging for the next email from you
… and next, and the next.
It's about telling authentic stories that connect with your audience,
one-on-one. It's about nurturing (long-term) relationships, and
creating raving engaged fans.
… which is why most of the top-gun marketers own have been exposed to Autoresponder Madness:
![[Image: gurus-white.jpg]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/gurus-white.jpg)
![[Image: steven-resell-head.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/steven-resell-head.png)
A few months later Steven had more results to share with me. It's
funny though, because he actually "screwed up". His results would have
been even better:
![[Image: steve-resell.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/emails/steve-resell.png)
… imagine if you "screwed up" as much as Steven did? :)
And another cool thing about the strategies in ARM is that they're
"evergreen". Meaning they will always work so long as your prospects and
customers are humans (and not robots).
I've already said enough about Autoresponder Madness.
Either you ALREADY know it's for you — in which case use the order button below to get access.
There are three buying options.
The information you get is identical. The $900
option gets you a full email sequence critique (not available until
January 14th). For $25K I fly out to your offices for two days (not
available until January 14th).
Between now and December 31st 2012 you can pick up ARM for $197 (xmas special). On January 1st the price will go up to $300.
- André Chaperon
![[Image: three-options-special.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/cart/three-options-special.png)
![[Image: mike-copywriter-04.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/emails/mike-copywriter-04.png)
… or you're still on the fence. If so, everything below is from other
Autoresponder Madness customers. Read it all if you need to. Then when
you're ready, come back here and order if you feel ARM is a fit for you
and your business.
"I consider this a must have product for people who are truly serious about creating a lasting 6 figure business online!"
![[Image: rusty-moore.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/avatars/rusty-moore.png)
Andre knew I was in a rut and gave me a test prelaunch copy of
Autoresponder Madness (v1) before he launched it to prove how well it
worked. I followed his instructions exactly using a technique he calls
the Soap Opera Method.
The great thing about this method is that you only have to build it once to generate a large monthly passive income.
This was a big paradigm shift for me and it was a big "a-ha" moment.
Even more exciting is his Email Triad technique, which he uses to
dominate product launches. I just finished implementing this technique
and was the #1 affiliate for a product launch … clearing over $4,000 in
three days.
This probably doesn't sound big in comparison to a guru
screen shot, but it was big for me. Real undeniable results. Within 30
days of reading and implementing Andre's course I earned $5,000 more
this month compared to last month.
– Rusty Moore, FitnessBlackBook.com
"When I first tried Andre's strategies on a tiny "test" list of 70 people, I got 37 sales!"
![[Image: ran-aroussi.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/avatars/ran-aroussi.png)
There are different ways to do make money from email lists, but
Andre's is the only one that doesn't require you to have a huge "guru"
I'm constantly being able to get to top spots on the leaderboards of
major product launches … and my list size is nowhere near the size of
other names' on those lists.
There's no one else I would take advice from when it comes to autoresponders, other than Andre — his stuff is hypnotic.
– Ran Aroussi, Aroussi.com
"I've made over a quarter million dollars with Andre's advice over the last 2 years!"
![[Image: justin-brooke.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/avatars/justin-brooke.png)
Last but not least … follow everything Andre Chaperon has to say
about email marketing. I've made over a quarter million dollars with his
advice over the last 2 years.
– Justin Brooke, PixelTrakk.com
"It easily ranks among the top 3 email courses in the world. Possibly in the #1 spot!"
![[Image: steve-goldberg.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/avatars/steve-goldberg.png)
It's that d*** good.
ARM 2.0 = 5 stars!
In short, I now have a powerful system for creating killer
autoresponders that create a list of customers for life and sell
products like crazy.
– Steve Goldberg (Direct Respone Copywriter), @stevegoldberg
"Don't make the mistake of thinking ARM is just another email marketing course — it's much more than that!"
![[Image: gary-booth.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/avatars/gary-booth.png)
It teaches you how to really understand your customer, and how to
use that knowledge to weave stories that will prove to be irresistible
to your customers.
If you want to learn a way to really engage with your
audience, so that they literally beg to buy stuff from you, ARM is the
right course for you.
Despite what you probably see in your email inbox every day, internet
marketing is rapidly moving away from the old-school, in-your-face,
pressure-selling direct marketing techniques.
If you don't want to get left behind, I suggest you invest in ARM — you won't regret it!
– Gary Booth, ProcessImprovementProfits.com
Below is a thread I found on the Warrior Forum. Someone asking for customer feedback on Autoresponder Madness ("click" on the images to zoom in).
![[Image: 293081-question.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/warriorforum/293081-question.png)
![[Image: 293081-1x600.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/warriorforum/293081-1x600.png)
![[Image: 293081-answers.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/warriorforum/293081-answers.png)
![[Image: 293081-2x600.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/warriorforum/293081-2x600.png)
![[Image: 293081-6x600.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/warriorforum/293081-6x600.png)
![[Image: 293081-8x600.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/warriorforum/293081-8x600.png)
![[Image: 293081-9x600.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/warriorforum/293081-9x600.png)
![[Image: 293081-10x600.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/warriorforum/293081-10x600.png)
![[Image: 293081-11x600.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/warriorforum/293081-11x600.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-feedback.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/emails/unsolicited-feedback.png)
![[Image: lee-collins.png]](http://autorespondermadness.com/images/emails/lee-collins.png)
![[Image: ross-email.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/ross-email.png)
![[Image: unsolicited-andy.png]](http://arm-images.s3.amazonaws.com/email/unsolicited-andy.png)
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