Thanx guys for making mirrors for the big video.
The original download was confusing - even the original uploader had to explain to his fellows how the procedure there works without downloading the exe file...
Cheers, Johnny63
Lesson 5 Book recommendations (Stig Larsson triology)
Direct download links:
Cheers, Johnny63
Andre cited Stephen King: "you need to read a lot and write a lot"...
With reading, I can help you. Just get the good books :-)
Cheers, Johnny63
(12-28-2012 11:07 AM)Izator Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,
Just to let you know that the bottom link doesn't work.
Regards, Iza
Thanks to all that have helped on this thread!
It works fine you just need to copy and paste the whole line as you can see the bbcode got broken.
Rapidshare link had traffic exhausted at the time Izator wrote his post...
Anywayy - new stuff to consume for you:
Lesson 9 recommended books:
Addition from myself:
Interview transscript - Dan Ariely for SocialTriggers
Cheers, Johnny63