VIP is worth a thousand times what you pay for, the VIP Access is extremely powerful,many VIP plugins, VIP Courses, VIP Softwares , many more.
Great excitement to be part of BBHF. Thank you for the opportunity!
thanks Admins for your efforts and for running this TOP VIP forum.
All I have to say is that I'm pissed at myself for not becoming VIP a longgg time ago. I'm not exactly sure what was holding me back, but don't let anything hold you back if you're on the fence. Take the leap and join up. It is beyond worth it. Best money you will spend this year.
And many thanks go out to lala and all the amazing crackers and uploaders who easily make this the #1 VIP marketing forum on the net.
VIP is worth every penny and more! you will get premium tools, tutorials, methods and you will be able to earn $$$$ think about it! imagine if you can get dozens of $$$ worth tutorials and premium scripts and software's that worth another $$$. DON"T THINK TWICE. ACT NOW!!!!!!!!!!
Many tutorials and methods that cost $$$
Premium software's and scripts ready to download that cost another $$$
that's mean you can save time + $$$$ + passive income!
Just do it! Guaranteed becoming a VIP will be the best decision you will make in pursuit of making money online!
My best advice to some of you that are thinking about purchasing the VIP status would be to indeed DO it.
Instead of purchasing the next little shiny things called WSO, read it and buy another one right after, take your money and invest it in the VIP membership here.
Only in one of the threads where lot of methods are shown and detailed you will get your money back but that is if you take ACTION.
And I did not speak about the software, backlinks, plugins etc. forum yet...
I am going to be vip club once i became a verified member here. Cheers
I did the right thing to join as vip.. one of the best website it is.. mostly all are shit and make user foll and just grab money. but bbhf its sooooo good and lala support is awesome.. definitely i came here as guest but now its my family and i love it.
Awesome value. Just a couple of threads I've read are worth the memberhip price. If you can afford VIP, don't hesitate to get it! :)
Awesome Forum! After join VIP my understanding about making money online changed completely!