BBHF is without doubt the best forum in its genre online!
Without doubt one of the best investments I've made online...the
expertise on here is frightening but it's a great place to learn :)
i want to become a VIP and how do i do
ok right now i am gonna try to writte my opinion :)
The first thing that you need to do is to became Vip (is a must must must).... why? simply because there you can find
knowledge, tools, courses, deals that you cannot find in anyway in the feebie section..
think about it for a sec.. no really think about it, you buy courses after courses when you can find here 90% of the courses for free, you want a course that cost 1k 2k 3k? no problem if the course is good someone will start a Gb and you can have it for less than a 50$...
my point is you can buy course after course after course and in the end never have enough money to spend them in the important things (like traffic gen stuff, tools, websites etc...) coz you spend all your money in the courses....
OR you have the other way the way that you DECIDE to take action get inside the close comiunity get the stuff that you need build your biz or start to implement things to your biz, help others, make friendships that will help you find potentional jv partners and suddenly you will see that is simple to make money online. It's NOT EASY but it's Simple....
BE AWARE the power of Vip it's dangerous....
what do i mean by that? well in the Vip you will find basicly whatever you looking for and sometimes even more
but not trick yourself and try to do 50 things at a time! don't download something if you never gona through it....
right now if you are not Vip and stumble in this post you might say something like: yeah right.... why do i download something if i am not gonna use it? well the shinny object syndrom works even in the FREE stuff that's why it is called Syndrom LOL....
anyway if you are in the fence or if you think to buy a course or upgrade to Vip then i will say to you without a doubt upgrade to Vip, (you probably find what you looking for here anyway :P ).
so for closing i have to say only 3 things
1 upgrade to Vip
2 take the courses that you NEED (give Reps to the people that deserve to get Reps.)
3 Take action
and a bonus one!
Help others
sharring is carrying....
I'm very interested in becoming a VIP. How does one do that?
Old link above does not work..can someone please let me know how to become VIP
Thank You.
Contact lala...shevwill guide you through the whole process!
Trust me it is hands down,the best 50 $ you will ever spend...or better say invest!!!
Good luck...
If you have any more questions feel free to ask
You can not find anything elsewhere like what you can get from the VIP section! And that's a one time payment !
Great BBHF !
I'm was member in couple of Black Hat forums and fairly active but since becoming VIP here I have not even visited the other forums. I also noticed that it appears the other forums were getting their information from this forum anyway. I'm not going anywhere else... I don't need to. Everything I need from IM world is here and so many great members that work hard to help other, it's like a family!
The value you get for such a low price to become a VIP member is outstanding. Having access to the VIP GB's and VIP Downloads has been very valuable to me. Spend the money and join the VIP, you won't regret it! :)
Big thanks to Lala ;-)
Read more @ : Become VIP Is Your Best Bet-Why?
Read more @ : Become VIP Is Your Best Bet-Why?
Hello. I need to know the status of my request for VIP at the forum.
Well a few reasons you need to become VIP. Education name the topic you will probably find the latest info. VIPs and the insight they share with you. The tools you can use and test drive before you buy. That alone will pay for the price of admission. You Have all the tools for your success. Focus-Action-Perseverance Make it Great , Prx