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Full Version: [READ] 18 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a Covid Vaccine
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If you are anti-vax, then at least you should have an alternative to the jab... and there are plenty. Ivermectin takes too long in my opinion, so I suggest that you have a look at one of the most potent and powerful substances (if not the best) available to mankind:

If you have not tried it yourself, then please do not comment negatively about what you have read on other sources or try to be clever citing credible resources. This solution is not for you because you will never understand or experience the truth.

For those that try this solution, I congratulate and commend you. Welcome to a brave new fantastic world of not being afraid of viruses, bacteria and other illnesses.

It is a strange world that even if presented with a possible solution, most people would rather die than try it. Even stranger, real cures and technology that can benefit humanity are forbidden.

I also listen to doctors, but the kind that have applied their critical thinking skills.

Fear is what voluntarily drives people to the vaccine (I feel sorry for those that are being forced)... blind obedience, arrogance, programming and other reasons prevent them from seeing the truth or even consider an alternative cure.

Best wishes to all of you.
On and on and on we go, BUT=>
Nobody, not one single person here or otherwise has presented proof positive of either of these very needed conditions to justify all this hoopla:

1 - That MEDICAL 'viruses' which are able to make folks sick ACTUALLY EVEN EXIST;

2 - That there is actually ANY situation which deserves to be labeled as 'epidemic' or 'pandemic' AT ALL, and for which some sort of 'vaccine' may even be needed.

Folks are endlessly yakking about virus - virus - virus when there is no 100% proof of any such thing EXCEPT for the bad code aimed mostly at computers.

Thus far it is ALL sizzle and NO STEAK.

If no bad illness can be 100% identified and proven for what it TRULY is - then what is there for folks to be SHOT about at all ?!?
I just went ahead and reviewed the available information in records about the lawsuits for all the pharma companies mentioned in the article. Those are public records, they've done those things and paid for the ones that had liability. My trust is collapsing.
Very Well said Macklin12 - kudos and Reps to you !!:

(10-03-2021 12:39 PM)macklin12 Wrote: [ -> ]I just went ahead and reviewed the available information in records about the lawsuits for all the pharma companies mentioned in the article. Those are public records, they've done those things and paid for the ones that had liability. My trust is collapsing.

It is truly unfortunate that when the 'medical schools' were invented ~100 years ago - they did succeed in making 'patients' *feel better* rather than GETTING better, and so our forbears taught their children that the dr. folks are beyond reproach - which became a (highly corrupted...) cultural standard ever since then.

The greed motivated abuses of that 'authority' are beyond any ability to count or catalogue.

Most folks are 100% immune to the knowledge that MOST who were told they 'had cancer' either died from the 'treatments' or the overwhelming stresses and depressions resulting - whilst the same ignorant folks are unaware that 'cancer' seldom kills if left alone and can be dealt with by other, much less harmful means once the truth of it is known to the sufferers.

The corruption referred to here is the result of boundless greed;
It is not enough to be wealthy - those behind the stuff desire to be INSANELY wealthy AND in control of the masses - and:
Here you have the 'medical' tyranny of 2020, 2021 and beyond - for an unknown amount of time and lives lost.

If one seeks info about vaccine deaths and injuries via the public records, it is easily seen and the image below really depicts it quite well:

[Image: Ghandi-on-vaccines.jpg]
So many medical experts on this Blackhat forum!
Not I, sir.
Not a single thing about me is 'medical'.

My own, very careful FINDINGS have shown me over and over and over that=>

'Medical' things, sadly, are mostly just fraud.

What astounds me endlessly is that nowadays generally healthy folks without any real, active health concerns - and also without ANY personal investigations into what these things are and what may come as results=>

Have and are STILL running right out to get shots that have been openly documented as directly harming and even killing others outright.

As for myself:
Having been permanently injured by 'medical misadventure' at the ripe old age of 5 y/o, suffering unlimited harms from allowing myself to use dr. directed pharma garbage until their final misdiagnosis got me to quit them 100% just before my 30th year...

My distrust of the medicos has me investigating any/all claims aimed at any/all sorts of 'medical value' - ALWAYS.

My attempts to pass on my FINDINGS to others DOES NOT constitute ANY SORT of a claim towards being a 'medical' ANYTHING.

I'm simply an old, normally generally healthy guy who prefers to study things attentively.
(I will add however, that I have learned much which has allowed me to enliven and strengthen my old body rather than dying after misdiagnosis decades ago, as foretold by the medicos.)

That's all.
Best Wishes to ALL for Perfect Health and Prosperity, ALWAYS !!
I'm being forced to get vaccinated, and I feel bullied. It's not right to force what should be a choice.

I personally don't believe the vaccine works. I know quite a few people that are vaccinated and got sick anyway and several that have died of COVID-19 fully vaccinated. It angers me when people compare this vaccine to the familiar ones used today. Those vaccines have been proven and more importantly they actually work.

I have my doubts about masks also. If they really worked then the stats from masks mandate areas would be much lower than non mask users, and there's not significant enough difference to inspire confidence in me of the mask's effectiveness.

I think we're being lied to on a massive scale. I have lost my faith and trust in our government, our medical leaders, and our media. If you choose to believe them it's still almost a free country,.

Well said Mthomas. Smitnowt too.

Interesting to see how "Two men look through the bars, one sees mud, the other sees stars."

Here's a book that may be an eye-opener to some.
[Image: Medical-Heritic.png]
[Image: medicalheretic-bk.png]
Confessions of a Medical Heretic - Robert S Mendelson MD
Sadly, though the video Tomwol shared above has important points to make - it is also over an hour of a fast talking dr. utilizing a great deal of medical terminology.

If one is able to slow it down a bit and get through 10-11 minutes of it...that may be enough to satisfy one's curiosity because even the title itself will be vague to most folks.

The presenter is highly credible within his chosen field while also being a poor choice for speaking to any layman because so much of what he describes will not be comprehensible to the average man or woman.

Quote:Presentation notes:

1min: Something was going very wrong very early in 2019.
2m: The threshold for shutting down a new biologic product is just a few cases.
3m: Covid-19 was going to be the showcase of what we could do for biotech.
5m: The spike protein created by the new Covid-19 is a deadly protein.
11m: Our institutions are all culpable in medical malfeasance.
13m: We have the biggest biological catastrophe on our hands with a medicinal product in human history…and no-one knows how to stop it.

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