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My goodness - such lengthy entries here !!

These exchanges bring the 'flat earthers' to mind for me...

I, personally, have no idea what shape our planet may be - will never have any way to witness it from far above or below at 1st hand...and:

Why would I even care - my life will not change significantly either way ??

As to climate:

We as a species excel at burning any and everything possible and have done so continuously for a very long time.

Has this affected the climate due to accumulated heating ??

Possibly - but here again I have no way to be 100% certain of this such that I can claim 1st hand, absolutely certain knowledge of it.

Here is what I -can- claim to have witnessed at 1st hand:

For more than a decade our seasons have been screwy, our summers MUCH hotter and our winters have been unrecognizable as compared with decades past.

Does the strange climate changing affect my life directly ??:

Yes. Absolutely.

Is there anything I can do about it ??:

Yes - tolerate it and deal with increased energy charges.

I have said this many times before, and will say it here, again=>

In the distant future when our species is extinct and alien scientists visit this place - they are certain to find the remains fascinating, and also...
After adequate study of what they can find and comprehend, they will most likely conclude thusly:

Quote:The dominant hominids of this planet definitely stagnated in their development, had much disagreement and even violent disputes over lands and resources, but most fascinating of all;
They seem to have literally TALKED themselves to death rather than creating solutions to their greed, consumption, overpopulation problems and many pollutions.

All that we've deciphered shows that while they argued endlessly, their problems got worse and worse until ultimately they just perished en masse.

Now to make this personal and because energy management has always fascinated me:

I was in contact with some very different men who had come up with incredibly efficient methods for drastically improved energy production and usage.

Interestingly and literally these normal, healthy men ALL had 'accidents' or just somehow vanished altogether.

Overdoses for the perfectly sober; and one man told of a visit from the 'men in black' who told him if he so much as spoke of his invention he would vanish, never to be seen again - and soon after that - he did vanish somehow.

We tend to think of ourselves as brilliant, creative and capable - and if this is accurate then I ask in response:

- Why do we still depend upon rubber tired, petrol burning vehicles which require paved roads after MORE than 100 years of them ??

- Why do their supposed replacements (EVs) depend upon centrally made power and batteries with limited lifespans ??

- Why do we fall, again and again for lies which are merely variations on lies told before ??

- With all that brilliance - how can we remain so foolish - as in=> easily fooled ??

Our species has clearly gone mad in recent times and I posit that it is due to so many living like hive insects while having screen-centered lives;
Too few people have any remaining certainties of what is real and what is NOT, so...

We merely argue endlessly while our biosphere, living beings, and sanity keep crashing harder and harder - worse every day.

My Best Wishes to ALL for Happiness, Prosperity and Perfect Health !!
My condolences to 'George Carlin's' family. I did not know him nor know he was dead. May he rest in peace.

Let it be known that I am a Capitalist with a social conscience.

I am for free market economies and freedom of speech. Thankfully I live in a Democracy where people contribute and develop policies for the common good.

Politically, conflict of interest issues should be engrained in statute and policed by statute.

I believe the best solutions to any and all problems comes from debated argument.

Argument is a positive word in my vocabulary whereby passionate people advocate on behalf of their views whatever they may be.

There are always opposing views. On CoViD, my view is formed by answers to key questions.

Is CoViD a potentially lethal virus? Answer: Yes it is.

Does the Pfizer-BioTech, Moderna, Astra-Zeneca, Jansen 'Jab' reduce your chances of mortality if you contract the disease? Yes they do.

Scientifically, logically, historically, virologically, medically I therefore decide that getting protected is the best way to go.

Are there risks? Yes there are.

You could not find a medical practitioner on planet Earth to sign a form that if you get the Jab they would guarantee your safety. It's down to a [risk : reward] ratio and so is everything else in life.

I feel lucky to be vaccinated. I feel relieved to be vaccinated.

Thank you.
It is astounding that people are able to see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear when all around them can be seen and heard the exact opposites.
I 100% agree in YOUR choice to decide whether or not to get the shot(s) for YOURSELF....that is freedom of choice.
My issue is with those that want to force other people to get the shots when they choose NOT to....that is draconian, Socialist and Totalitarian.

Of course we also differ in our risk assessment and whether or not we believe in both the effectiveness and safety of the currently untested (long term) so called vaccines. Time will tell as to who was ultimately right, hopefully your side is, for your own sakes.

As for vaccines in general, I am for them....however, given the low mortality rate of Covid, especially among younger demographic's, getting a new version of "vaccine" that is untested (in the long term) and the fact that is doesn't act like a traditional vaccine, (you can still get Covid even after being "vaccinated") is experimental in nature (RNA manipulation rather than traditional "dead virus" traditional vaccine type) and has documented side effects (fatal in some people)....I CHOOSE NOT to get this experimental shot.
. . that this is your most eloquent, intelligent and persuasive post yet.

You seem to have forged your own thoughts and expertly expressed your opinions.

I would suggest that you were too caught up in presenting the opinions of others.

You have a great desire to search for factual truth.

I think, maybe, you underestimate your own intelligence and abilities to decipher fact from childish nonsense.

I watched 'Joe Rogan 'disassemble some my strongly held views with magnificent coolness.

His factual analysis shows the way to go.

In my humble opinion, if you want to sway people, sway them with facts. Facts have two legs and they stand tall.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick on Vaccine Misinformation and Long-haul Covid

Thank you.

This too shall pass.
All this brilliantly lengthy value avoidance brings to mind...

Professor Irwin Corey; The World's Foremost Authority.

But even better still, in the realm of non-answering:

Thank goodness that there ARE really good and value filled posts at the beginning of this thread, before the diversions began !!

"THE FALL OF THE CABAL" by Janet Ossenberg

These pharmaceuticals can shove their covid vaccines up their ass
bravo!! well said man! Thanks Perfect 10

(05-14-2021 01:58 AM)Nitro Wrote: [ -> ]

Who the heck is Mr. Elliot?

Christopher Elliot is a health/nutrition coach!
He is not even a doctor or bio-engineer, or whatever.

He Is a Coach !



There are so many misinterpretations and false assumptions regarding this subject.

A L W A Y S !

1. Check the source and credentials of people who are writing or talking
about such a complex topic as a vaccine testing and production.

2. Read medical journals instead.

3. Or at least pay attention to what people are saying in the comments
before you even start believing in this crap.

If you want to get a more clear picture, take a look at this one:


Stay Safe!

Thank you for the article.
Reps added!

Thank you for the video. Yes, it explains a lot.
Reps added as well!

Fascinating additions here !!
Glad to be following this thread.

I'll accept that the PMOs are gone for good ONLY if/when I see independently verified proof showing their dead bodies and their assets taken for the good of decent folks.

Well said indeed !!

There's all sorts of funny bizness in this matter - tests that DON'T provide useful results and are possibly harmful - things being called 'vaccines' that do not even approach the legal or medical definitions for them, and on and on...

As to credentials - they are peculiar things from what I've observed in my lifetime.

Dentists are a great example as they were mostly trained by schools created and funded by villains and they have used endless amounts of highly toxic stuff on their patients (many still use amalgam and sodium flouride AFAIK).

Yet they are fully qualified, licensed, etc.

Medical doctors can be truly well intentioned people - but:
Having been trained by rockefeller medical colleges they only know what they were made to memorize and a great many not only follow mainstream practices exclusively - but also mostly push pharma stuff that is highly toxic.

Highly credentialed scientists...have they been bought ?!?

The internet itself is a grand example of controlled and/or misleading info in so many ways.

It is sad that snopes may have (long ago) been a trustworthy place to check out info - but those days are long since gone.

My own, personal examples as relate with the areas mentioned above:
- I was crippled for life by medical doctors at the age of 5;
- During my youth I was mistreated by a greed-centered dentist, got a mouth filled with amalgam trash, and a severe injury that needed to be fixed by others;
- The ONLY man I've known personally with the title of dr. who actually CURED folks was run out of his home and practice area and had his license revoked by his peers after his assistant was bribed to accuse him of misconduct which never happened;
- After being mis-diagnosed too many times by medicos I gave up on them and all their pills, etc. - and got vastly healthier ever since;
- I've been robbed outright by a lawyer (liar) or 2;
- And internet stuff ??
Fuggedaboudit - too much cheating baloney to try and list as I learned to do better.

Moral of my story here:
Just because someone has a title, credentials to match - and even many happy customers that does NOT positively confirm their goodness - so let the buyer beware !!

My Best Wishes to ALL for Happiness, Prosperity and Perfect Health !!
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