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Full Version: [READ] 18 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a Covid Vaccine
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(05-14-2021 02:46 AM)roddyf Wrote: [ -> ]Immunity? take the vaccine but you can still get c19 and pass it on, so why take it?

yes you can, but the symptoms are much milder than getting it without, apparently
Yep very wisely summed up -Thanks JAMiam47 - and=>
War has clearly been declared against MOST of humanity rather than any single type of group:

(05-15-2021 04:26 AM)JAMiam47 Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to WORLD WAR 3...
We The People Loose against the corporate pigs...
It's an obvious reset of humanity in a global scale...
Empires have used this tactic for millennia with the plague...
Fight back, Grow your own food if you can... Eat healthy... And don't buy shit you don't need.
Peace to all...

Emerald posted a link to a very info filled page too;
It is enormous, very long, and here are most of the links from that page minus the inevitably added 'other stuff':


Some of those links came with fakebook tracking added, which has been cleaned off before sharing this list.

Znj1377's pointer to Dr. Yeadon's warning is also quite info-packed.

And lastly (for now...) to all others who have NOT done any work to find and consider the huge amount of info dedicated to exposing the WWI Con, here, maybe you'll have a peek at any or all of this stuff:

- 'IT' is just a rebranding of the yearly flu - which somehow disappeared since 2020;

- ALL those being treated for terrible illness right now GOT THE SHOT(S);

- NO medical 'virus' has EVER been scientifically confirmed to EXIST and/or actually cause any illness;

- The shots are NOT VACCINES AT ALL according to both the official, accepted medical and legal definitions of what a 'vaccine' actually is and/or does.

- The shots ARE actually MRNA delivery devices aimed at tampering with our natural DNA making us into GMOs and owned legally as results of that.

Anyone who has already 100% chosen to get stabbed and will absolutely not reconsider - that's great and Best Wishes too.

Good luck as a volunteer participating in the biggest medical experiment ever carried out in all of this world's history.

I send out my Best Wishes to ALL for Happiness, Prosperity and Perfect Health !!
Does anyone know where to get a blank vax certificate?
while everyone is worried about a vaccine, the real deadly disease that is ravaging people is Alzheimers and dementia, a rotting brain is no joke, give me anything that will make a quick exit, because sitting around without the ability to speak, move, remember your loved ones, or be able to fend off anyone that want to harm you is no joke.
Zynet. On Duckduckgo, do a search for Andreas Kalcker. Research that specific substance.
Anyone remember the movie, Children of Men, with Clive Owen?

I always think about that movie (humanity becoming infertile) and how the powers that be want ALL people on the planet to get this so called "vaccination".

Like why the hell would EVERYONE need to get this shot, that just doesn't make sense to me?
What if something goes wrong? Be it infertility, or birth defects (like from drugs like thalidomide, etc.), other complications or future issues?

Remember NONE of these experimental drugs have had long term testing of side effects and/or future effects yet they want everyone in the entire world to get it just me or does that sound ill advised from a common sense view point? Why can't some people NOT be "vaccinated" if they are saying you can STILL get Covid if your have gotten the shot and give it to others but just have lessor symptoms?

So I'd say it's totally on the person to decide if they want to chance "greater" symptoms WITHOUT getting the shot.

Am I missing something here?

I mean this isn't the black death plague which killed 50% of people who get it, it's a death rate of less than 1% (and that is even highly subjective with hospitals having an incentive to report higher covid deaths to get increased gov't $$$ and higher numbers from incorrect tests, possible flu deaths reported as Covid, multiple symptoms of death liked killed in a car crash but had, yep, a"Covid" death....NOT, etc.) that is the part that makes EVERYONE on the planet needing this shot ridiculous. (at least to me)....

Anyway, just my two cents....take it or leave it.
Bravo MThomas - so wisely said !!
Perfect 10 Happydance Perfect 10

Sadly, you speak from a place of reasoning vs. that of reasonless emotion.

If one considers the present cultural 'norms' (which are the REAL epidemics...) of cluster B disorders, mysophobia (fears of dirt and germs), necrophobia(fears of death and dead things) - the world is perfectly ready for the PMOs to play their games.

Those who allow themselves to live in fears endlessly cannot use reason and are not reachable thereby, sadly.

Best Wishes to ALL for Happiness in Perfect Health !!
If people had reacted like this to the polio vaccine, half of your progenitors would have been in iron lungs and you would not be here to post today.

You have a brain. Use it. Not everything is a d*** conspiracy.
Double Faced Dr. Fauci: Dr. Fauci vs Dr. Fauci

(08-26-2021 08:18 AM)Tisane Wrote: [ -> ]If people had reacted like this to the polio vaccine, half of your progenitors would have been in iron lungs and you would not be here to post today.

You have a brain. Use it. Not everything is a d*** conspiracy.

This is not the Polio vaccine though, is it?

In fact, according to the creators of this 'jab' in a news interview with Pfizer that I watched last year - when they were close to releasing it, it isn't a vaccine at all. Their words, not mine! It is, in fact, a synthetic pathogen, but nobody would queue up to get their synthetic pathogen injection.
Again, their words, not mine.

"Having a brain and using it" gives us the ability to take a 1,000ft view of this whole situation from begining to present and ask questions about it.
The science does not necessarily back-up what we are constantly being told 24/7. There is plenty of science - from far more credible sources - that refute what we are being told, but they are denied a platform.

Look, everything we need to know to educate ourselves on the choice we make is out there. You just have to look for it. But the 1,000ft view, if we care to look at it, is staring us in the face.

No, not everything is a conspiracy, but plenty is.

Try this; Google the search term: "drugs companies found guilty" and hit search. Look at the results there.

Pay particular attention to the Pfizer links from various .gov sites.

Pfizer has been a “habitual offender,” persistently engaging in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results.
Since 2002 the company and its subsidiaries have been assessed $3 billion in criminal convictions, civil penalties and jury awards.

Here in the UK in the past six months there have been three scandals uncovered which were discovered back in the 1970's and allowed to continue until the 1990's. This involved life-threatening drugs being prescribed to unsuspecting women. Drug companies hid it for years, even though they knew what it did.

People who say, 'not everything is a conspiracy' usually just don't believe ANY conspiracies. That's okay though. It's personal choice of belief.

If you don't believe that the governments have anything other than your best interests at heart and would never put profit before your health then great.
If you don't believe that many politicians/legislators/senators/ministers have director positions in pharmaceutical companies and there's no conflict of interest, then great.
If you don't believe that the talking heads on the tv right now that want the US to go back into Afghanistan don't have an interest in arms and munitions companies, then great (those are not difficult to prove though)
If you think Julian Assange is a liar or fantasist, then great.
If you think Building 7 at the WTC fell down out of sympathy - great!

It's your choice. My choice is not to have the vaccine - sorry, synthetic pathogen. And I am very happy with my choice.
Right now on the news they are saying that latest studies show that even double vaccine loses it's protection after 6 months....probably less.
Do you want boosters every six months for the rest of your life?

I don't know what is going on, but I DO know that this whole thing stinks.
It doesn't make sense, the lies are clear to anyone who can see, but the masses just obey and comply without question.

I will tell you something that I know for a FACT, that IS a conspiracy, and that is the great mask lie.

Masks do not protect you from Covid. Especially cloth masks.
Masks will not protect you from ANY virus - even surgical grade masks.
Why? Because virus particles are far too small to be caught by a mask. Doctors and surgeons wear masks to prevent the spread of bacteria, not virus.
How do I know that for sure? Because I worked in an operating theatre for ten years and wore masks all day every day. It is a well known fact in those circles.

However, there were memes going round FB implying the opposite and perpetuating fake news...yet they were not censored. Why not?
Now, there's a conspiracy.

Anyway, each to their own. Believe whatever you want to believe but let's not chastise others for their beliefs and choices.

And, How the h£ll did I end up on this thread anyway?

Lets get back to marketing.

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