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Well done Sir/Madam.

I found your presentation excellent. You are compelling, balanced, researched, articulate, slightly 'flawed' but very impressive. I am being honest and hope to appear in no way condescending.

Drug companies are run by humans and thus have the associated flaws.

The Oxford-AstraZeneca jab is a vaccine. It was created from attenuated virus using technology dating back to 'Edward Jenner' in the 1700's.

mRNA vaccines are break-through technology and will forever enhance our arsenal to combat other illness.

A vaccine: . . .

. . . a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease. (Google)

. . . has a specific definition and mRNA technology does not conform to this definition and thus it is not classed as a vaccine.

mRNA is molecular Science at its best and Humanity is blessed to have this break-through.

Masks are worn to prevent droplet infection. If the mask stops the user from spewing virus laden body fluid, then this stops infection. It is a 'tool' to stop the spread of infection.

I am pro mRNA, pro Science and delighted to have received my 'Moderna' shots and I fully understand and look forward to receiving a modified mRNA 'booster shot' to combat the Delta Variant. It is Scientifically understandable. The virus we started off with has mutated and now the newly re-constituted DNA (the mutation) code of the virus has to be 'killed' with modified messengerRNA.

This Scientific breakthrough is phenomenal!

In the interest of balance, may I say, I found former President, 'Donald Trump's' political views abhorrent, yet, I will be forever grateful that he signed off on billions for mRNA technology and research to save mankind. That is his legacy. It was enormous and I am grateful.

Thank you. Peace, good health and long-life to all.
"A vaccine: . . .

. . . a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease. (Google)

. . . has a specific definition and mRNA technology does not conform to this definition and thus it is not classed as a vaccine."

Then WHY is the public (on a GLOBAL level) being told it IS a vaccine?

WHY should people be "REQUIRED" to take a "vaccine" that hasn't been fully time tested, doesn't keep you from actually getting the virus and for a "virus" that has a "death rate" of less than 1% (and this number is highly probable to be vastly exaggerated, at least in the US)?

WHY have the "experts" continually LIED to the public throughout this "Pandemic"? Masks, "vaccines", death rates, hospital intake numbers (exaggerated), etc.....

WHY is a 1% death rate (again, probably highly exaggerated) even an issue?

WHY isn't China being held responsible for this "pandemic"?

WHY hasn't been Faucie been FIRED from his job since he had a hand in financing this banned research in a country that is our adversary and Communist as well? (I'd recommend a charge of TREASON for helping our enemies develop potentially biological weapons that could be used against us!)

WHY have scientists, doctor's and academic's been silenced by the media and governments for expressing serious concerns to the data, the "vaccines", the mandates, and the actual "science" or lack of it?

And lastly my original concern, why the hell does EVERYONE on Earth have to be forced to get this untested (from a long term perspective), experimental so called "vaccine" that DOESN"T stop anyone from actually getting the virus which has a less than 1% fatality rate?

It just doesn't make sense, doesn't add up (common sense wise) and the "science" doesn't hold up either.....

Oh, and yeah, I'm going to add this here as well.......
This sort of falls into the same fake, made up, fudged/fabricated data of so called "man-made" climate change that is also being shoved down everyone's throat on a global basis even though the "science" does NOT support the REAL long term data......

For those still reading and too young to remember but the all mighty, never wrong, angelic "scientists" have been absolutely WRONG many, many, many times in the recent your research.

-Ice Age coming during the 1980's - Nope, never happened
- Population explosion and massive global starvation - Um, NO
- Killer bees in USA to kill all other bees, no
- Ozone hole in atmosphere to kill everyone on Earth because of spray cans....magically closed by itself
- Sun spots to kill everyone on Earth....not yet!
- For those in USA, the Gov't food pyramid (that every kid in school needed to learn to follow as "scientific fact/proven/gov't said so, so it's true" yet wrong again, telling people how to eat that was wrong for 50 years and causing millions to get heart disease, get fat/obese, get cancer's and die younger than necessary from bad eating habits...(aka: eat margarine instead of butter, eat a high carb diet and restrict fats (WRONG), eat more grains...and other dangerous "scientific proven facts"
- Medical community said officially steroids don't work....LIE that they were FORCED to acknowledge, that they claimed they did for "moral" reasons (so kids wouldn't take them)...Um, NOT YOUR FREAKING JOB, your job is to report the FACTS AND THE TRUTH!!!

And many other's, the above being the one's I can remember off the top of my head.

Yes, I'm all for science, but science NEEDS/REQUIRES REAL data, REAL facts and REAL debates to substantiate, prove and validate the scientific information....and NOT, feelings, opinions, politically correct/woke/SJW nonsense...."Just the facts, ma"am"
Lets break this down:

Re Climate change:

Climate change may not be a 'thing' but a blind man can 'see' (inner eye) that there is massive change in our climate globally. Humanity needs to take action to address the causes and the effects. The climate situation does not have to be 'branded'. I do not need a Scientist to explain to me that which is obvious to the eye. Our global climate has and is changing. Maybe there is a conspiracy theory to pseudo-explain this happening event. Like it or not, it is happening.

The best quote for preparation I've heard is:

"When did Noah build the arc"? . . . Before the flood, before the flood!

Re mRNA, medical, fatal disease preventative technology:

Call it a vaccine or call it a 'thing·u·ma·jiggy', it doesn't matter. It works. It prevents death. mRNA technology is going to treat mankind into the future. Protect your loved ones and get this code into your immuno-defense so that it prevents Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) which in essence is death by suffocation.

Down the line as we learn more, we will know exactly the origins of CoViD19.

I am not American, the World is lucky to have Dr. Fauci. He is educated, experienced, calm, pensive and a rock of sense.

This crisis will pass. 'This too shall pass'. Keep your head; stay cool, calm and collected!

This crisis will pass faster the sooner we get everyone in the global community protected.

Best wishes to all.

Thank you.
Rock Man Jim explains life quite well:

I must add that seeing this was quite a thrill:


The point ??

My Best Wishes to ALL for Happiness, Prosperity and Perfect Health !!
Yes, absolutely, question everything.

Questioning is the key to understanding.

Understanding is the key to learning.

What questions are you asking and from whom you do seek an answer?

Crises are manipulated by all sorts of foolishness and self-promotion.

Why do you not trust your own government?
Why do you not trust your own Public Health Service?
Why do you not trust modern Science?
Do you believe in democracy?
Have you emailed your concerns to Dr. Fauci?
Why are you seeking alternative, contradictory hocus-pocus evidence?

You (may) have trust issues and that is ok.

There is a top medical practitioner in your locality that covers your area. Have you interviewed that person (by phone or skype) offering a list of questions with your concerns.

There is a professor of Microbiology in your local State University. Contact that authority on this specific issue, email them a list of your concerns and ask that studied professor to explain to a 'regular joe' what TF is going on and then relay your findings to everyone here.

I ponder, would you take a course of antibiotics if you had bacterial pneumonia?

Where does your irrational fear of the vaccine and mRNA stem from.

Why do you believe the bogey-man is out to get you?

Human life is precious, I would hate to see harm come to anyone as a result of misinformation or worse disinformation.

654,689 recorded deaths by CoViD in the USA. Tragic.

Let us keep communicating and updating each other. Somebody else on this wonderful forum will enlighten both of us. This is a place of searching and learning and I am always entirely open to reasoned argument.

Thank you.

Keep safe.
(08-29-2021 08:41 PM)klubhammer Wrote: [ -> ]Lets break this down:

Re Climate change:

Climate change may not be a 'thing' but a blind man can 'see' (inner eye) that there is massive change in our climate globally. Humanity needs to take action to address the causes and the effects. The climate situation does not have to be 'branded'. I do not need a Scientist to explain to me that which is obvious to the eye. Our global climate has and is changing. Maybe there is a conspiracy theory to pseudo-explain this happening event. Like it or not, it is happening.

The climate of the Earth is ALWAYS changing and in a state of flux, that is not the debate. The issue is whether man is the cause of this so called "warming" and what if anything we can do about it. (hint: we can't). With all due respect, your or anyone else's subjective personal observations are irrelevant to this scientific analysis that should and must be based on actual data that has been gathered over years, decades and even centuries to determine whether or not the Earth is actually in a warming or cooling phase and not merely going through a cyclical period based on the sun or other cycle of hot/cold periods that have been previously identified. (again based on the sun, or Earth's tilt, or some other physical phenomenon scientifically identified or not as of yet). So with this in mind, assuming there is NOTHING man did to change the climate and there is nothing he can do to stop this change, why would we spend billions/trillions of dollars to change something we have nothing to do with and can't change anyway? It makes NO sense from a logical viewpoint and ONLY makes sense from a greed and making money viewpoint (PS I'm all for Capitalism, but not crony-Capitalism based on lies, fear, made up data, gov't corruption and false science). BYW, if man really was the cause of climate change (NOT), then we could absolutely 100% stop any issue immediately and still keep our energy needs with the use of nuclear powerplants rather than fossil fuels....however, that is NEVER discussed by the screaming green environmental fanatic's which just goes to show how BS their argument actually is!

The best quote for preparation I've heard is:

"When did Noah build the arc"? . . . Before the flood, before the flood!

Again as per the above, why would you spend money on something that you haven't caused, can't control or stop and isn't a problem in the first place?
BTW, it's better to have the Earth a little warmer than a little colder, from humanities the research!

Re mRNA, medical, fatal disease preventative technology:

Call it a vaccine or call it a 'thing·u·ma·jiggy', it doesn't matter. It works. It prevents death. mRNA technology is going to treat mankind into the future. Protect your loved ones and get this code into your immuno-defense so that it prevents Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) which in essence is death by suffocation.

I have no problem using proven scientific advances but as with ALL scientific breakthroughs there is a time period where these things need to be vetted and extensively researched to make sure there are no long term consequences. That has NOT been the case here AT ALL and this is 100% true whether you like it or not. I would also agree that experimental drugs can and should be given (with the patients FULL CONSENT!) to those that could possible be the MOST affected (as in dying from) by a disease or virus, IF THEY choose to take it, again, that makes logical sense. But to give it to other people, with a less than .01% chance of dying from this virus and on a global scale, and in some area's making it MANDATORY, that is just reckless, unscientific, irresponsible and totalitarian.

Down the line as we learn more, we will know exactly the origins of CoViD19.

Yes, you mean like it being created in a Chinese lab, doing experimental bio weapons research (gain of function) in collaboration with the Communist People's Liberation Army, that was illegally being funded by Dr. Fauci and other traitor's?

I am not American, the World is lucky to have Dr. Fauci. He is educated, experienced, calm, pensive and a rock of sense.

He is incompetent (how many times can someone get something 100% wrong and still keep his job in any other field?), a liar, a criminal (if it's proven he funded the Chinese lab against US laws), in my view a traitor (helping a foreign gov't create biological weapons that can be used against us and the world), greedy and power hungry (see this video to learn more about Dr. Fauci: Pandemic Movie - Interview with Judy Mikovits PhD

This crisis will pass. 'This too shall pass'. Keep your head; stay cool, calm and collected!

This crisis will pass faster the sooner we get everyone in the global community protected.]

Sounds more like you want to drink the government cool-aid and bury your head in the sand, than actually get to the scientific truth (no matter where it may lead) about what they (media, politicians, academic's, etc.) are force feeding you into believing. But as they say, for some, I guess ignorance is bliss....fortunately there are some of us left that still believe in the freedom of individual thought and scientific proof!

Best wishes to all.

Thank you.
(08-31-2021 12:25 AM)mthomas Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-29-2021 08:41 PM)klubhammer Wrote: [ -> ]Lets break this down:

Re Climate change:

Climate change may not be a 'thing' but a blind man can 'see' (inner eye) that there is massive change in our climate globally. Humanity needs to take action to address the causes and the effects. The climate situation does not have to be 'branded'. I do not need a Scientist to explain to me that which is obvious to the eye. Our global climate has and is changing. Maybe there is a conspiracy theory to pseudo-explain this happening event. Like it or not, it is happening.

The climate of the Earth is ALWAYS changing and in a state of flux, that is not the debate. The issue is whether man is the cause of this so called "warming" and what if anything we can do about it. (hint: we can't). With all due respect, your or anyone else's subjective personal observations are irrelevant to this scientific analysis that should and must be based on actual data that has been gathered over years, decades and even centuries to determine whether or not the Earth is actually in a warming or cooling phase and not merely going through a cyclical period based on the sun or other cycle of hot/cold periods that have been previously identified. (again based on the sun, or Earth's tilt, or some other physical phenomenon scientifically identified or not as of yet). So with this in mind, assuming there is NOTHING man did to change the climate and there is nothing he can do to stop this change, why would we spend billions/trillions of dollars to change something we have nothing to do with and can't change anyway? It makes NO sense from a logical viewpoint and ONLY makes sense from a greed and making money viewpoint (PS I'm all for Capitalism, but not crony-Capitalism based on lies, fear, made up data, gov't corruption and false science). BYW, if man really was the cause of climate change (NOT), then we could absolutely 100% stop any issue immediately and still keep our energy needs with the use of nuclear powerplants rather than fossil fuels....however, that is NEVER discussed by the screaming green environmental fanatic's which just goes to show how BS their argument actually is!

The best quote for preparation I've heard is:

"When did Noah build the arc"? . . . Before the flood, before the flood!

Again as per the above, why would you spend money on something that you haven't caused, can't control or stop and isn't a problem in the first place?
BTW, it's better to have the Earth a little warmer than a little colder, from humanities the research!

Re mRNA, medical, fatal disease preventative technology:

Call it a vaccine or call it a 'thing·u·ma·jiggy', it doesn't matter. It works. It prevents death. mRNA technology is going to treat mankind into the future. Protect your loved ones and get this code into your immuno-defense so that it prevents Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) which in essence is death by suffocation.

I have no problem using proven scientific advances but as with ALL scientific breakthroughs there is a time period where these things need to be vetted and extensively researched to make sure there are no long term consequences. That has NOT been the case here AT ALL and this is 100% true whether you like it or not. I would also agree that experimental drugs can and should be given (with the patients FULL CONSENT!) to those that could possible be the MOST affected (as in dying from) by a disease or virus, IF THEY choose to take it (and know all the risks, potential side effects and agree to assume this risk on their own, given the alternative), again, that makes logical sense. But to give it to other people, with a less than .01% chance of dying from this virus and on a global scale, and in some area's making it MANDATORY, that is just reckless, unscientific, irresponsible and totalitarian.

Down the line as we learn more, we will know exactly the origins of CoViD19.

Yes, you mean like it being created in a Chinese lab, doing experimental bio weapons research (gain of function) in collaboration with the Communist People's Liberation Army, that was illegally being funded by Dr. Fauci and other traitor's?

I am not American, the World is lucky to have Dr. Fauci. He is educated, experienced, calm, pensive and a rock of sense.

He is incompetent (how many times can someone get something 100% wrong and still keep his job in any other field?), a liar, a criminal (if it's proven he funded the Chinese lab against US laws), in my view a traitor (helping a foreign gov't create biological weapons that can be used against us and the world), greedy and power hungry (see this video to learn more about Dr. Fauci: Pandemic Movie - Interview with Judy Mikovits PhD

This crisis will pass. 'This too shall pass'. Keep your head; stay cool, calm and collected!

This crisis will pass faster the sooner we get everyone in the global community protected.]

Sounds more like you want to drink the government cool-aid and bury your head in the sand, than actually get to the scientific truth (no matter where it may lead) about what they (media, politicians, academic's, etc.) are force feeding you into believing. But as they say, for some, I guess ignorance is bliss....fortunately there are some of us left that still believe in the freedom of individual thought and scientific proof!

Best wishes to all.

Thank you.
Some of us older folks have perspectives which are VERY similar to that of the late, great George Carlin - simply because we've lived long enough to have observed what is real vs. what is NOT.

Within that number are those fewer folks who make the efforts to observe more widely and even to study in the aim of seeing more of 'the big picture'...and then=>

The very few others who are actually conscious of being 'watchers' as portions of their life mission here in this crazy world.

As to 'trust issues':

- Goobermints are mostly composed of politicians at their highest levels;

- Anyone who is that self-serving or very profit centered CANNOT be aiming for the well being of others;

- Most people are emotionally centered/motivated and thus do not seek verifiable facts;

- Those who have been trained by public schools have usually lost any true abilities they naturally once had to actually learn or to even employ reasoning;

- Those who expose themselves to the fear-centered mainstream media sources are usually too blinded by fears to see or seek beyond those (very popularized) fears;

- Those who have been successfully programed by any of the many methods in use are unable to exceed their programming or to even know what has been done to them.

Albert Einstein is credited with saying...
'We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them'

I add to the above that much blindness has nothing at all to do with eyesight.

Our minds can have great power, but only -IF- they have not been restricted by external means without our conscious consent.

My Best Wishes to ALL for Happiness, Prosperity and Perfect Health !!
mthomas, smithnowt, hello,

Thank you for your replies.

Interesting to observe the two dilemmas in parallel; Climate change and CoViD.

The argument:

Climate change as a natural phenomenon with no input by mankind and CoViD virus as a man-made laboratory virus with input from nature. Discuss.

Ultimately, to protect mankind, when this crisis is behind us, we are going to have to look closely at what is happening in virology labs all over the globe and how are they monitored, externally supervised and what security is in place.

Those of us lucky enough to live in Democratically governed States should remember that the people elect politicians who put themselves up for scrutiny and approval.

If 'George Carlin' is so disapproving of his government then why doesn't he put himself forward for election.

“I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
Evelyn Beatrice Hall

Thank you.

Be lucky.
Hey Klubhammer,
First off although we may already have a corpse running the White House, George Carlin was a comedian by trade and passed away in 2008.

"Ultimately, to protect mankind, when this crisis is behind us, we are going to have to look closely at what is happening in virology labs all over the globe and how are they monitored, externally supervised and what security is in place." - I fully agree and would add if Dr. Faucy had in fact illegally funded the wuhan lab (assuming it was the original source of the outbreak) against US laws regarding "gain of function" testing he along with his co-consprirator's need to be put in jail for a VERY LONG time. Then the whole concept of "gain of function" needs to be discussed as a scientific practice or banned like human cloning (in some countries).

"The argument:
Climate change as a natural phenomenon with no input by mankind and CoViD virus as a man-made laboratory virus with input from nature. Discuss."

The issues here and why they are discussed together is because there are huge amounts of discrepancy's involved with these issues and evidence of scientific fraud on a global basis. It is also relevant because governments are discussing spending massive trillions of dollars to pay for something that has not been scientifically proven to be actually relevant as well as trying to restrict individual rights that are again based on only subjective opinions and manipulated at best (out right lied about at at it's worst) scentific "data".

Again, as a thought experiment ask yourself if "man-made" global warming was truly causing the Earth to warm up and it was an existential threat to humanity, why wouldn't the world's scientists propose a quick, easy, tried, and true fix of nuclear energy which would still give us ALL our energy needs without the nonsense, power interruption, waste disposal nightmare of so-called "renewable" energy of sun/wind? (of course without any CO2 being released into the atmosphere, again, assuming that is the cause of "man-made" global warming.....which it isn't...or at least at this time hasn't been scientifically proven)
- Also, why would politicians propose an idea (carbon credits) that has absolutely NOTHING to do with solving climate change and EVERYTHING to do with the redistribution of wealth from rich/developed countries to poor/third world nations?
-Why have charts, graphs, data sets, historical evidence all been manipulated, changed, fudged, lied about, selectively sliced, diced, and strategically time set, made up, and "reevaluated...aka: changed the historical data" to better "prove" the outcome/theory they are trying to make? Why are they so afraid of the TRUTH?
- Why are scientists, medical doctor's and intellectuals all lying in the name of "doing the right moral thing" instead of performing their jobs which is to report the TRUTH, whichever way it might fall?
- Why are people like Al Gore, Dr. Fauci, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, etc., allowed to profit off policies they propose and enact? Doesn't this seem like an ethics issue, government misuse of position or a conflict of interest at the least? (on Wall Street that is called insider trading and people are put into prison for it)
- Why are businessmen called greedy and only out for profits in their own interests but we hold scientists up as angels who would never lie, makeup data, etc, when many are in fact dependent on government and educational grants and therefore they have a direct incentive to go along with any BS they are told to scientifically "prove". Are they not human's like businessmen with human frailties and vices? (also, as an added benefit they can "work" on BS science like climate change and measuring the temperature of the freaking oceans rather than doing real science like solving nuclear fusion (making it net energy gain and commercially viable...something that would take actual brain power, high level mathematic's and physic's, etc.)
- Why have politicians, the 1%, Tech CEO's, Hollywood actor's and other "intellectuals" all feel free to dictate and tell everyone else what to say and do, but then have a different set of rules for themselves?
- And lastly, I'll include this here because much of this shit (man-made global warming, mask mandates, carbon credits scams, green environmentalism, etc.) is left learning (socialist, communist, fascist....yes that is also on the left, antifa again on the left, etc.), but why do leftists still exist and try to impose their will on other's when they have not only FAILED every single time they have been in power but have also murdered close to 100 million people in the past century trying to force their marxist "utopia" onto everyone else?????
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