03-17-2020, 11:41 PM
Hello my brothers and sisters.
Please keep safe each and everyone of you.
I thought I would never be able to contribute to this community to the level offered by so many.
This post is most sincere.
I am a qualified Microbiologist with a B.Sc.,
As a microbiologist I have been analysing information about the Corona virus for weeks.
This is solid information. Do not wait to hear it from someone else to take action.
Re Corona virus transmission i.e. method of passage from person-to-person.
I want to tell you, in simple terms how to stop picking it up and how to stop passing it on.
* This virus is NOT airborne.
* If you come in contact with an infected person you pick the virus up by direct contact i.e. hand-to-hand (shaking hands) or by droplet water spray from their mouth to your nose, eyes or mouth.
* This virus survives in the wild for up to 13+ hours on hard, non-biological surfaces e.g shopping trolley handles, shopping basket handles, door knobs, toilet seats and handles, car steering wheels ..
* Humans pick it up on their hands and then pass it to their nose, eyes or mouth by their own hand.
* Stopping this passage, stops the virus getting into your body where it can go into 'manufacturing mode' and make you sick and contagious.
*Everyone needs to wear gloves.
*Latex gloves or plastic gloves e.g. Marigold kitchen gloves or garden gloves or regular winter gloves.
*The virus will stay on the gloves but it will stop you touching your face and allowing the virus into your body.
*Next everyone needs to wear glasses.
*Safety glasses or sunglasses or sports glasses to stop hand-to-eye contact.
Finally everyone needs to carry a tissue or tissues to avoid hand-to-nose contact.
This virus will die away if we keep it out of a host factory i.e. the human body
Thank you and good luck to everyone
Please keep safe each and everyone of you.
I thought I would never be able to contribute to this community to the level offered by so many.
This post is most sincere.
I am a qualified Microbiologist with a B.Sc.,
As a microbiologist I have been analysing information about the Corona virus for weeks.
This is solid information. Do not wait to hear it from someone else to take action.
Re Corona virus transmission i.e. method of passage from person-to-person.
I want to tell you, in simple terms how to stop picking it up and how to stop passing it on.
* This virus is NOT airborne.
* If you come in contact with an infected person you pick the virus up by direct contact i.e. hand-to-hand (shaking hands) or by droplet water spray from their mouth to your nose, eyes or mouth.
* This virus survives in the wild for up to 13+ hours on hard, non-biological surfaces e.g shopping trolley handles, shopping basket handles, door knobs, toilet seats and handles, car steering wheels ..
* Humans pick it up on their hands and then pass it to their nose, eyes or mouth by their own hand.
* Stopping this passage, stops the virus getting into your body where it can go into 'manufacturing mode' and make you sick and contagious.
*Everyone needs to wear gloves.
*Latex gloves or plastic gloves e.g. Marigold kitchen gloves or garden gloves or regular winter gloves.
*The virus will stay on the gloves but it will stop you touching your face and allowing the virus into your body.
*Next everyone needs to wear glasses.
*Safety glasses or sunglasses or sports glasses to stop hand-to-eye contact.
Finally everyone needs to carry a tissue or tissues to avoid hand-to-nose contact.
This virus will die away if we keep it out of a host factory i.e. the human body
Thank you and good luck to everyone