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Thank you for sharing the information in the previous post.

Is there any possibility you have 'web-link urls' to substantiate all the material posted, please? Were there links from the original material sent to you?

This virus and everything surrounding it, has us all, 'driven demented' (aka nuts)!

The day can't come fast enough when all this is behind us!

Thank you.

Greetings to You Klubhammer.

(09-16-2020 08:19 AM)klubhammer Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you for sharing the information in the previous post.

Anything I can share that exposes the plandemic's deliberate evils is a good thing, IMO.

I actually have ~30 pages of info collected and collated about all this:

Quote:Is there any possibility you have 'web-link urls' to substantiate all the material posted, please?

Have been tempted to make an ebook of it all - but with so many who willingly drank the koolaid and are in denial and fears, that strikes me as loads of effort for maybe a couple of readers ??

Nope - but have seen most of these facts headlined in many places since the info came to me:

Quote:Were there links from the original material sent to you?

Absolutely agree with you !! :
Quote:This virus and everything surrounding it, has us all, 'driven demented' (aka nuts)!
The day can't come fast enough when all this is behind us!

Sadly, even in using the verbiage 'this virus' tends to affirm that it exists at all - whereas even that may be a fiction given all the doubts and recent facts exposed openly by so many who are scientifically educated and thus able to post credible info.

Thanks once again for your kind reply Klubhammer !!
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OK Klubhammer, here's some good stuff with links for you.

Important disclaimer from me:
None of this is aimed at any sort of polytrickul nonsense;
My interest in this subject matter is aimed at stopping the harms to us regular folks WITHOUT regard for who sits in whichever office.
So I ask anyone inclined to respond to please leave your polytrickul opinions out of it.

CDC CORRECTS NUMBER OF COVID DEATHS IN US TO 9,210 (and even that is an exaggeration)

So you'e tired of hearing about Corona virus ?
Watch this - you haven't seen this before.
In just 7 minutes, this video by David Martin, Ph.D., National Intelligence Analyst, gives the most stunning evidence-based explanation for who created it and how they profited from it. 'The truth behind covid19 '

Idaho's House of Representatives Votes to End Coronavirus Emergency EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY

August 25, 2020

Flu d'État - Infiltration, NOT Invasion
Alexandra Bruce Breaks Down The Plandemic and Its Fallout Like No Other
(Actual info starts around 19 minutes)

Quote:"Governments love Pandemics...!", Robert F. Kennedy Jr shouted to hundreds of thousands of freedom loving people from around the world in the heart of Berlin. It has been decades since a Kennedy spoke the last time in this city in front of such a large crowd.

This next one is a download ~36MB.
The deceptions of Covid 19 broken down by  Dr Mohammad Iqbal Adil Consultant Surgeon NHS, UK.mp4
It is brilliant in that it is personally made by a very credentialled dr. who is clearly pointing out not only the goals in all this BS - but how exactly to 'follow the money' right to the controllers who are behind it.​​eon_NHS_UK_mp4

Bill Gates caught on video admitting his vaccine will CHANGE our DNA FOREVER:

And this last one...I'm not crazy about some of what it says - but it does have some interesting points stuffed into parts of it - YMMV:
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For anyone STILL living in denial of the facts, I suggest having a look here:
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(08-27-2020 10:39 AM)smithnowt Wrote: [ -> ]Yep:
(08-27-2020 05:31 AM)Rasur Wrote: [ -> ]...Since the beginning of August there is a rumor about new lockdown day 30.

According to the rockyfeller plan document that is labeled as 'phase 2'.
Very saddening.

Didn't find the document but the next date is 1 October
Greetings to you Rasur, and thanks for your reply.

The actual rockyfeller document and a link to it were posted here at BBHF a while back.

Here is some current info pointing to it again:

An article with a link to the actual PDF:


The PDF itself:


Word has it that today Spain is already seeing initiation of phase 2, very bad news indeed.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are at war!

You have to choose your side wisely.

The war; the war against dis-information, bull-shit versus Scientific fact.

The Info-demic.

Firstly, know this; Polio is a disease of the present not the past.

If you have never given a thought to the horrific disease caused by
the Polio virus, it is because your government has successfully
implemented a vaccine roll-out against Poliomyelitis!

My proposition is that any information that forwards an uneducated
view against vaccination is bull-shit and extremely dangerous.

It must be countered at every turn.

My position is objective and not making a personal attack.

I am defending Science.

I wish to acknowledge that through the history of vaccine development,
mistakes have been made and hard lessons have been learned.

The crux of getting out of this horrible pandemic is this;

I say vaccination is our only way 'back to shore'.

If you are an anti-vaxxer, what is your solution?

With the eyes of every Scientist on the planet analysing the vaccine
roll-out, please, present to us, one Scientist who will explain why
a vaccine should not be taken and what is the viable alternative?

Please note, neither goat's piss nor snake oil works . . .

Thank you.
Klubhammer -does- make one valid point in his reply=>
That there IS a war going on, and most folks are too terrified to face that since March 2020 it is a true world war and it IS using military assets and IS aimed at ALL people, world-wide.

Actual, biological warfare is actively in progress, and its targets are all non-combatants world-wide - that's right, just regular, average
You and me.
Yes - real, high tech biological warfare - actively in progress.

Since the above reply claims to be defending science - which is equally as corrupted as medicine is by now, and the exact reply has been posted TWICE offering refuting, emotionally based OPINIONS with no factual info to back them up at all - this reply is being posted at both threads and DOES have valid and credible references.

Before getting very factual and serious here, the following nonsence idea very much resembles what so very many folks are doing lately with their 100% emotionally (fear) guided opinions=>

[Image: 7aa3b2d5cdfc461c7f46d9f1be54c8d4-1.jpg]

I hope that at least gets a snicker or 2 !!

My efforts here do reflect very carefully upon the polio vaxx issue as well as vaxxing in general.

If interested to get FACTUAL about vaxxing, here is a share from 2020 that is very illuminating:

Quote:Viru Mania - How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense

Quote: A daily scan through the news gives the impression that the world is constantly invaded by virus epidemics. The latest headlines feature the human papillomavirus (HPV) alleged to cause cervical cancer and the avian flu virus, H5N1. The public is also continually terrorized by reports about SARS, BSE, hepatitis C, AIDS, Ebola, and polio. However, this virus mayhem ignores very basic scientific facts: the existence, the pathogenicity and the deadly effects of these agents have never been proven. The authors of Virus Mania, journalist Torsten Engelbrecht and doctor of internal medicine Claus Köhnlein, show that these alleged contagious agents are, in fact, particles produced by the cells themselves as a consequence of certain stress factors such as drugs, malnutrition, pesticides and heavy metals.

The central aim of this book is to steer the discussion back to a real scientific debate and put medicine back on the path of an impartial analysis of the facts. It will put medical experiments, clinical trials, statistics and government policies under the microscope, revealing that the people charged with protecting our health and safety have deviated from this path. To substantiate these statements, the authors cite dozens of highly renowned scientists and present approximately 1,100 pertinent scientific references.

The topic of this book is of pivotal significance. The pharmaceutical companies and top scientists rake in enormous sums of money by attacking germs and the media boosts its audience ratings and circulations with sensationalized reporting (the coverage of the New York Times and Der Spiegel are specifically analyzed). "The primary purpose of commercially-funded clinical research is to maximize financial return on investment, not health," says John Abramson of Harvard Medical School. Virus Mania will inform you on how such an environment took root-and how to empower yourself for a healthy life.

More science for you here====>

(07-26-2020 11:28 AM)ELVIS ZEPPELIN Wrote: [ -> ]COVID-19 Only Kills People Who Were Flu Vaccinated.

Judy Mikovits, Ph.D. is a cellular and molecular biologist,1 researcher and was the founding research director of the Whittemore Peterson Institute that researches and treats chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) in Reno, Nevada.

She is likely one of the most qualified scientists in the world to comment on this disease because of her groundbreaking research in molecular biology and virology.

Mikovits is absolutely brilliant, but like many gifted researchers, her complex discussions on science quite challenging for the average lay person to follow.

For this reason, I present her interview in a different format, cutting and splicing pieces together to present a more cohesive and coherent presentation of her many important points. I would encourage you to watch the initial, very short, videos first, so you will be well-grounded, and if you are motivated, watch the entire interview at the bottom of this article.

<.....snipped for brevity as the article quoted here is hugely lengthy.....>

Contaminated Cell Line Shared With Wuhan Biolab

According to Mikovits, one contaminated cell line is the Vero monkey kidney cell line called Vero E6, which was given by Fort Detrick — a U.S. Army Medical Command installation that hosts many of our national biological defense programs and houses the National Cancer Institute laboratory where she used to work — to the biosafety 4 laboratory (BSL-4) in Wuhan, China. This cell line is what the Wuhan lab used to grow and study coronaviruses, she says.

The Vero cell line is listed in the 2015 paper,8 “A SARS-like Cluster of Circulating Bat Coronaviruses Shows Potential for Human Emergence,” co-written by University of North Carolina researchers and Dr. Shi Zhengli, a Chinese virologist at the Wuhan lab who in 2010 published a paper9 discussing the weaponization of the SARS virus.

The contaminated Vero monkey kidney cells were also used in the production of polio vaccines, Mikovits notes. The original polio vaccines were passed through mice brains, as we didn’t have cell lines in the 1930s when that vaccine was originally developed. According to Mikovitz, the spread of this Vero retrovirus has occurred through laboratory workers and hospital caretakers for decades.


In the following quote I suggest being attentive to the portion which says this even if unwilling to read the entire quote:

Quote:Fact: Bill Gates polio vaccine in India has permanently paralyzed close to 500,000 children and harmed millions? more. He was asked to leave. The UN just came out and admitted that in Africa, the Gates vaccine was causing paralysis in ? (how many) people.

Here is the entire quote for you now:

(09-10-2020 07:13 AM)King Crimson Wrote: [ -> ]smithnowt: thank you for taking the time to try to wake people up.

In this culture today even when people are given actual facts, many just won't accept it. They have already made up their minds. So don't take it personally.

There are giant differences between the basement trolls - many who are paid to spread deliberate disinfo - and people whose consciousness is opening and beginning to question.

For those who don't know, the CIA has tens of thousands of basement troll around the world, as does Bill Gates, the pharmaceutical companies, the Soros crime ring and so on.

Vaccines are never, have never been, proven entirely safe and effective.

Fact: Bill Gates polio vaccine in India has permanently paralyzed close to 500,000 children and harmed millions? more. He was asked to leave. The UN just came out and admitted that in Africa, the Gates vaccine was causing paralysis in ? (how many) people.

Now if a normal, mentally balanced person realized they were causing harm they would stop what they are doing - but not this guy - nor his wife - and his organization - they just carry on.
If the sub-text of this does not resonate with a person - basically they are brain dead. They have no functioning thought processes.

Fact: Bill Gates is on record saying he is using vaccines in Africa to sterilize black women - who were not made aware of this. If this does not make him among the top racists in the world - I don't know what will. Where is BLM on this? Oh, that's right they get funding from one of his auxiliary financial shell companies.

In trying to put the pieces together, a person will be given the wrong pieces to play with - the CIA is a master at this, as is the Mossad, KGB, MI5-6 and so on...
They are even sponsoring websites giving out some pieces that fit, and some that don't, just to keep things confused.

Only complete fools, who are often troll critics, will throw out the entire picture because a piece or two doesn't fit.
So no apologies really needed.

You are a brave soul who is out there fighting even for those who choose to remain ignorant, even those demanding they are allowed to stay ignorant.
Even the best fighters 'throw air' - but when they connect it is a powerful thing.

You will never connect with everyone - but you are stirring up some peoples brain cells and down the road - and they may not remember where it came from - might just go 'hey something is not adding up here'.

So carry on my friend, there are millions of us on the same team.

all the best

Here is some history specifically regarding the original polio vaccine=>

Quote: There is grim historical precedent for allowing expediency to rule vaccine development. In 1955, the inactivated polio vaccine developed by Jonas Salk was declared “safe, potent, and effective” following the largest public health experiment in the nation’s history, involving more than a million schoolchildren.5 Within weeks, however, the miracle vaccine intended to end the scourge of polio stood accused of causing it. Years in development, the Salk vaccine had been rigorously tested in preparation for the massive trials. But the very success of these trials led to an understandable outcry for the immediate, but premature, public release of the vaccine. Five pharmaceutical companies were given Salk’s formula and left to produce the vaccine without significant oversight. As speed took precedence over caution, serious mistakes went unreported.5 One company, Cutter Laboratories, distributed a vaccine so contaminated with live poliovirus that 70 000 children who received that vaccine developed muscle weakness, 164 were permanently paralyzed, and 10 died

Offit P., The Cutter Incident: How America’s First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis. Yale University Press; 2005.

Specifically also in regards to the illness called polio, the very large original outbreak of it was later traced and proven to be closely related to the (insane) usage of DDT at that time, and it is also worthy of note that by the time the original vaccine was put into usage, the outbreak had already fizzled out on its own - but vaccine caused cases then arose.

There is very easily found, credible, factual scientific info clearly showing that a great many vaccine efforts have been total failures and have caused more harm than good, especially given that they pretty much all contain adjuvants based upon toxic mercury and aluminium compounds.

In the realm of well proven facts:
It has been exposed by medical doctors and scientists world wide that what is now being passed off as a 'vaccine' is NOT any sort of vaccine at all according to both the legal and medical defintions;
Rather, it is an MRNA delivery device aimed at making outside programming of the recipient's DNA possible as well as initiating the formation of a deadly (well proven) spike protein that has already caused a great many serious injuries and deaths.

With regards to the current world situation, I suggest the following is worthy of note:

Quote:Derrick Rossi - Mrna, The Pandemic Accelerator.

In 2008, Derrick Rossi began researching messenger RNA (mRNA), building on the long-ignored work of Hungarian researcher Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman, an immunologist at the University of Pennsylvania.

In 2010, he discovered that modified mRNA, the molecule that gives DNA instructions on how to behave, could be inserted into cells to produce proteins.

It was a finding that allowed him to make a biotech company in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with Timothy Springer, who like Rossi, was a professor at Harvard Medical school, and Robert Langer, an inventor, and professor at MIT.

In thinking of a name for the company, Rossi figured he had had a good name for his company since 2008, when his lab’s staff started experimenting with modified mRNA and referring to it, for short, as “mod RNA.”
Hence the name 'Moderna'.

This is enough (or maybe even TMI !!) for now - it is the wee hours here and there are responsibilities which I must attend to.

Please Note:
This thread and content is not meant to offend anyone.
The info shared is mostly based upon facts with sources included, and also sometimes from my personal experiences, observations and even opinions.

As said many, many times:
I mean no harm to anyone.

Everyone is welcome to contradict the info shared, provided that it is via healthy discussion and NOT personal attacks.
Everyone has their own opinions.
That does not mean conflict is OK, nor are personal attacks.
We all know by now that such nasty posts will be deleted by Omni Potens as a matter of forum policies.

So I request that everyone who will reply here to please provide helpful replies without attacking me personally.
Best Wishes to ALL for Perfect Health !!
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