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lets not forget that wearing the mask protect the OTHER person, not ourselves but it doesn't stop the spread of the virus. droplets from coughing and sneezing is only one of the ways.

it's funny how people look down on people who don't want to wear a mask. if people are so afraid of the outside world, maybe THEY should be staying at home. why put restrictions on others including healthy people? yes. HEALTHY PEOPLE. you and others seem to forget that the large majority of the world population are healthy. not only that, the majority are so healthy that even if they contract a virus like millions of people do every year, the overwhelming majority of that majority get a little sick, recover, and move on with their daily lives.

we've been shutting down businesses, we've been quarentining the healthy. we have forced healthy people to wear masks where they can't even spread the virus anyway no matter how hard they try because they don't have it that we have forgotten what the actual solution is.

there is a thing called darwin's theory and there really isn't any denying it. only the fittest survive. death is a part of life and natures cycle. when anyone has ever tried to fight against nature, they lose. they lose EVERY SINGLE TIME. people will still live and people will still die.

the fact that people don't accept this cycle of nature is the problem. we have to expect it and accept it. if people are old or have preexisting health conditions that they know about, AND ARE AFRAID of death or contracting a virus from the outside world........ STAY THE F*** AT HOME AND STOP BOTHERING OTHER PEOPLE IN HOW THEY HAVE TO WEAR A MASK JUST TO SATISFY YOUR PATHETIC PSYCHOTIC FEARS. how is that anyone elses problem. how is that someone elses responsibility?!? IT'S NOT!

people who live in fear all the time lead miserable lives. they truly do. let's stop them from spreading THAT fear virus to others. let's stop THAT for god sake.

micro biologist that doesn't know shit. i noticed you chose not to respond to my posts when you felt a need to respond to everyone else. i see your tail between your legs right now and all you got is a post of a 1:30 youtube video. you have no more words and have to let other people do the talking for you. i guess it's how it should be since you were posting so much b.s. in the past and misinforming people irresponsibly.....

i am still wondering how good of a micro biologist you were to go from that to losing money in forex. still wondering how that happened...... enlighten us..... you quit? you got fired and nobody would hire you? did you lie about being one? what's the story because what you said doesn't make a bit of sense

(08-07-2020 09:12 PM)klubhammer Wrote: [ -> ]Great insight, very educational. (1:29)
Can you say this all in German Language? :)
(08-07-2020 09:12 PM)klubhammer Wrote: [ -> ]Great insight, very educational. (1:29)

VERY bad advice !!

In our City we have to wear Facemask in Metro, Busses and Supermarkets...
If you dont waer a mask you pay 50 Euro !!!
Will you pay it for me? THAN I can wear no mask!

Not possible!
the point to the video was that people SHOULD wear masks. but it wasn't becasue of any law.

my point was the opposite but as you mentioned, a good citizen should follow laws or risk get fined or jailed and held captive for not conforming in being told what to do when in fact you didn't even hurt anyone. victimless crimes happen all the time and people get punished for things even when someone is just going about their every day business.

anyway, that's a lot of reps you got for someone without vip. gonna add more for ya and thanks for you contributions here.....
(08-08-2020 07:40 AM)California Kid Wrote: [ -> ]the point to the video was that people SHOULD wear masks. but it wasn't becasue of any law.

my point was the opposite but as you mentioned, a good citizen should follow laws or risk get fined or jailed and held captive for not conforming in being told what to do when in fact you didn't even hurt anyone. victimless crimes happen all the time and people get punished for things even when someone is just going about their every day business.

anyway, that's a lot of reps you got for someone without vip. gonna add more for ya and thanks for you contributions here.....

Thank you much for all!
Yes, my english is not good :) sorry.
Thats why I was first asking for german, but I can also use translator - thanks.
Well then:

[Image: 4ary7w.jpg]

And his entire family too - with the REAL vaxxine, publicly !!
(08-08-2020 10:31 AM)smithnowt Wrote: [ -> ]Well then:

[Image: 4ary7w.jpg]

And his entire family too - with the REAL vaxxine, publicly !!

Unless I am healthy enough, I - for myself will not take a Medicine for that.
Mr. Bill Gates and his Family should take this first.
We don't know the many disadvantages.

Will you?

Did you know or remember about CONTERGAN Tablets in the sixties?
From there comes out... spastic babies from this medicine!!!
Thank good my mother did not use this.
No medicine she took, so I was born normal and good.

Dont take any chemicals - if you must not.
It is very sad - almost shameful that my post specifically about that 100% evil man has been deleted from BBHF.

I have been anticipating and watching for such an action - and it is also why I have not been updating my curated lists here lately - too many trolls and apparently the trolls have someone's ear.

Providing good stuff for trolls and the grab&run lurkers is NOT what I've come here for, and if info that might just wake some folks up is removed - the other good stuff is equally unwelcome.
So guys, cases are increasing and look at the news:

Thousands of Swedes Got False Positive COVID-19 Result Due to Test Kit Fault

Since the beginning of August there is a rumor about new lockdown day 30.

Let's see.
(08-27-2020 05:31 AM)Rasur Wrote: [ -> ]...Since the beginning of August there is a rumor about new lockdown day 30.

According to the rockyfeller plan document that is labeled as 'phase 2'.
Very saddening.
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