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Full Version: #ThreadHealer ✧✧✧ I want you guys to ask me questions so I can help you find stuff!!
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I want you guys to ask me questions so I can help you find stuff!!
And ask questions about marketing! I am trying to be a healer and I love BBHF.
So TODAY! I am Thread healing.

Don't look it up, because I just invented it.

I don't know the rules yet, so let's try it out.

Thread healing is finding solutions to your problems. Now, I am probably not going to be able to find every product, but I can use my psychism to point you in a better direction for business/marketing.

Thread healing = Psychic Marketing Lady

Question example: Why didn't I make sales on my blog, yet?
#Thread healing: Because your competitor has 1000 words on their page and you have 100. BOOM- PSYCHIC HEALING

Question Example: Where can I find this Amazon book?
#Thread Healing: I can't find it, but you can easily go on their blog and find the same info and/or get a vcc and refund! BOOm! Psychic healing!

Upcoming 11-7-2018

Post 33-34

I Am Back! This is the new update for 11-7-2018 - Thread was moved-Now It's moved back to it's home - it's time to get to work!
Sorry for the delay guys on the request, I ws trying to get the thread moved back. There will be some new updates today. I will try to find some request in the request section, as well as the request on this thread! <3 HERE WE GO!
P.S We still have 1 challenge to conquer. KALASAMAGA Challenge

NEW UPDATE (11-7-2018): By the way, I want to try this challenge where I help you guys find courses/books to. don't be afraid to ask. I can take it!
NEW UPDATE (11-7-2018): No more hacking questions!!!! EVA!! NEVER MF EVER! ANNNNNNDDD some requested courses will be found in the "general" request section - then posted here.
Course Request:

Easy Local Cash aka Google Maps Cash (Found on post 26)
Virtual Freedom: How to Work with Virtual Staff to Buy More Time - Chris Ducker (Found on post 30)
Quantum Manifestation Code (Found on post 47) - Props to layna61524


>>>KALASAMAGA Challenge, 10x copywriter and BRKO Youtube Course: Rules on post 21 foor KAKASMAGA (in process)
Goal: Free #Threadhealing guide that shows how to steal international competitors for all affiliate marketing (using clickbank or Amazon as an example) Watch the PDF being born
SCORE: REACHED questions

No more PMs- I will PM if needed - I will ignore the F**k out of you,don't do it! thanks loves <3
That is not a question Edgey! Do it right! I'm hella serious!
I can find stuff guys, for real.
Help me find the girls in your avatar Happydance
And PM me their info...
Let's start with that!

ok! Challenge Accepted!
I found the source.

Marcel Woods - Monotone (Jordy Lishious TMAO Remix)
W&W - The Code

Not their numbers dude, just go to edc and get girls acting like this.
You can find similar girls at EDC here:

P.S this ones funny
Let's go people! I am ready for Another one!!!! :D
Hi Social Frankenstein!

Here's my question:

If one writes a book about failure and it doesn't sell, is it a success?

Also, why don't we ever see ads for advertising companies?

I anxiously await your reply.
It's still a success because you attempted/tried. It's a failure if you stopped attempting. Think of it like existence or birthing a baby. You have sex, you don't get pregnant - but you really want a baby. You keep trying and then you have a baby. SO birth your book man.

Honestly, if it were me, I would make hype about it and get reviews, so people at least have some social signals to make it "look" like it's the shit. Even if its made up.

If you quote jerry Seinfield, you can see lib.uts results of various peoples answers. :)

My opinion, I don't think that's true, because you see the advertisement in digital marketing rewards all the time. They show their "best ads" for advertising companies as well - not as often, but they do. It also depends on the structured affiliation over media for that brand.

but! If you were to go to quora, it would say "Media owners do advertise but both media agencies and ad agencies think that every ad they make for their clients in fact also shows there abilities.One of the slight reasons some clients distrust agencies sometimes is the fear ad people are trying to have their own ambitions in mind with more risky and creative concepts that can win awards and get the public talking.
The only place ad agencies ever advertise are marketing magazines and creative award booklets. Ironically it's considered the best ad agencies should never advertise"

Quoted by Tom Goodwin
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