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Full Version: #ThreadHealer ✧✧✧ I want you guys to ask me questions so I can help you find stuff!!
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Yeah, tell me the fastest way to sell real estate?
Would really appreaciate it.
@Social Frankenstein PM me when you post the guide.
Thanks in advance
Hello ,can you pls help me find systems and trafic by jason haris and Easy affilate bucks by brko banks ?
Thanks for kicking off this awesome thread.

Do you know of any plugin/softwareI can use to sort etsy sellers by number of orders?

Thanks in anticipation
Okay; here's one...

I've been searching for this book for years and can't find it. It is called Paperless Newsletter Publishing, co-authored by Terry Dean and Monique Harris. It's from the late 90s I think. I had a hard copy gifted to me by Ms. Harris herself for a kindness I extended to her.

While my copy (long since lost in a couple of house moves) was paper-and-ink, I'm certain there was an electronic version of the book being sold.

Only recently, I emailed Terry Dean about it and got back a one-sentence reply that read: I haven't sold that title in many years.

Here is a link where some guy refers to it but there's no link to a sales page:
Magic Button :

If you go to the site referred to in that article (, the domain is up for sale!

I've tried open directories, a Google search and other methods.

Is this the type of thing you're referring to when you say you can find stuff...?

Hi loves, I am back will update everything soon. I have been mad busy with school, but I didn't forget you guys
can you help me finding this one?

that would be great?
Can u find me a download link of the updated version of Tyler's McGinnis React Fundamentals course? I cant find it nowhere.
(10-07-2018 02:25 PM)Social Frankenstein Wrote: [ -> ]Hi loves, I am back will update everything soon. I have been mad busy with school, but I didn't forget you guys

Hi Social Frankenstein,

Yes, please please please, can you find THIS?



(10-01-2018 07:21 AM)layna61524 Wrote: [ -> ]Okay; here's one...

I've been searching for this book for years and can't find it. It is called Paperless Newsletter Publishing, co-authored by Terry Dean and Monique Harris. It's from the late 90s I think. I had a hard copy gifted to me by Ms. Harris herself for a kindness I extended to her.

While my copy (long since lost in a couple of house moves) was paper-and-ink, I'm certain there was an electronic version of the book being sold.

Only recently, I emailed Terry Dean about it and got back a one-sentence reply that read: I haven't sold that title in many years.

Here is a link where some guy refers to it but there's no link to a sales page:
Magic Button :

If you go to the site referred to in that article (, the domain is up for sale!

I've tried open directories, a Google search and other methods.

Is this the type of thing you're referring to when you say you can find stuff...?

I would also like to see this. What do you say, ThreadHealer. Are you able to help with this? Thanks.
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