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Full Version: #ThreadHealer ✧✧✧ I want you guys to ask me questions so I can help you find stuff!!
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Say Social Frankenstein,

You think you can find this for me? Maximum reps if you do:
(11-08-2018 07:45 AM)noob14 Wrote: [ -> ]I wouldn't mind seeing this:

Hi Social Frankenstein,

It's been 2 months since this was requested, can you please try again to find it?
Hello please can you find for me a very good content creator?
Any chance of getting this now? Thanks

@noob14: "I wouldn't mind seeing this:

(11-08-2018 10:55 AM)Social Frankenstein Wrote: [ -> ]Hi @noob14 its too fresh. Give it 1 more month.
Don't know if you found this yet, so here is a link to a thread where you can grab a mega link:
I'll PM you to make sure you got this...

(02-25-2019 11:24 PM)mthomas Wrote: [ -> ]Any chance of getting this now? Thanks

@noob14: "I wouldn't mind seeing this:

(11-08-2018 10:55 AM)Social Frankenstein Wrote: [ -> ]Hi @noob14 its too fresh. Give it 1 more month.
Not sure if your Avatar is where I first saw this, but these are the 'highest' chicks still on their feet I've ever seen! Hilarious and sad all at once![/align]
(09-04-2018 02:47 PM)f@ckgurus Wrote: [ -> ]Help me find the girls in your avatar Happydance
And PM me their info...
Let's start with that!


@ f@ckgurus, That's too funny!

@Social Frankenstein

Yeah for real your avatar gives me a feeling
of an epileptic seizure coming on,

...yet I can't seem to look away from it...
thanks buddy, great share. repped

(09-15-2018 12:26 AM)Social Frankenstein Wrote: [ -> ]Found for thread
Virtual Freedom: How to Work with Virtual Staff to Buy More Time - Chris Ducker
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