(11-02-2018 10:11 AM)blacknite123 Wrote: [ -> ]Please provide licences for windows 10 pro 64 bit - with discount- thanks
Re" Please send the Discount payment link!"
(11-02-2018 10:40 AM)GAX Wrote: [ -> ]Please send me the payment link for Windows 10 Pro. Thanks!
The Windows payment link sent
Thank you
Have an outstanding day!
Please provide licences for windows 10 pro 64 bit - with discount- thanks
Re" Please send the Discount payment link!"
Thank you for the purchase of
Windows 10 Pro.
New Terms: From 25 Oct 2018 onwards, we are offering a volume licensing key for
all pro version. Each key is tightly control and headcount, the key need to be enabled in the Microsoft Licensing Portal. The Windows OS key for pro version will never expire.
Besides that, we have a service contract with Microsoft so we can get help/assistance from Microsoft if anything happens.
FAQ: New Teams For Pro Version Only
i) For Windows 10 Pro, the mainboard/motherboard will register and remember the activation key, so after reinstalling it will automatically activate.
ii) For Windows 7 Pro or 8.1 Pro, you can activate it again regardless you restore it from the recovery image or fresh install.
iii) What if the hardware spoiled, hard drive corrupted etc? Can both Windows OS and Office be reinstalled and Reactivate without a problem?
Ans: Yes no problem at all for all Pro version
Have an outstanding day!
Please send payment license link for Windows 7 Pro- " Please send Discount payment link!" thanks
(11-04-2018 12:23 PM)blacknite123 Wrote: [ -> ]Please send payment license link for Windows 7 Pro- " Please send Discount payment link!" thanks
The Windows payment link sent.
Thank you
Have an outstanding day
Side Note: 2 days Login to BBHF is hard. Page loading is slow. Same even after rebooting my router. But visit other sites, loading is fast. Dunno why?
Thank you for the purchase of Windows 7 Pro.
Kindly use the download link we sent to you to install.
As we said, all Pro version for Windows 7/8.1 and 10, the key never expire.
Have an outstanding day!
Please Discount link mate.
Please send me discount link for Windows 10
The Windows OS payment link sent.
Thank you
Have an outstanding day!
Please provide licences for windows 10 Home Single Language 64 bit - with discount- thanks
Re" Please send the Discount payment link!"