The payment link sent.
Thank you
Have an outstanding day!
Please send the $3 Discount payment link!
(10-12-2018 08:08 PM)lazyDum Wrote: [ -> ]Please send the $3 Discount payment link!
The payment link already sent.
Thank you
Have an outstanding day!
Attention to those who bought the bundle package which came with a customs office 365 from us. Because of circumstances, unwanted things can happen like hard drive spoiled, forgot password etc, the password can be reset ONLY for custom office 365 and strictly on your request.
Thank you for attention
Have an outstanding day!
Please send the Discount payment link
(10-18-2018 08:59 PM)AboveAverage Wrote: [ -> ]Please send the Discount payment link
Sure, the Windows payment sent.
Thank you
Have an outstanding day!
Note: To BBHF's members' question, this BSO thread is up to date replied, therefore, I will keep providing the Windows OS.
how much for 10x win 10 pro keys?
Please send discount key, thanks!
Thank you for the purchase
Have an outstanding day!
(10-20-2018 03:57 PM)xrayden Wrote: [ -> ]how much for 10x win 10 pro keys?
Thank you for inquiry.
Are you sure you want to get 10x Windows pro keys, we do NOT advise to keep stock? Windows Os key must be activated within 7 days and also for our better control of the keys sold.
Thank you
Have an outstanding day!