AS the title says if you’re having issues with large mega.nz files and can’t get them downloaded here is some simple help for you.
Use jdownloader2 and you shouldn’t have any problems.
You ARE using jdownloader2 right?
Magic Button :
This is just mega files but you can download from anywhere!
Have jdownloader2 running and copy your mega link:
i.e. the link to the share and NOT the link after you get there.
Then just download with jdownloader2 as normal.
Yes mega will restart broken downloads.
Magic Button :
Jdownloader2 shows detections but look at the community score. (+70)
I have been using it for years with no problems whatsoever!
Would I risk my REP and standing in BBHF if there was anything wrong with it?
(as long as you get it from the link above)
Run it in a VM if you don't trust it but either way it is too good to pass up!
6 engines detected this file
SHA-256 4ea621eddfa6385eee5855d2539c1911c3dcd41e87511a7665b47c211b7d581f
File name Install JDownloader.rar
File size 243.11 KB
Last analysis 2017-09-22 09:39:04 UTC
6 engines detected this file
SHA-256 4ea621eddfa6385eee5855d2539c1911c3dcd41e87511a7665b47c211b7d581f
File name Install JDownloader.rar
File size 243.11 KB
Last analysis 2017-09-22 09:39:04 UTC
Hi ratzazz!
Get the Megasync software from their website.
The free version has an download allotment of 1.5G downloading ever 5 hours.
It is better for huge files.
Good luck.
(04-23-2018 03:16 AM)aleale Wrote: [ -> ]Hi ratzazz!
Get the Megasync software from their website.
The free version has an download allotment of 1.5G downloading ever 5 hours.
It is better for huge files.
Good luck.
(04-23-2018 03:16 AM)aleale Wrote: [ -> ]Hi ratzazz!
Get the Megasync software from their website.
The free version has an download allotment of 1.5G downloading ever 5 hours.
It is better for huge files.
Good luck.
@ratzazz: Thanks for the post. I'm interested in getting a clean version of JDownloader. I must side, however, with Crywolf. I used the link in your post, and here's what I got in Virus Total:
I was surprised because I scanned the file locally using Avast anti-virus and it came back clean. Only after I put it in Virus Total did all these (obviously hidden) nasties come up.
Maybe you can provide a virus scan to show us because I thought it was required as part of a post.
I was on the lookout for any alternate links in the download since you replied to CryWolf that he downloaded the wrong file. There were no other options.
I thank you for energizing my interest in JDownloader, because I'd love to have it work the way you describe in your post for large mega.nz files and those hefty gigabyte downloads in Group Buys, etc.
If you tell me how to access a clean install of JDownloader, I'd appreciate it.
(04-23-2018 03:16 AM)aleale Wrote: [ -> ]Hi ratzazz!
Get the Megasync software from their website.
The free version has an download allotment of 1.5G downloading ever 5 hours.
It is better for huge files.
Good luck.